September 11th, motion picture?


I wouldn't like to see a movie about 9/11 the real thing is horrific enough.
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Trailer link (may be sensitive to some)...
'My mind is full of stars....'

I got for good luck my black tooth.
That disgusts me. It seems like they're exploiting a recent tragedy to make a slick thriller that they hope will due well at the box office due to curiousity and controversy.
"Like all dreamers, Steven mistook disenchantment for truth."

maybe they will slap a love story over the tragedy like in pearl harbor/titanic, which in my oppinion is an extremely lame way to promote an over acted love story
lucky there's a family guy

This is easy. If I'm not mistaken (is it mistaken, or mistaking?), Oliver Stone is making it. That means the message will be: Terrorists are OK guys, and America got what was coming to her.

I need to add that this is the grossest example of exploitation for money I think I've ever seen in the movie industry. Why don't they quickly make a movie about the Nick Berg beheading while they're at it?

I have mixed feelings about the 911 movies myself, Nicolas Cage, and I didnt see it mentioned in the thread, if it was my apologies, Donnie Wahlberg recently filmed one called "Untitled history project" at the moment no title, hence the name.

I felt like I seen enough of the news footage of the real 911, to have to watch a movie about the events and relive it.
Some people are like Slinkies . . . not really good for anything, but
you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs - Check out the Q&A from Ethan Dettenmaier , director of Sin-Jin Smyth

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The movie called Flight 93, has been changed to United 93

uhhh to give a sense of patriotism? i think so....actually though...i am looking forward to seeing this but not the oliver stone one...

Someone needs their fill.
Doesn't anyone else feel that this has come out way too soon?