Help with movie title!


Okay, i need help AGAIN!
This movie is about a poverty stricken family.
I think the father was a construction worker? I'm not sure. he got laid off
the mother died of Cancer (I think)
and they had two kids, a boy and a girl.
I remember a couple of scenes from the movie
One of them that i do remember was a scene of a little girl going home and her friend's parents give her a bag of apples. and someother stuff.
Then another one would be of when the father, desparate to find dinner, Diggs in a big dumpster outside of a restraunt or store. He brings home some Hamburger buns and they eat late at night.
At the end i also remember the little boy had hanged himself in either the closet or the shower.

It's a tragic movie, But i would like to see it again.

Thank you again Mark!