You cast the film


Heres the Movie Tiltle: Drakkon Keep

Genre: Fantasy/Action/Romance

The Plot: A man who loves companionship is exhiled to be caretaker of lighthouse/keep

The Isle is a place in a desolate location; an isle called Drakkon Keep in the center of a large ocean. Time Frame is 1300 A.D. This is definitely a fiction film. The main character name is Gartonian. He is not only a caretaker of an isle in the middle of an large ocean; he also ,unwittenly, guards extremly strong magical artifacts that have been stored there for safekeeping. He discovers these artifacts on an intense search of the keep due to boredom. During his tenure at the Keep he is invaded by men/demons/Gods. He defeats them all, by magical means that he never knew he possed. In the end he is overcome by "Love". He has failed his indentureship by relinquishing command of the Keep to someone he has fallen in love with, and the World is torn assunder because of his failure.


Gartonian: (Male) Keeper of Drakkon Keep, Loves Companionship, depressed due to his exhile.

Mist: (Female) A sole survivor of a shipwreck that makes it ashore Drakkon, mysterious, sexy, athletic, beatuiful.

Hinkaro (Male or Female) A ship Captain who tries to use his forces of many men and a Strong ship.

Faintara: (Male or Female) A wizard who communicates with Gartonian from time to time to see how things are going. Very militant, Concerened with the Keeps care.

Hi all,
what I need is a good cast for a film with these main characters. Please let me know who you think would be best cast for these roles. the one who chooses who I think is the best gets a free lifetime supply of air. Seriously , I would like to know who would make the best cast for a film behind this simple plot. The information is vauge, I know, but using the info I have told you here, who would you cast as the main characters in this film, were it to be made?

Thanks for any input.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Do you know my poetry?

Gartonian: (Male) Keeper of Drakkon Keep, Loves Companionship, depressed due to his exhile. - Hugh Grant

Mist: (Female) A sole survivor of a shipwreck that makes it ashore Drakkon, mysterious, sexy, athletic, beatuiful. - Jennifer Connelly

Hinkaro (Male or Female) A ship Captain who tries to use his forces of many men and a Strong ship. - John Cusack

Faintara: (Male or Female) A wizard who communicates with Gartonian from time to time to see how things are going. Very militant, Concerened with the Keeps care. - Julianne Moore

Put me in your pocket...
There are alot interesting casting possibilities. Here's my choice for today....

Gartonian: (Male) Keeper of Drakkon Keep, Loves Companionship, depressed due to his exhile.

James Caviezel~ He proved he can act the depressed, intense or vunerable in the The Count of Monte Cristo.

Mist: (Female) A sole survivor of a shipwreck that makes it ashore Drakkon, mysterious, sexy, athletic, beatuiful.

Kate Winslet ~ she was so beautiful and romantic in Sense and Sensibility.I'll bet she would interesting to play opposite James Caviezel.

Hinkaro: A ship Captain who tries to use his forces of many men and a Strong ship.

Christopher Eccleston ~ He was perfect as the intense, conniving Duke of Norfolk in Elizabeth, he’d make a great forceful captain.

Faintara: (Male or Female) A wizard who communicates with Gartonian from time to time to see how things are going. Very militant, Concerened with the Keeps care.

Judi Dench ~ She can play almost anything.
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"Hinkaro: A ship Captain who tries to use his forces of many men and a Strong ship."

"Christopher Eccleston ~ He was perfect as the intense, conniving Duke of Norfolk in Elizabeth, he’d make a great forceful captain."

Very nice choice here, I would never have thought of him, but now that I look back at some of his work I am amazed at how easily a choice he would be in this part. I like your other picks also, but this one struck me as perfect.. Thanks. I think I have my choice for the ship captain.

Lead Male - Daniel Day-Lewis
Lead Female - Scarlett Johansson
Ship Captain - Kristen Johnston
Mage - Jeremy Irons
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"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
Lead Male - Daniel Day-Lewis
Lead Female - Scarlett Johansson
Ship Captain - Kristen Johnston
Mage - Jeremy Irons

I love the idea of Scarlett Johansson, I think she would do well here.
So far she would be my choice from the picks I have seen.

I think you are on the right track with Daniel Day-Lewis, I like the long hair for this part, but I am still open here.
Thanks for input Slay

Gartonian: Viggo Mortenson

Mist: Eliza Dushku

Hinkaro: David Threlfall

Faintara: Helen Mirren
In every generation there is a chosen bint

Mist: Cate Blanchette, I think she would interesting as this character

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Gartonian: (Male) Keeper of Drakkon Keep, Loves Companionship, depressed due to his exhile.

Johnny Depp ( Depp is very versaitile. I'm sure he would do good in this role.)

Mist: (Female) A sole survivor of a shipwreck that makes it ashore Drakkon, mysterious, sexy, athletic, beatuiful.

Ashley Judd (Don't know an awful lot about this actress, although I should do. However I think she has the looks for the role and she is klnow to be quite intelligent.

Hinkaro (Male or Female) A ship Captain who tries to use his forces of many men and a Strong ship.

Benicio Del Toro (I think an actor rather then actress would be better suited to this role. I've had a look and came up with Beni simply for his heavy roles.)

Faintara: (Male or Female) A wizard who communicates with Gartonian from time to time to see how things are going. Very militant, Concerened with the Keeps care.

Jodie Foster (Jodie has proven again and again that she can play 'hard' characters. Deep and strong. When I think militant, for actress names she inevitably springs to mind.)
'My mind is full of stars....'

For those who remember this thread I have finally got back to writing again, I have had a lot of things hold me up, basically life. Anyway The reason I asked for the casting help was not because I hold any crazy ideas that it will happen, but it helps me with building my characters. I watch the actors/actresss that are picked in their various films and I choose one. They then become my character down to facial expressions and mannerisms. Silly I know but I wanted to write a story a bit backwards from my norm.

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
Lead Male - Daniel Day-Lewis
Lead Female - Scarlett Johansson
Ship Captain - Kristen Johnston
Mage - Jeremy Irons
Now that is an interesting list.

HellboyUnleashed's Avatar
May The Forks be With Us
I think you should use one famous person like Jim Caviezel in the lead role. then find a bunch of no names and make your movie very high budget because no names don't ask for a lot unless the movie makes a lot of money and the ratings call for a sequel. That's just my idea though. It's your movie, ain't it?
"An Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"
-Ben Kingsley, GHANDI

"Snozberries taste like snozberries"

Actually when I am done with the script I plan on producing the film myself with some friends. It is definitely going to be a labor of love, but we are all commited. The budget is extremly small of course, but we do have some great locations here in Fort Pickens. The story has already been written, but I am redoing it in a script form which is a very tough job; a lot harder than I thought. The biggest reason for the casting help is that for me when I picture an actor/actress as a certain character it helps me create scenes. Again I know it is a bit weird, but truly it helps me, so thanks everyone for your ideas so far. I have watched many films, TV and theatrical, starring Christopher Eccleston and I am convinced I will meld his talent into my chracter of Hinkaro.

Wanna Date? Got Any Money?
Gartonian: (Male) Keeper of Drakkon Keep, Loves Companionship, depressed due to his exhile. Bruce Campbell

Mist: (Female) A sole survivor of a shipwreck that makes it ashore Drakkon, mysterious, sexy, athletic, beatuiful. Angelina Jolie

Hinkaro (Male or Female) A ship Captain who tries to use his forces of many men and a Strong ship.Johnny Depp

Faintara: (Male or Female) A wizard who communicates with Gartonian from time to time to see how things are going. Very militant, Concerened with the Keeps care. Kevin Smith

This would be hillarious/awesome
Buy a bag, go home in a box.

The End Has Come
This my be to late for you but here you go:

Gartonian: James Purefoy/Benno Fürmann
Mist: Natascha McElhone/Izabella Scorupco
Hinkaro: Joseph Fiennes/Rufus Sewell
Faintara: Martin Donovan/Emily Watson
"Believe me, the secret of the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment of existence is: to live dangerously!"
-Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, The Joyful Wisdom