Cigarettes vs. Cigars


Cigarettes vs. Cigars
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Is That Your Best?
I have tried 2 cigarettes in my life and they were both yucky so that was it. I will stick to my vices of wine coolers at parties.
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I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
I'm a ciggy man, even though I've quit. While I was in Australia I bought 12 Romeo and Juliet No. 2's for about $100. They were good, but I only see my self smoking one of those when I'm drinking.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

nOtHiNg Is FoReVeR....
As a smoker and having tried both, i think cigarettes are cooler and just better. all you do is puf smoke when smoking a cigar and you can't smoke a cigar unless you're in the mafia or a man what do you think?!

nOtHiNg Is FoReVeR....
hi there, i found them yucky when i first tried cigarettes but after a while you get used to th taste and they are really relaxing. im not trying to convert you but thats just something you should onsider.

Originally Posted by Miya
I have tried 2 cigarettes in my life and they were both yucky so that was it. I will stick to my vices of wine coolers at parties.

Originally Posted by Master Derranged
hi there, i found them yucky when i first tried cigarettes but after a while you get used to th taste and they are really relaxing. im not trying to convert you but thats just something you should onsider.
I have had 2 many friends die of cancer to ever consider it
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Originally Posted by John McClane
Do you all know why Cuban cigars really aren't allowed in America? It's because the workers use their spit to seal the wrapper. The cigars are just health code violations that's all.
I don't think that's why, but that is gross.

I say neither. My Dad smokes cigarettes and I think it's nasty.

I've never smoked anything

Cigarette smoke makes me dizzy, so I guess I'd rather be around a cigar smoker.

I have smoked a pipe, cigarettes and cigars. I prefer cigars and pipe tobacco for their aroma and taste, but cigarettes are just so insidiously addictive that all enjoyment is lost. I was a pipe and cigar smoker for about a year until the Cigar craze came about in the mid 90's. Supplies were stretched and quality went way down, but I still occasionally get the urge to indulge. I have been (mostly) smoke free for about a year now, so having a cigar is too tempting as a regular occurance. Cigars are my gateway drug back to smoking cigarettes.

At weddings and large social events, which I rarely attend, I will often have a smoke over a good single malt, or a bit of cognac. I prefer a dark earthy smoke, much like myself.
"You have to believe in God before you can say there are things that man was not meant to know. I don't think there's anything man wasn't meant to know. There are just some stupid things that people shouldn't do." -David Cronenberg

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