Best of Samuel L Jackson


\m/ Fade To Black \m/
What do you think are the best films Samuel L Jackson has been in?

Personally I think he is amazing in Pulp Fiction as Jules Winnfield,
The Negotiator as Lt Danny Roman,
Star wars episodes 1,2,3 as Mace Windu,
51st State as Elmo McElroy.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Little floppy, hoppy, bunnies!
PULP FICTION....need I say more and that comic book one....damn cant remeber the name of that movie!

Sam has been in a ton of really bad movies, but some good ones, too. For me the best are...


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"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

"THE SHARK ATE ME!!!!" lol j/k I enjoyed him in Pulp Fiction and Die Hard with a vengeance, Black Snake Moan was pretty great too thanks to him

Registered Creature
I liked him in Coach Carter. And as Nick Fury in Iron Man.

Registered Creature
Never seen Pulp Fiction. Don't think I'm allowed to, ha. But I will one of these days.

For some one who's been in alot movies,
not til I read this thread did I realize just how few of his flicks that I've actually seen.

Of the ones that I have seen, these are my fave, motherf#cker:*

5. The Negotiator
I walked into this movie film not expecting a bad film, but not expecting anything great either. Despite Samuel being teamed-up with Kevin Spacey, The Negotiator's theme seemed like a vehicle that's was trying to ride the successes of it's two lead actors who each had a popularity that seemed to be at it's pinnacle at the time. I think that, as a result of my low expectations, the high amount entertainment value which resulted from what at first seemed like a standard issue formula film came off as quite of a pleasant surprise. And maybe the formula is as firm in it's place as a formula, but Jackson's & Spacey's performances, along with supporting contributions by Paul Giamatti, David Morse & John Spencer, bring enough presence to this project to make The Negotiator a bit of escapist-fare of uncompromised entertainment value.

4. Changing Lanes
Will somebody please get these motherf#ckin' Afflecks offa these motherf#ckin' lanes!

3. Red Violin
This film probably goes against the asterexed rule that I've included at the bottom of this post, but it's such quality "independent(?)" movie, that I'll still officially include it in my list of favorite Samuel L. Jackson flix, yo.
It has a story hook that follows along the lines of one of those "follow the history" of a dollar/coin/ object that is continuingly passed from one person to another, each involving it's own unique plotline, & each centered upon the object of focus in some angulated manner. It's a technique that I've always had a liking for, & probably b'cuz , I've been lucky enough in that almost all of the ones that I have seen use this storytelling technique have been pretty well above average. All the stories are of a high quality & solidly crafted in it's linear structure.
And even though, Jackson is probably the most famous of the ensemble cast, he is still but one in an ensemble cast that, no matter which character role any of theses actors have in The Red Violin, the movie is strong enough for any of 'em to be proud to have this work included in their filmography.

2. Jackie Brown
A great vehicle for Pam Grier, Deniro does an awesome job "acting out-of-character", and of course, a slicked-back Samuel Jackson who is just downright mean. (also adding to JB is the fact that Bridget Fonda is simply fine as hell in this movie.)
IMO, the most under-rated of Tarantino's films.

1. Pulp Fiction
"What" ain't no country I ever heard of.

* (This is not including films where Jackson's role was that of either a minor one or a cameo, like Juice, Goodfellas or Jurassic Park.)
Right now, all I'm wearing is a mustard-stained wife-beater T-shirt, no pants & a massive sombrero.

Never seen Pulp Fiction. Don't think I'm allowed to, ha. But I will one of these days.
Wow, you're missing out, you need to see it.

Registered User
He's awesome, but as an actor his range doesn't stretch too much.

He usually acts on some spectrum of badass...but doesn't drift from that