Movies that are so bad they are good


Now With Moveable Parts
Originally posted by Mary Loquacious

Superstar, the Molly Shannon-Mary Katherine Gallagher-SNL vehicle. I laughed so much I cried--this movie also gets my vote for Best Use of a Night Ranger Song.

I love Molly Shannon. I'm a huge fan. She one of those female comedians that take risks. I don't know if I'd be so willing to fall down in that little plaid skirt and show the world my granny undies!

" Sometimes, when I'm nervous; I stick my hands under my arms...and smell this **sniff** pretty gross, I know."

Molly was like a female Chris Farley--the physical humor, the complete lack of bodily self-consciousness. She will be missed on SNL, for sure.

One of my favorite Molly characters: the "I'm fifty!" lady.
You were a demon and a lawyer? Wow. Insert joke here."

A movie that was so bad it was good was Freddy got Fingered. That movie was really bad but upon exiting the theater I thought to myself, "That was the funniest movie ever!"
Who else agrees?
Seeing is believing, but hearing is just a way to pass the time because you don't want to wake up in the morning.

Registered User
i do freddy got fingered is terrible but awsomely funny... the part with the horse had me crying with laughter

The scene with the leg injury the part where there showing the Zebras in america bit and the part where there in the resteraunt, these are the funniest moments in cimema history.
I'm gonna go rent this movie tonight.

"Daddy, would you like some sausage? Daddy, would you like some sau-sag-ges?"

That movie swept the Razzies this year, and I heard that Tom Green was actually there to accept the awards--that guy... I tell ya...

Critters 1 & 2, I haven't seen the thrid or fourth films, but the first 2 were great!
I guess irony can be pretty ironic sometimes - Buck Murdoch

Now With Moveable Parts
Originally posted by werewolf
A movie that was so bad it was good was Freddy got Fingered. That movie was really bad but upon exiting the theater I thought to myself, "That was the funniest movie ever!"
Who else agrees?
Okay. I hope you're joking.

I dunno, Sades--personally, I felt Tom Green was robbed of a deserved Best Actor Oscar nomination. And the screenplay, so intricate and involved... also snubbed, while by-the-numbers pap like Memento gets nominated. Up yours, Academy!

Whew... I could barely even type that with a straight face...

Fez Wizardo's Avatar
Um Bungo! Um Bungo!

thank god that man hasn't got any kind of fan base here.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Are you talking about Tom Green or werewolf?

I find the 1998 disaster Godzilla to have its moments and actually be a not-bad movie. Same as Small Soldiers, if it wasn't considered a kiddie movie, it would have done better, IMO.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

Back with a bang!
I find most 80's action movies (especially sequels) to have lots of enternainment value. Examples: Red Scorpion, Tango & Cash, Rocky IV, and almost everything with Van Damme and Arnold. You can't possibly watch those movies without laughing out loud several times.

This is my first post here btw, hi everyone
Ride Johnny ride

Yeah spud, I think Small Soldiers was brilliant. I would never put it to this thread, I never found bad in it.
**** the Lakers!

Now With Moveable Parts
Originally posted by werewolf
The scene with the leg injury the part where there showing the Zebras in america bit and the part where there in the resteraunt, these are the funniest moments in cimema history.
I'm gonna go rent this movie tonight.
Sadly, Fezzie...Mary Lo...this post sounds serious.
I think some people were actually amused. I know, it's hard to believe...
Especially since I had to watch this movie as punishment for not remembering to put the DVD back in the case before I returned it. The clerks at the place I rent at get so creative...

Are you talking about Tom Green or werewolf?
Not the Wolf-Man. And I did laugh at FGF--I just don't hold it in as high esteem as the Wolf-Man seems to. And that's... okay. It's okay that we don't necessarily see eye-to-eye. Because we're both good enough, smart enough, and doggone it, people like us.

I find the 1998 disaster Godzilla to have its moments and actually be a not-bad movie.
I'll second that nomination, Spud. I had fun watching it, and my daughter, strangely enough, loved it. She loves all the Godzilla movies, but this one is her favorite. Tells you a little about my parenting skills, huh?

What's wrong with Freddy got Fingered???
It's not the best movie ever, but it was pretty damn funny.
If you saw it, and you didn't laugh at any scene, then you can bash it all you want.
As for me, I laughed myself into a seizure.

That movie was really bad but upon exiting the theater I thought to myself, "That was the funniest movie ever!"
I think people were picking up on this comment.

Now With Moveable Parts
Originally posted by werewolf
What's wrong with Freddy got Fingered???
It's not the best movie ever, but it was pretty damn funny.
If you saw it, and you didn't laugh at any scene, then you can bash it all you want.
As for me, I laughed myself into a seizure.
Call me crazy, but a man jacking off an animal or pretending to be inside a deer carcass, doen't strike my funny bone in any stretch of the imagination. I didn't even see what else the movie was going to insult my intelligence with, I pulled it out.

Look what this thread has come to... debating Freddy Got Fingered. I love MoFo.

Anyway, I did like the sausages thing, and the Backwards Man thing about made me fall out of my seat, but the rest of it was a little too much. The gross stuff worked so much better on his show than it did the movie.

So saith the shepard. So saith the Flock!

Hey, there's another great bad movie--Porky's II - The Next Day. Lacking the classic cult merit of the first, but so, so funny.

Now With Moveable Parts
What about The Lair of the White Worm? (Hugh Grant is in rare form! Gotta check it out!) Talk about your cult classics...or, has anyone seen Gothic? Whoo boy! (Gabriel Burn and an orgy-fest/horror movie!)