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Registered User
Ok, so the name is not the most creative in the world and probably not the easiest to market, but never mind that, this movie was amazing. They could have called it kittens playing with yarn balls and it would still have kicked ass. Full of action and a decent story line backed up by decent acting and brilliant dirrecting. The movie follows the quest of the confidante (almost cocky) race known as the "spartans". The king marches 300 of his best men into battle against an army of hundreds of thousands. The movie was very entertaining overall and fun to watch. I think its the movie that "TROY" tried to be, but failed at miserably.
i did enjoy the movie but also had the benefit of the history behind it, history is interesting. But 300 is misleading as there were actually around 7000, just they all weren't spartans, the life of a spartan was very tough to say the least, has anyone else seen the documentary on it. Worth a look, over all its not worth what the box office scores are recording. But to be a spartan... heck yea

This is a great movie. It's highly recommended. I really enjoyed the effects used in this movie. :-)

...loved loved loved this flick! so much so i saw it at the theater twice. i hope they make a sequel or some such soon.

Registered User
Great review.

Gonna go see this movie next weekend, cant wait.

Enjoyed the film, resented the underlying homophobia...
Uh, it wasn't exactly 'underlying' - it was pretty open and blatant...except for all the incredibly homoerotic imagery of oily, muscular men in loin cloths thrusting spears.

While, like many people, I found 300 to be both visually stunning and thrilling in the way that action movies are supposed to be (but usually aren't), at times the film tries to be more than what it is, and comes across as both confused and pretentious. In particular, the attempts to force the essentially fascist Spartan worldview inside the box of modern neoliberalism was painfully forced. Not surprisingly, 300 is at its most naturalistic and inviting when celebrating eugenics, homophobia, militarism and thinly veiled racism and at its most awkward when pimping 'freedom' and 'liberty.'

Please define Homophobia...fear of gays? Right? Or fear of homosexuals? Or fear of something different? Wth does this mean here. Can a man not look at another man and say hey, he is well built without being gay? Just asking. Whatever. Guess I am a homophobe although one of my children is homosexual and I support them in everything they do. Sometimes a phobia is just the opposite.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

I dunno, disparaging references to 'Those boy lovers in Athens' seem to go a bit beyond admiring the muscles of other men without being gay...

Heh, well you point out the obvious, and if this what you meant in totality then Touche.

Uh, it wasn't exactly 'underlying' - it was pretty open and blatant...except for all the incredibly homoerotic imagery of oily, muscular men in loin cloths thrusting spears.
I thought I was just being an oversensitive drama queen. On one hand, it could have been perceived as a condemnation of pedophilia...but the delivery was filled with such snide, I couldn't have understood it as anything less than mockery of homosexuality. Not to mention that Xerxes was so obviously intended to be queer (the big bad guy that dresses flamboyantly and has very "fishy" mannerisms) and a few scenes seem to imply he wouldn't mind "violating" our righteous and ever so manly Spartan king. It's a bit of a paradox really, given that the film is essentially a gay man's dream-flick...I wondered if Snyder or Miller were gay because otherwise, I'm not quite sure why it was filmed as a flesh fare...
Please define Homophobia...fear of gays? Right? Or fear of homosexuals? Or fear of something different? Wth does this mean here. Can a man not look at another man and say hey, he is well built without being gay? Just asking. Whatever. Guess I am a homophobe although one of my children is homosexual and I support them in everything they do. Sometimes a phobia is just the opposite.
Homophobia has long ceased to be interpreted literally as "fear of homosexuality"...I think it refers more to the general "disagreement" with "the lifestyle".

I wondered if Snyder or Miller were gay because otherwise, I'm not quite sure why it was filmed as a flesh fare...
I suspect it is, in part, an homage to Greek ideals of masculine perfection (of which the Spartans were supposed to be the embodiment), with a little old fashioned profit motive thrown in (how to get women and gay men - two demographics not known for favoring blood splattered war epics - into the theater for a movie that essentially denigrates both women and gay men for its entire running length).

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Is there a word for the phobia of thinking anyone who does not think the same way they do is an automatic homophone? Oh yeah paranoid nm.
I think you might want to ask for further clarification about what in the film constituted homophobia. You seem to be taking something personally that I don't think was meant that way.

If you're thinking that it was that there were a lot of oily men in it, I'd say that was pro-homo, not -phobic.

I saw homophobia in it at the point where Xerxes was both clearly The Bad Guy (like, superhumanly, over-sized, icky, bad lounge act Evil), and was also clearly gayer than Springtime. Standing behind Gerard Butler, hands on his shoulders, and cooing, "it's not your swords they fear"? Hello?! Making a bad character gay in order to underline his being a bad guy... that's homophobia.

I think you might want to ask for further clarification about what in the film constituted homophobia. You seem to be taking something personally that I don't think was meant that way.

Nope nothing personal here just differing opinions, I know better to try and ask or question anything about homosexuality, because no matter what I say it is taken in the wrong context or like you say personal, so I will step out of this thread and offer an apology to any that was offended.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Nope nothing personal here just differing opinions, I know better to try and ask or question anything about homosexuality, because no matter what I say it is taken in the wrong context or like you say personal, so I will step out of this thread and offer an apology to any that was offended.
I notice you left behind your accusation of paranoia, Mr Nice Guy.

I notice you left behind your accusation of paranoia, Mr Nice Guy.
so I will step out of this thread and offer an apology to any that was offended.

Again I am sorry if I offended anyone, I would be happy to discuss this via pm or another thread if you would like. I admit I put my foot in my mouth, we all do sometimes don't we?