Sexy actresses & actors


I have been around different forums where people "discussed" sexy actors & actresses.
After posting my pics to them, I've decided to make a page out of it:
My favorite sexy vixen is Angelina Jolie
I added some more sexy actors & vixens from Russia, Europe & US.
Page really grew so I had to separate in 3.

If you don't like the pictures I picked please post the ones you like.
Alexey @ Russian Movies

Put me in your pocket...
Welcome to MoFo pgmatg and fig.

If you scroll down the first page in this forum, you'll see another thread already on this subject.

Here is a twist on the subject. Name a movie staring your favorite sexy vixen or hunk, that contain really hot scene.
My picks: Angelina Jolie in "Gia", Kim Basinger in "9 1/2 Weeks", Nicole Kidman & Tom Cruise in "Eyes Wide Shut".

One of the Sexy Actors around today ORLANDO BLOOM