Which movie is better, and why?!


Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
Psycho. 'Nuff Said
I used to be addicted to crystal meth, now I'm just addicted to Breaking Bad.
Originally Posted by Yoda
If I were buying a laser gun I'd definitely take the XF-3800 before I took the "Pew Pew Pew Fun Gun."

Ok we need a new one.

The Dark Knight or Iron Man

I used to be a comic book collector, and other than X2 these two flicks were the best superhero movies ever. Spider Man 2 was good too. Hopefully the 3rd Batman movie will stay true, and not stink like X3 and Spidey 3, but I digress.

Iron Man or The Dark Knight........Iron Man. There was a certain energy and flow in that flick that made everything gel. Sure Ledgers Joker was the best performance of the two flicks, but whats Downey Jr a mortician?! Downey made a role with nothing to go on. You see Tony Stark is one of the most bland superheroes, and that zip was all Downey.

I just wanted to see more of Iron Man when it finished, and Dark Knight wasnt so fervent. I really wanted to see Jeff Bridges portraying a villain longer too! I couldnt believe it but Gwyneth Paltrow who Im very critical of was excellent. Terrence Howard meh! Id have casted Larenz Tate, but Howards competent.

Dark Knight at times was too dark and the storyline not as crisp. Simplicity works and Dark Knight felt a little muddled with Two Face intro. Though Dark Knight boasted heavy acting the leaner meaner storyline and cast of Iron Man won the day.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
They are both in my Top Five of the year, and I thought they were both just about as good as they could be. It's true that Iron Man is a half-hour shorter, and thus it could be considered tighter. I did think that TDK could have been trimmed a bit, but I still have to go with The Dark Knight because it just somehow had more resonance (although reading that now, it sounds pretentious; Iron Man has a helluva lot of resonance to our current world situation). Even so, I vote for The Dark Knight, at least at this time.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Well, I just watched my copy of The Demon; it's part of one of those nine-horror-movies-for-ten-bucks collections, which I only bought in the first place because it included Bava's Kill, Baby...Kill! and Argento's Deep Red. Although both the liner notes and Amazon.com list the release date as 1976, the fact that a billboard for The Amityville Horror appears in one scene confirms IMdB's release date of 1979, one year after Halloween. So let's just put the "Carpenter is a ripoff artist" to bed, shall we?
I stand corrected. I still don't like Halloween though.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

TDK Easily, Iron Man Was More Of A Fun Action Movie. TDK Was, As People Have Said, A Dark Crime Thriller. TDK Had Better Acting (Especially From Ledger), A Much Better Complex Storyline, And An Epic Ending. While Iron Man Did Probably Have More Action Than TDK, It Didn't Really Have Anything Better Besides That. TDK Was More Than Just A Superhero Movie, While Iron Man Was Just A Superhero Movie. But I Still Loved Both Movies.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
Tony Stark is one of the most bland superheroes, and that zip was all Downey.
Not really, Tony Stark was a great playboy character and was more invested in him, ten I was when he got that suit...

and TDK fo' sho'

You see Tony Stark is one of the most bland superheroes, and that zip was all Downey.
If You Wanna See Downey Zip, You Need To Go Watch Tropic Thunder.

Welcome to the human race...
I reckon a better comparison to make would be Batman Begins and Iron Man, but that's me.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Another pair that it's hard to choose between.
As has been said before, these are two very different types of movies; TDK is dark and brooding action film, and Iron Man is a much more comedic movie. Both provide plenty of action and good performances, but the feel of each is very different.

If I had to choose, though, I'd take The Dark Knight. The plot is more complex (not always a good thing, but in this case it is, IMHO), the characters are more interesting, and Heath Ledger's Oscar-worthy performance as The Joker is astounding.

I think Iroqouis is right, though, and the better comparison would be between Iron Man and Batman Begins: Iron Man has to incorporate the origin story into its plot line, and TDK does not. I think, though, I'd still probably take the Batman flick. He's just a more interesting character, as are the villains.

Welcome to the human race...
Pretty much. Although, since it's TONGO's thread and dictated most of the choices so far, I'll go for The Dark Knight, simply because it plays so differently to most superhero movies (even the "superhero sequels" of other franchises, e.g. Superman 2 or Spider-Man 2, which The Dark Knight does copy to a certain extent, but certainly not a strong one)

Iron Man is your stock-standard superhero movie. Better than most, definitely, but The Dark Knight just took the superhero angle in an entirely different direction and did it brilliantly.

^^^^ Sorry. Wasnt meaning to hog the choices, and its everyones thread. Ill chill.

I didnt pick Batman Begins because Id compare that to Spider Man both being released near each other. Btw Id give Batman Begins the nod in that matchup.

reservoir dogs circa 1881
not sure no denying tdk is an absolute gem its bittersweet payoff and star turn from ledger its gotta win hands down in terms of best to watch at the cinema tdk is what cinemas were made for but when they are released on dvd id have to say ironman will probabily get watched the most great turn by downey and a little more action wow this is hard but im gonna say tdk

This one is tough. They are both great movies. Iron Man, to me, has a bit better rewatchability. But The Dark Knight is very unique and has an Oscar-worthy performance in it (which is rare for superhero movies - in fact, I can't think of another performance in any other superhero movie that is Oscar-worthy).

The thing is that The Dark Knight has one major thing that I didn't like; Two-Face. I thought Aaron Eckhart did a good job pulling the character off, but I felt the design of his face, and placement of him in the film wasn't what it should have been.

Right now, I think I would rather watch Iron Man. That might simply be because I saw it once and a while ago, while I saw The Dark Knight 3 times and not that long ago, though.

First off, I already know that I suck at describing movies, or reviewing them in any way . . . So shush!

Jennifer 8 (1992)

Andy Garcia ~ Sgt. John Berlin
Lance Henriksen ~ Sgt. Freddy Ross
Uma Thurman ~ Helena Robertson
Graham Beckel ~ John Taylor
Kathy Baker ~ Margie Ross
Kevin Conway ~ Chief Citrine
John Malkovich ~ Agent St. Anne

Dead Again (1991)

Kenneth Branagh ~ Mike Church
Emma Thompson ~ Grace
Andy Garcia ~ Gray Baker
Robin Williams ~ Doctor Cozy Carlisle
Wayne Knight ~ 'Piccolo' Pete Dugan

I love both of these films, and if you haven't seen them, which may be the case more times than not during this set, then I highly recommend them to you.

As far as my vote goes, I choose Dead Again. It is a great suspense thriller, with plenty of story details to keep your attention, non-stop. A fabulous cast, and they all do a wonderful job with their characters.

Jennifer 8 also has a great cast, but it is more of a who done it, suspense thriller. It has nowhere near the twisted story that Dead Again has, but it is still a lot of fun trying to solve the mystery.

Both have a great, surprise ending, but again, Dead Again has much more detail with their's. This makes for a longer, more enjoyable ride getting there. Jennifer 8 has more of a quick, surprise ending. It's a damn good one, though.


American Gangster Vs. The Departed

For Me It Has To Be The Departed. While I Loved Both Movies, And Both Of Which Are Some Of My Favorite Movies, The Departed Is The Better Made Movie. To Me The Departed Is Made More Edgeier, And To Me Is Better. I Liked The Story Better And The Acting Better In The Departed. American Gangster Though Also Had A Great Story And Great Acting, But Overall I Think The
Departed Is The Better Made Movie.

EDIT: Damn Someone Beat Me To It.

Easy there Movieman let Destiny have her turn first. I like Dead Again and never saw Jennifer 8 btw.