Have you ever "hate watched" something? What was the last one for you?


Hate watching is rare for me, but it happened not too long ago with Cloverfield, the set up characterizations made me really dislike the characters which lasted throughout, and just now with HBO's Oz, it's something about seeing the characters as real and not wanting to be in their company, i must overcome such nitpickery, for the sake of the storytelling, i need to be swept away ********!! grrrr .. and it's the silliness which is supposed to be sarcastic, show is supposed to peak in seasons 2, 3 and 4 so maybe it hasn't found its feet yet. But if the hate persists i will have to give up on it. Seeing them as real isn't it though, i have expression problems, a sensory receptor area blooms before comprehension. My madness i assure you isn't contagious.

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
It happens so often I don't remember. How about a third of the 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die list.

I think I had a thread on this too. I very rarely do, but I do — just yesterday I intended to hate-watch Cat Person but ended up thinking it was quite passable. I do hate-watch the occasional ‘obsessively progressive to the detriment of all sense’ (trying to avoid a certain overused term here) film, and I do always, without exception, hate it. But on the whole I think that’s a good thing to a extent: ‘hate’ is a strong word, but I’ve always made sure to watch films on topics/with a message/of the sort I don’t like because my not liking it is no reason to shut myself off from large sections of the film industry out there.

Are you in film school or something like that?
I don’t think you need to be in film school for that — I found a few lists of ‘100 films you need to see before you die’ when I was about 15 and have been making my way through them ever since, so it’s not like much guidance is required for that.

Same here, part of my DVD collecting phase, a DK movie book had a top 100 at the end and i got to around 80 something!!

I don’t think you need to be in film school for that — I found a few lists of ‘100 films you need to see before you die’ when I was about 15 and have been making my way through them ever since, so it’s not like much guidance is required for that.

That's a noble path, to go where you don't want to go, so that you could possibly find something of worth where you didn't think it'd be. ty

I think I had a thread on this too. I very rarely do, but I do — just yesterday I intended to hate-watch Cat Person but ended up thinking it was quite passable. I do hate-watch the occasional ‘obsessively progressive to the detriment of all sense’ (trying to avoid a certain overused term here) film, and I do always, without exception, hate it. But on the whole I think that’s a good thing to a extent: ‘hate’ is a strong word, but I’ve always made sure to watch films on topics/with a message/of the sort I don’t like because my not liking it is no reason to shut myself off from large section of the film industry out there.

That's a noble path, to go where you don't want to go, so that you could possibly find something of worth where you didn't think it'd be. ty
Heh, doing my best here. Not that it doesn’t occasionally lead to fatigue where I wonder why everything I’m watching is so not to my liking. It’s a balance to strike, I guess. Sometimes it’s nice to return to old favourites or something predictable that I know I’ll enjoy, if not love outright (usually the A24 stuff, for instance). But yeah, one’s got to try to broaden one’s horizons.

Here’s my old hate-watching thread, btw:


I don't hate watch since I don't really hate many movies, if any. I mostly feign hatred to make a point towards films that I think aren't bringing anything to the table, or are just shallow attempts to grab eyeballs. So I only theoretically hate the films I claim to hate.

The only thing I could claim to actually hate watch would be Bill Mahers podcast Club Random. But it also brings me loads of joy watching that unrepentant idiot make a drunken fool of himself over and over again. How could I possibly not watch him show off the lonely existence he's carved out in his basement 'nightclub' (don't you dare call it a man cave!)

Maybe I hate watched his shitty documentary too, Religulous, but I doubt I could even bring myself to finish that one.

I understand now a bit better, it's like to develop more of a critical constructive thinking about the material. It can be fun to see things like that, in a more serious version of MST3K manner.

I don't hate watch since I don't really hate many movies, if any. I mostly feign hatred to make a point towards films that I think aren't bringing anything to the table, or are just shallow attempts to grab eyeballs. So I only theoretically hate the films I claim to hate.

The only thing I could claim to actually hate watch would be Bill Mahers podcast Club Random. But it also brings me loads of joy watching that unrepentant idiot make a drunken fool of himself over and over again. How could I possibly not watch him show off the lonely existence he's carved out in his basement 'nightclub' (don't you dare call it a man cave!)

Maybe I hate watched his shitty documentary too, Religulous, but I doubt I could even bring myself to finish that one.

Super rarely, but the God's Not Dead series is prime hate-watch material.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

I unironically watched bad films to laugh at them all the time. I've even gone back on an absolute 0/100 movie multiple times because I found a brilliant YouTube riff: Titanic: The Legend Goes On, uncut.

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
Are you in film school or something like that?
I'm almost 60 and a film fan. My family is in the entertainment industry, behind the curtain and on the other side of the camera.

Hate watching? I don't know that I would call it that, but there are plenty of movies I have watched with deep disdain and a certain level of detachment. They are mainly really bad horror, monster or sci-fi, mostly dated and mostly black and white with casts and crew that must have been making a different movie each week. At some point, I bought several of those "Best 200 Monster Movies" sort of DVD sets for about ten bucks each in a Big Lots close-out, so I have hundreds of them They are background distraction for my late night sessions on social media and beer, something that I watch for moments but know that I can catch up with the plot in seconds when I turn away from the computer screen.

Cloverfield was mentioned....that one was a big budget do-over of hundreds of the sort of movies with their rubber-suited monsters and cardboard buildings and spacecraft suspended from strings.