Can anyone identify this movie?


Registered User
I'll really appreciate it if anybody can help me id this movie:
I recently watched about 30 minutes out it, but then it stopped and i didn't manage to catch the name of it.

it's about a female judge who makes friends with an ex-con (female). this girl helped her convict a pimp by using herself as a bait. this is about all that happened in that small period of time from the movie.
although there were a couple of scenes i do remember from that movie;
girl: what is your father?
judge: a judge.
girl: and your mother?
judge: a judge.
girl: how does that make you feel?
judge sobs: judged.
---remember it's all in french

in another nice scene you see the girl with a friend of hers lying down covered by towels in a steamed place. when they leave, you then realize that they were lying in a giant dryer in another friend's dry cleaning shop.

thanks a lot!

Registered User
Got it. Just bumped into another movie of hers.
The Name - "Filles uniques" (2003)

Thanks anyway