Marie Antoinette with Kirsten Dunst: Paris Hilton of 1700's?


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Here's trailer #1:

Here's trailer #2:

Was Marie Antoinette just a stupid girl living the high life, or a smart woman who strengthened her country?

To anyone has seen the trailer for "Marie Antoinette," what do you th ink about it? The odd song choice of the New Order's "Age of Consent" is what drew me to it. I think the selection of the 80's music is an attempt to link the "rock star" life of Marie Antoinette to the modern "rock star" pop life that people like Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan live. The similarities are not too hard to realize. Plus, the fact that Sofia Coppola directed it also gives me hope that the movie will be worth seeing. However, I'm not going to get too excited because it might be disappointing. Anyway, it looks good.

it got BOOED at Cannes.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I haven't liked Kirsten Dunst in anything since her role in Interview with the Vampire. Pleh. Then again, it could be worse: It could be Sofia Coppola acting and Kirsten Dunst directing.....

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Originally Posted by screentoclose
it got BOOED at Cannes.
Was it that bad? or was it because they're French in Cannes and they don't agree with how Marie Antoinette was portrayed. Well, still I don't know why they'd care.

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Originally Posted by Austruck
Perhaps they're upset that a typically American actress is playing her...?

Yeah the English speaking seems strange. Plus, in that second trailer, there's a woman who is speaking in a French accent, yet Kirsten speaks like she's from New Jersey. LOL She's the Queen of France with a Jersey accent. Classic!

Film looks pretty mediocre and I see no mention of her being a vile incestuous whore.

Comparison with Paris Hilton is a little unfair though, Paris is far more deserving of a guillotining.

I think it looks really good, actually. Only part of that is a Sofia bias.
You're not hopeless...

kinglear's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Henry The Kid
I think it looks really good, actually. Only part of that is a Sofia bias.
Well, I don't blame you because Sofia makes some amazing movies.

It got Booed in Cannes by the press, not by the festival audience. The Press boo'd and then 15 minutes later the same people that boo'd interviewed Sofia and asked her "What did you think about your film getting boo'd?" That seems like such a set up. I know. I know- people were disappointed to not get a chance to see Kirsten Dunst on the guillatine... but alas, it's a girlie pink fluffy movie of a teenager with a sheltered life based on a novel that ended where the movie ended.
You don't know me! You don't know my eyes!

I think people - including me - were expecting Virgin Suicides 2: Let 'Em Eat Cake!

If Sofia was that mean to KD as an American teenager, how brutal was she going to be to her as Marie?

We were all expecting a gorefest confirming everything we thought we knew, but got this gentle sad riveting flick instead.

I was thus disappointed on first viewing, but a rewatch reveals it as yet another Coppola masterpiece.

The only thing she's done that I find truly unbearable is Translation; it just left me shaking my head. (Thank goodness that was just the sophomore jinx!)