anywhere. i will be your friend.


Originally Posted by weishuang
oh,i'm a surgeon.
Ok, I am a nurse but i am now a counsellor, my husband is a Psychiatrist.
Do you do general surgery or specialise? When i was doing my training I won a prise for being the best Nurse in Theatre
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

disturbing. <----my thoughts on the thread title (while smiling behind my hand, of course). disturbing in an interesting way.

cant bear the thought of watching saw, and I've never seen the first one! It just seems so.......disturbing....

Hmm. Im making connections already! Welcome aboard!
something witty goes here......

A surgeon who likes Saw, nothing personal but if I ever need to have a part removed or worked on I won't request you.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Originally Posted by nebbit
Do you do general surgery or specialise?
Bone Surgery,but it's temporary,for that I want to be a physician,no bistoury,no emergency,and no real blood.
oh,by the way,congratulation for you to win a prise for being the best Nurse in Theatre.

Originally Posted by 7thson
A surgeon who likes Saw, nothing personal but if I ever need to have a part removed or worked on I won't request you.
ha ha~~i'll not be saw.
but……maybe it's a good idear,i can take a kidney or something else.