Pain and a half :(


Female assassin extraordinaire.
Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
How in the world did you get something like that?!
Alas, it has also been partly why I disappeared from mofo. The past three years were related to this - pilonidal cyst. It even has its own website now, Basically a big nasty chronic cyst that eats away at your tissue and grows inside your body like a big, organic, rotten tumor. But it won't kill you. It has to be cut out, if it grows big enough.

That horror story is from a Kaiser Hospital. I am, understandably, no longer with them and their crackpot healthcare.
life without movies is like cereal without milk. possible, but disgusting. but not nearly as bad as cereal with water. don't lie. I know you've done it.

I had 4 impacted wisdom teeth. It was so bad, they had to put me out completely. Welp, turns out I didn't get quite enough knock-out juice because I woke up in the middle of the operation. looked up, saw two dentists, four hands in my mouth with a lot of crunching sounds. These guys were actually talking to eachother about where to golf afterwards. Didn't hurt, though. I was VERY wasted.

doctors worry me. dentists I love, but never go to see them unless my mother makes (yes, she still does, even at my age). Once, when I was without insurance (pesky little problem, aint it?), my teeth started to hurt in that telltale way that says this is a REAL problem. Can I insert that I am slightly vain about my teeth? My mother was a dental fanatic, but I never had my teeth set. Still - they are as straight as they can possibly be without medical intervention - and incredibly white too (odd, I agree, with the large amounts of coffee I consume).

Havent seen a dentist in years.

Oh right. Teeth hurting issue. No insurance. Pain. Now I remember. My wisdom teeth ached so bad (they were growing in straight, but I was convinced my mouth wasnt big enough) - I had to appeal to a higher power. It went away. Beautiful teeth again, how nice. Then the other side started hurting. Still uninsured, I again had to appeal to a higher power. It went away again.

Having been insured for years, Ive never found my way back to the dentist for a look-see. So, even though my lined pearly whites sparkle silently at me each morning (and feel great!), I occassionally wonder if I need to stop being lazy and make that dental checkup appt!
something witty goes here......

A coworker yesterday told us about an experience getting teeth pulled in Germany which was a disaster...they hit a nerve and only used localized anesthesia. She's pretty much scared for life...
"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun" - Katharine Hepburn

I can safely say......I am not looking forward to wisdom teeth

Originally Posted by Eyes
got my molars yanked, out. And by yanked I mean had my gums cut open and teeth then yanked out.
That was graphic X_x Mental. Image. Wont. Leave.

But nope, I'm scared of the Dentist's office :/
Happily in love since 16 Feb 2005.

Originally Posted by thmilin
Alas, it has also been partly why I disappeared from mofo. The past three years were related to this - pilonidal cyst. It even has its own website now, Basically a big nasty chronic cyst that eats away at your tissue and grows inside your body like a big, organic, rotten tumor. But it won't kill you. It has to be cut out, if it grows big enough.

That horror story is from a Kaiser Hospital. I am, understandably, no longer with them and their crackpot healthcare.
I've had that before, it took me a year to heal from it. The worst year of my life....

A Dentist gave me an injection that paralyzed one side of my face for about 6 hrs, I couldn't close my eye, so it kept watering, in the end i taped it closed.
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.