Would you date the person above you?


Originally Posted by Othelo
No no I meant nebbit silly.
Yeah, yeah, we all know u have GILF blood in you

last part of my post still stands though

(Ruining her joke AND insulting her - I'm overdue an ass-whoopin' ain't I)
Father of Apollo....Mount Olympus. Don’t f$%£ with me or I’ll shove a lightning bolt up your a$$ - Zeus - Samuel L Jackson, Die Hard With A Vengeance

Originally Posted by raggman
(Ruining her joke AND insulting her - I'm overdue an ass-whoopin' ain't I)
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Originally Posted by nebbit
Thats hott.
Δύο άτομα. Μια μάχη. Κανένας συμβιβασμός.

Originally Posted by raggman
Yeah, yeah, we all know u have GILF blood in you

last part of my post still stands though

(Ruining her joke AND insulting her - I'm overdue an ass-whoopin' ain't I)
GILF? ROFL That expression never fails to crack me up. Thank you

Much rather date a intelligent, mature, grown woman any day than a little girl. I'm already a daddy.
"You have to believe in God before you can say there are things that man was not meant to know. I don't think there's anything man wasn't meant to know. There are just some stupid things that people shouldn't do." -David Cronenberg

Originally Posted by Othelo
GILF? ROFL That expression never fails to crack me up. Thank you

Much rather date a intelligent, mature, grown woman any day than a little girl. I'm already a daddy.
To clarify since I was talking about Marilyn Monroe G is for Granny Shoulda been clearer - My bad.

Originally Posted by raggman
To clarify since I was talking about Marilyn Monroe G is for Granny Shoulda been clearer - My bad.
Oh no, no apology needed here. I got what you meant, you may have to deal with a "higher authority" where anyone else may be concerned. All in good fun, all good

I got the GILF reference I just think the phrase itself is funny

Originally Posted by raggman
To clarify since I was talking about Marilyn Monroe G is for Granny Shoulda been clearer - My bad.
Its ok we are only having a bit of fun with you

Originally Posted by nebbit
Mine Come here to sunny Australia
Can I come too? And will you be using whips?

rhymes with Goebbels
pics plz
A devilish combination of slightly bored and quite hungry