The future of Legal movie downloads on the Internet


coolbreeze's Avatar
Wheely cool bike girl
Is it time for the Internet to evolve and allow legal movie downloads? We have the technology. They are doing it with music.
Question is, would YOU buy a movie on line for download? How would they prevent 'sharing'? But it does appear that it is the future.
What do you all in this Movie Community think about this possibility?
AOL, Microsoft Discussing Possible Internet Joint Venture

By David A. Vise
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, September 16, 2005; Page D01

The talks, reported yesterday by the New York Post, are part of a broader set of discussions between Microsoft and Time Warner that began following an antitrust settlement between the companies two years ago. As part of that, the corporate giants have been working together closely on the development of digital rights technology that would enable computer users to download motion pictures for a fee.


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Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.

The procies of these movies would have to be considereably lower than buying rom the store if ppl are going to DL them, for now, ppl will continue to dl them from bitorrent and other dl networks.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
As (I think) starrdarcy said, people are already sharing films. So all that the industry can really do is offer a legal alternative. People have chosen to buy music downloads, and I'd imagine they'll do the same with film.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

Registered User
Sometimes, poeple purchase the DVD from the store, yet they donwload the same movie
It's not common, but it's supportive!

Lost in never never land
I tend to think that the film industry has to move in that direction just to curtail the pirating of movies, but I don't think that it will make a huge difference. What will happen is that a person will go see the movie in the theater, if they like it, but don't want to pay full price for it (as a DVD) they can download it for a reduced price so they have a good copy of it. If they like it alot, most will still get the DVD. But if it is one that they didn't see in the theaters that they want to see, and they have illegally downloaded movies before, they will still illegally download it. It may give the movie industry a bit more money, but it won't curtail illegal downloads that much.

by allowing online movie downloads they will be able to cut down sharing and pirating the same way they do on the iTunes music store. Firstly, the songs can only be played using iTunes, and the music is encoded with your music store account details. the file can be played on a maximum of five different computers through the use of computer registration with the store

Registered User
We still have some time to go, but I think it evetually everything, even tv, will be an on demand system.

I would be willing to pay a small fee for high-quality, easily downloadable films. I would pay for the convenience and the assurance that the film will not be corrupted by a virus. I'd pay upto four bucks for a film download, more-likey 3 bucks.