

Hi, i'd like to introduce myself. Its me.

But also I have a question about DVDs. In foreign films, like "Run Lola Run" or "The Seventh Seal", the english subtitles/captions are different from the english audio track. I was wondering which one is the more accurate translation? Is it always the case where one is more accurate than the other?

AmandaSparks's Avatar
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Hi and welcome, from one noob to another. Interesting question. I can only say that I despise watching a dubbed film because of the sub par voice acting. I think they focus more on making the dubbed track fit into the time allotted for the dialogue than on a good translation. So my guess is that the subtitled version is more accurate.

And here's someone else's opinion, which differs from mine on the translation aspect but agrees the subtitles are superior.

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HI and welcome, sometimes there is really no perfect translation be it dubbed or subtitled. Especially in films that are poetic in nature. I would say in most cases that the subtitles are more accurate.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton