You Where Born When?!


I am half agony, half hope.
quiz says: 33

Real age: 41

First felt old at 30 when my husband's nephew asked me to go to a White Zombie concert with his friends and him, not because I was cool, but because his mom said he needed to find an adult to take them and keep an eye on them...frickin' kids
If God had wanted me otherwise, He would have created me otherwise.

Johann von Goethe

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The quiz says I'm 16 but I'm really 19. Although I kind of answered in such a way to give me a low age, because in my mind I don't really want to grow up and be less free. But almost unconsciously I'm getting older in certain ways. Firstly I tend to be somebody people feel they can depend on so when they do something stupid they come to me to talk about it and ask for some kind of older brother or something.....

I do kind of aspire to be like people I admire, who are usually older. Like say my dad for instance; he wouldn't just go out with somebody he just met without getting to know them first, so why should I?

maybe he is a dag but then again what's wrong with that? when I have kids i'm gonna buy some horrendous dressing gown and read books by the fire too........altho put me within 100 metres of a a rock concert and I somehow get up the front, go crazy, lose my voice and wake up a little less myself but that may go away with time, we'll have to see