My thoughts on Alien vs Predator

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the only hayward man will ever need
Originally Posted by jrs
Mose.....we see the spoilers. Make sure it's like the the following:

WARNING: "" spoilers below
Come on man, the ending was ridiculous. The aliens have been infecting humans for 5 movies now and never once did they take on a human characteristic. It infects a Predator and suddenly it's the best of both worlds... Give me a break! Also, I can write the sequel for this thing.

Act 1, Scene 1

Slow pan to reveal small alien hanging from ceiling.

Predator 1 - Is that an alien?
Predator 2 - Yeah, let's shoot it!

All Predators present blow the **** out of it with their neato lasers.

Predator 1 - Let's go grab a garfnac (that's a beer in Predator speak for those not in the know)

Fade to black.

I could go on, but in general the movie just sucked and was a bitter disappointment.

I thought of something new that pissed me off.

WARNING: "" spoilers below
WTF was up with the Predator and the hot chick running from the fire? If they had been holding hands I would have thought I was watching Desperado!

Also, as I said in my review, it's never a good sign when I'm watching the climactic finale of a supposed action blockbuster and can only think of Beldar fighting the Garthak in Coneheads.
looks the same to me
"I felt like putting a bullet between the eyes of every Panda that wouldn't screw to save its species. I wanted to open the dump valves on oil tankers and smother all the French beaches I'd never see. I felt like destroying something beautiful." - Tyler Durden

the only hayward man will ever need
Originally Posted by jrs
Because it has been edited.
just goes to show how much of a newbie i actually am

There are those who call me...Tim.
Here are my thoughts
For an action movie 140 minutes long (I think it was about that), there was only about half an hour where anything interesting happened, but to be honest a lot of that was quick cuts and dark images that I couldn't see properly.
For all the talk about how the two stuntmen in the alien and predator costumes, tore up the set during one of the first encounters between the two species, how much of that did we actually see?

It's not like I had high expectations for this film. For a month before I saw it I'd heard nothing but bad things about it (mainly from here), yet despite all that I still managed to walk away feeling disappointed.

I won't bother grading it.
"When I was younger, I always wanted to be somebody. Now that I'm older, I realise I should've been more specific."

Originally Posted by Mike Krueger
Pimpdashizzle: I can't even think of how to reply to your remarks... I haven't heard anything that stupid or ignorant since 8th period French.
Either give me some time or go back and read some of my old post. You should find a whole ass load of retarded posts.

I am right in what I said though, about how the aliens are dumb. Don't be mad.
New jumble is two words: balesdaewrd
Previous jumble goes to, Mrs. Darcy! (gdknmoifoaneevh - Kingdom of Heaven)
The individual words are jumbled then the spaces are removed. PM the answer to me. First one with the answer wins.

WARNING: May contain spoilers!!

I thought the Predator and Lex (was that her name?) were gonna' start makin' out at the end. I wanted to bust out laughing.

I hated this movie...a lot.

The pacing was awful, the acting was a disaster, and the plot was definatley a "throw #@&% against the wall and see what sticks" situation. Did anybody else think the history that was created about the predators, humans, and aliens was steaming pile of garbage? It was like some 8 year old AvP videogame fan's wet dream.

And the worst part of all...the ending foreshadows a possible sequel. Shoot me now.
Mmmmmm...this is a tasty burger!

I enjoyed Alien Vs. Predator. I'm not really a big fan of Predator's, but this was fun to watch at the movies. Definitely don't care to watch it over and over again on DVD, but would get it for $5.