Movie Tab II


"A film is a putrified fountain of thought"

Giant man eating snake? Check
Crazy Jon Voight with a random bad accent? Check
Ice Cube as a ganster in the amazon? Check
Owen Wilson getting swallowed alive? Check
Danny Trejo? Check
Conclusion: Anaconda=Awesome

And I think it's time for me to come clean. I've tried to fight it but I think it's time to stop lying to myself. I love Jennifer Lopez's movies. I've seen all of them except Gigli or Jersey Girl(which may be the reason I still like her), and thoroughly enjoyed them all. Yes, even Monster In Law. And Angel Eyes, The Cell, Anaconda, and Out of Sight are some of my favorite movies. whew, glad i got that off my chest

Death Note? The TV show?
I think he means the movie based on the TV show, which kicks serious friggin ass.

The Bishops Wife (Henry Koster-1947)

This is another one of those absolutely classic Christmas tales that in my mind gets overlooked. It's A Wonderful Life is a movie that just about everyone has seen but have you ever seen this one? No? You should...

One very good reason to see this is Cary Grant, David Niven and Loretta Young, just a sparkling cast to say the least. You may also recognize young George Bailey and little Zuzu if you're paying attention. Also Its every bit of an amazing story as It's A Wonderful Life, a simple story. One of love and faith in mankind and even faith in angels and God. What does a Bishop (David Niven) do when he's faced with an angel face to face? Talk about a test of faith! Angels are to be believed in not seen in the flesh.

Much like It's A Wonderful Life, this is a story about a man who needs and asks for help. He receives it in the form of an angel named Dudley (Cary Grant) who not only helps out the Bishop but helps several other people in the town as well. Another interesting development is when Dudley begins to fall in love with The Bishops wife, (hence the title, dig?) Loretta and Cary have several very fun and lighthearted scenes together that I feel never cross the line that so many other films do today when it comes to infidelity and marriage.

Below is one of my favorite scenes from the movie, I checked you tube and the whole film is there so if you like it I strongly urge you to check it out.

We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Welcome to the human race...
I think he means the movie based on the TV show, which kicks serious friggin ass.

I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Leon: The Professional -

Despite what many may think, I really don't like giving out so many perfect scores. But this movie has just hit me, I'm actually really in a pickle right now, because I think I may like this more than I like Mystic River, and I wish my favorite movie really wouldn't change so much. But this movie was definitely amazing, I got so into it that I couldn't even pause it. I'm actually surprised that it lived up to my expectations before watching it, because I've had some movies before that I've seen with expectations this high, but when I finally got to watch them, I was a little disappointed. This one definitely didn't disappoint me though, my only thing I didn't like was that I wish Gary Oldman would have more screentime, I mean he was in the begining some and was in most of the ending, but he really wasn't in much of the middle. But that's not gonna affect my rating at all, because Jean Reno and Natalie Portman do such great jobs in their characters. Even though he wasn't in as much of the movie as I hoped, my favorite character was still Stansfield, who was Gary Oldman's character. I think he's gonna make it pretty high on my favorite character's list. The weird thing is I see this movie high on a lot of people's favorites lists, but I like never hear any talk about this at all. I think this has to be the most underrated great movie. I loved how it was a mix between two film genres, because it was really an action-filled drama. But anyone even sorta interested in seeing this, I highly suggest you do, because it's definitely an amazing movie. And I think this is a movie that everyone can enjoy, and because of all of that, I think that makes this my favorite movie of all-time, but I'll have to give it a rewatch before I officially put it at that spot on my favorites list, so right now it's just gonna stick in my top 5 at least.

If you like that then I hope you check out La Femme Nikita soon... the movie not the show. Luc Besson is one of my favorite directors. He also did The 5th Element I might add another movie that's high on my list of faves.

If you like that then I hope you check out La Femme Nikita soon... the movie not the show. Luc Besson is one of my favorite directors. He also did The 5th Element I might add another movie that's high on my list of faves.
I'll be sure to check out La Femme Nikita soon, I'm not sure about the 5th Element though. I've heard mixed things about the 5th Element, and I'm usually not too big of a fan of sci-fi movies.

Harvey -

What a great, fun, imaginative movie. Jimmy Stewart is such a great actor... one of my favorites. This movie makes me happy.

Let's try to be broad-minded about this
Anaconda (1997) -

Great great fun, Jon Voight was THE best part

It (1990) -

The concept was THE coolest part of this movie. It was just...not scary but it definitely could have been terrifying, i'm going to read the book now because i know that my brain can come up with some scarier visuals than Tim Curry

9 (short film) -

I was watching the trailer for the new feature length movie of this on trailer addict, then I found that trailer addict had to whole original short film on there as well, so I decided to watch it. It's a very interesting concept, the animation in it was great, I may even go as far to call the animation in it amazing. It had a very dark feel to it, I'm really looking foward to seeing the whole feature length movie when it comes out now, because the animation in tha trailer looks just like the animation in the short. And it's by the same creator of the short film, so if he can make a feature length movie like the short, then the movie has chances of being amazing.

Seven Pounds

This movie is excellent!!!!!!!!!Seven pounds makes you look at life in a totally different way!Will smith at his finest!!!Rosario Dawson's best role yet!Barry Pepper and Woody Harrleson have small but potent roles in this life altering film!It has a Crash type feel with the element of a surprise ending like The Sixth Sense.This movie has you guessing the whole time.It has a sad but feel good vibe. I know that does not make any sense but you will understand when you see it.Must see movie!!!!!!!!!

I give Seven Pounds

Stallone is my hero!

Profondo Rosso aka Deep Red (Dario Argento 1975)

I saw a heavily cut version of this on video ten years ago and thought it was an incoherent mess. The BBFC had pretty much censored all the violence reducing an already truncated print of Argento's masterpiece to disjointed nonsense. In the last few years the UK censor has been relaxing a little thus waiving all previous cuts on some of the older nasties (most recently Wes Craven's The Last House On the Left). Profondo Rosso or Deep Red as it's better known outside Italy is one such film that has benefited from the new ever so slightly more liberal BBFC (I still got the R1 Blue Underground release though). The film has also been helped by Argento and Co (one of his cameramen and closest friends) restoring the film to it's former glory, and adding over twenty minutes to its running time in the process. The end result is a bloodier, scarier, much more coherent treat and must see for fans of both arthouse and horror.

Often labelled the king of the Giallos, Deep Red is a murder mystery/detective story revolving around Marcus (David Hemmings) a concert pianist who witnesses the brutal murder of a famous clairvoyant. Marcus becomes obsessed with uncovering the identity of the killer but endangers himself and his closest friends in the process; many of whom are themselves murdered. With the help of Gianna (Daria Nicoladi who would later become Argento's wife) an attractive young journalist, Marcus gradually begins to piece things together.

If all that sounds familiar and, well, let's be honest, done to death, then that's because the story isn't (or wasn't) really anything new. It's in Argento's expert use of color, brilliant photographic composition, crudely effective editing and sweeping grandiose camera work wherein lies the brilliance of Deep Red. It's a style often heavily reminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock (there are some expertly crafted scenes of suspense in this movie that are pure Hitchcock) and Mario Bava (the lush color saturated visuals and expert use of shadow) coming together to form a delicious Baroque nightmare. Add in the memorable atmospheric prog rock Goblin score and the resultant film is an unforgettably effective balancing act of tawdry trash and virtuoso high art.

It was great to finally see Deep Red as Argento intended it to be shown. I still found the narrative a little confusing at times (Tenebre is his most coherent movie), but overall the film more than held my attention, and was for the most part highly entertaining (despite being very talky in places). Argento throws in some great red herrings and one unexpected twist ensuring Deep Red remains intriguing and suspenseful right up to the final frame. Really though this is all about visual brilliance and sadistic violence if truth be told. Yes it's style over substance, but it's style over substance the Dario Argento way, which is pretty much the best kind.

*I was pleased to discover that the Blue Underground release of Deep Red does in fact have both the English and Italian soundtracks. This review is based on the subtitled Italian version.

I hate you a little bit... I've only seen the cut up crap version. I'm really glad that there's a new and improved version out there. I can't wait to see it.

I hate you a little bit... I've only seen the cut up crap version. I'm really glad that there's a new and improved version out there. I can't wait to see it.
You wont be disappointed, I absolutely loved it and was genuinely freaked out in a couple of scenes (especially at the end). The photography and camera work in this movie is simply stunning; plus the set design is to die for, almost on a par with Suspiria (still my fave Argento movie).

Yes Man

Slumdog Millionaire

Taken (2008)