Movies You Wished You Lived In


The Matrix....Duuuuude!!!

Lord of the Rings
Star Wars
Harry Potter
all i can think of at the moment

Welcome to the human race...
I reckon I'd do pretty well in the world of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Red car, pack full of drugs, reseraching the American Dream by loading up on ether and going to the Circus-Circus...all the while wearing cool hippie gear and trying to placate a fat Samoan.

A second one would have to be Repo Man. I reckon I could live by the Repo Code.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Lord of the Rings, I so want to have a little round house built into the side of a hill and drink beer and dance and sing all day. And everything is green and flowery and no one has issues. O, and I wouldn't have to wear shoes?

Occassionally and oddly, something post-apocalyptic, like Mad Max, Resident Evil, day of the Dead, etc.
something witty goes here......

Registered User
Wish i lived the Chronicles of Narnia, the most enchantedly crazy movie since bueaty and the beast.

Matrix- Cause it's the matrix

American pie- Just to say i did it.

Originally Posted by Quboid
Matrix- Cause it's the matrix
But you already do live in the Matrix.

I wish I lived in the Star Wars Universe. If I could have anything, anything at all, it would be a lightsaber.

Registered User
Ok not that I dont know the question only applies to movies but the ultimate life I would want to live in would be ENTOURAGE as Vincent Chase.... I mean come on girls, drugs, booze, fame, money and friends just cant beat that no matter what era or planet you live in.

Originally Posted by oh_me
I mean come on girls, drugs, booze, fame, money and friends just cant beat that no matter what era or planet you live in.
Sorry I hate drugs, but hey the rest is good, even the booze in moderation
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Queen of The Damned


Land of the Dead
"You two are the two that are the two, I am the other one"

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
i'd want to live in Pleasantville...i guess that makes me a wee mundane but every time i watch that film i feel enticed and can't help but daydream if life was really like that.

Registered User
Indiana Jones
Star wars

(a film that deserves more credit) The Fith Element !!!! (for the action and Milla Jochovic)
oh and being a Male and all .. i'm have to say Van Wilder Party Liasion(just for the girls)

have no fear, CPMan is here..
Silent Hill
Fiddler's Green
"A Movie is a five letter word that starts and ends with ME" - Yours truly..

Movie Forums Stage-Hand
id love to live in the sopranos but not be involved

I would want to live in a combination of Kevin Smith's Jersey Trilogy and any Romero ...of the Dead film. That would be nice.


Players Club as Jamie Fox
Swiss Family Robinson
Chronicles of Ridick

Originally Posted by Sacorian
The Matrix....Duuuuude!!!
Me too
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.