Guinea Pig

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have you visited witchy today???
why would anyone want to watch stuff like that whether its real or not????
have you visited witchy today??

monkey business

There is a list of goriest movies ever made I want to watch and Guinea pig is on the top of the list but I dont think I can watch it without getting sick,so Im still not sure if I want to watch it or not.

I've never seen any of them, although I'd be quite curious to watch Flower of Flesh & Blood and see if it's really as bad as it's meant to be. In my hunt for an uncut Ichi the Killer (which was appalling and a total waste of time) I came across a great many sites dedicated to hyper-sick films, the one which seems to come 'recommended' as the most repulsive filth ever conceived is called August Underground: Mordum. It's really quite disturbing when you read people giving such a film a positive review.

I probably will never see guinea pig its just to crazy although I read that it is the most screwed up movie ever made.