Sasquatch Sunset


This is one of the movies from this year's Sundance festival I am most eagerly anticipating, it looks... really wild.

(It should probably not be surprising, since Ari Aster served as executive producer).

I don't know about you guys, but I am more excited about this one that I am about yet another Planet of the Apes sequel, no matter how good those apes look!!

I watched this today. I really like the idea, but the execution is hit and miss. The film is uneven and would have worked better with a plot and a clear direction. I appreciated the actors commitment and there are some memorable moments. 6/10 is my rating.

The film is uneven and would have worked better with a plot and a clear direction.

I thought the story was crystal clear.

Well, in any case, I think this movie is a triumph for sasquatch representation in the movies