Help! Cannot remember the names...


Hi everybody. First of all, sorry for my spelling mistakes, because I am not a native speaker in English.

When I was a kid, I remember that I watched 2 films, and now I am looking for them everywhere but, because I dont know thier names, I cannot find them. So maybe you guys can help me?

The first one was a ghost movie, but it wasnt a horror film. It was funny. There was a bus accident and a couple of the passangers died. 4 people; 2 women and 2 men. But before going to the death's world, they have to complete something in the world. So they are attached to a little boy, so he would help them to complete the works. Only the small boy could see them and talk to them, but because all of the other people thought that he is not normal, the ghosts stopped to be seen by him. So he grows up,forgetting about the ghosts, but they are still around him but he cannot see them. Finally the ghosts learn that they should have done something to go the deaths world, they became visible again to the man. And he tries to accomplish all their work. In the end I am not sure but I think all of them could go the other world.

The second film is really old and I only can remember a couple of things about it. There were some children and they all had white hair, they had an ability, they could see what the people were thinking. and they were really dangereous, I dont know why. But, in the end, the main character could put a bomb to where they lived, he had to think something else because the kids should not know what was going on. and, he had success, He destroyed the kids and saved the world =))

I know that these informations are not enough for the names, but maybe someone love one of them and knows it. Thank you.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
YES Prospero, that is right,

question is...

I used to be addicted to crystal meth, now I'm just addicted to Breaking Bad.
Originally Posted by Yoda
If I were buying a laser gun I'd definitely take the XF-3800 before I took the "Pew Pew Pew Fun Gun."

Yesss,oh my God! Yes, it is definetly that movie! Thank you =)) It is the remake one. Thank you, thank you =))

yes, it is also true. Thank you so much to all of you. You solved my life's riddle =)) thank you, thank you =)

I will, thank you for your hospitality =)