Favorite Fight Scenes


So many good movies, so little time.
Sword Fight with Basil Rathbone vs. Errol Flynn in The Adventures of Robin Hood


Sword Fight with Basil Rathbone vs. Tyrone Power in The Mark of Zorro

"Those are my principles. If you don't like them I have others."- Groucho Marx

Rock-n-Roll hoochie koo
My favorite fight scene would have to be the scene where Johnny Cage and Scorpion fight on the First Mortal Combat.
Then there is the fight scene from Once upon a time in China II , Where the mom, Girlfriend, and soon to be wife were fighting. That was great.

Every breath you take, watching you
Interesting how 'fight' seems to imply that on one side there should only be one person.

For Jackie Chan, I always liked the fight in the rope factory in Miracles (or Mr. Canton & Lady Rose).

Probably the best 'oh my god, he really messed that guy up' fight for me would be in Once were Warriors where after the savage bar fight the guy says (from memory) 'Too many weights, not enough speed work'. Ouch.

Rock-n-Roll hoochie koo
I was wondering if anyone saw a movie called Storm Rider? Not the old (old) western movie, but it is a japanese movie made not too long ago.
"There used to be a time when being crazy meant something, but now everybody is crazy" - Charlie Manson

I would have to go with "They Live" as well.

Nice fight scenes in Jet Li's Fearless.

Teri Hatcher vs. Charlize Theron, "2 Days in the Valley"
Uma Thurman vs. Lucy Liu, "Kill Bill 1"
Mark Hamill vs. David Prowse, "Empire Strikes Back"

Tony Jaa VS Lateef Crowder (Capoeira Fighter) in Tom Yum Goong

Believe it or not my favourite fight scenes would have to be from a real oldie: Blood Sport.

It's not your normal fight scene, but I really like at the end of Mad Dog and Glory, when Bill Murray fights Robert DeNiro. It's totally absurd, and a brilliant ending at the same time.

Hey, I've seen Storm Riders but its Chinese not Japanese, well the one I saw anyway, it's a good movie I thought

Originally Posted by 75uk1
I was wondering if anyone saw a movie called Storm Rider? Not the old (old) western movie, but it is a japanese movie made not too long ago.

And personally I love all fighting scenes with Jet Li in it

Seriously guys... Tony Jaa movies rape any other martial art movie, if you haven't seen one i suggest you do now

You people are crazy, easily one of the best action movies with amazing fight scenes is...."Hard Boiled". No question.
"It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities but of their advantages." -Adam Smith "Wealth of Nations"

porkchop sandwiches

the gladiator. great story too!

Beatrixx Kiddo VS. GoGo-> KILL BILL VOL.1


Hmm... difficult one....

Some of my favourites would include...

Anakin vs Obi-Wan (REVENGE OF THE SITH)
Tony Jaa's fights in ONG-BAK (just breathtaking)
Van Damme vs Van Damme (REPLICANT)
Rocky vs Ivan Drago (ROCKY IV)
Michelle Yeoh's final fight with the villain in ROYAL WARRIORS
Michelle Yeoh and Cynthia Rothrock during the finale in YES, MADAM

and there are loads more besides
"... it doesn't matter how this looks to other people; fighters fight"

Awsom 50 - The Online Source for Action Movies

I really liked the fight scene in Final Fantasy VII between Cloud and Sephiroth.
Don't mess with the goomba or else you shall feel the wrath of waffles