Gangs of London


I haven’t even watched 5-6 episodes, so 😝
I just finished Episode 6 and I can't say much obviously but ... holy crap! Guaranteed to get people off the fence.
Showing how Sean reacts when stuff hits the fan made me hope for more Billy Bathhouse backstory.
I was surprised by the scene where
WARNING: spoilers below
he goes looking for Billy at the gay jamboree. He was shockingly solicitous.

remember, we have a watch party thread, too. but probably should have just done it here


Ooooh. When you had said "watch party", I thought we all had to watch it a the same time and kind of....Who's a bit thick? And where is he getting those grilled cheese sandwiches!?!

I just finished Episode 6 and I can't say much obviously but ... holy crap! Guaranteed to get people off the fence.
I was surprised by the scene where
WARNING: spoilers below
he goes looking for Billy at the gay jamboree. He was shockingly solicitous.

My viewing partner was impressed with s1e1 and I told her, "that was nothing"

I love having those new show vibes!

Episode 6 was 😳🤯😳

I’m curious to why this show hasn’t been promoted (at least that I know of) in the states. I can’t say that it’s because of the violence, because I feel GoT already pushed that envelope.

I was screaming at my TV at the end of episode 6. Seriously. I've never been so angry at a fictional character in my LIFE.

But I do love him. I am nervous (and excited) for season 3.

Just finished Season 1. I'm sorry about not participating in the watch party thread. It's just that this series turned out to be so addictive I'm sort of speeding through the episodes. Plus I thought the same thing as doubledenim that we had to watch two episodes at a time. I just wouldn't have the discipline to do that.

I made the mistake of looking through the S2 episode synopses and saw that
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Marian didn't die? Of course Floriana walking up to her at the cemetery in the closing scene sort of gave it away as well. And then I inadvertently hit the play button on one of the S2 eps and the "previously on Gangs of London" shows Sean with a bandage on his face! I mean WTF! I don't need it confirmed or denied but damn, the Wallaces are either superhuman or their would be assassins are piss poor shots.

Oh and that scene where Floriana keeps telling Leif's mother that her baby must live triggered the cynical part of my brain. I thought if Finn did indeed leave Floriana a tidy multi-million dollar nest egg maybe it's all predicated on some sort of DNA confirmation that the baby is actually his. So basically I'm calling BS on motherly concern and floating the theory that it's a coldly calculating move on Floriana's part.
Lastly at this point I think I might be team Luan.

Finished up Season 2. I get the feeling I'm gonna be revisiting this in the future. Just so much to take in. Now I know what another poster meant when they said
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they'd never been that angry at a character after watching S2 Ep6. But then at the end they're showing the aftermath from the latest round of double crosses, stabbings, shootings, amputations and poisonings. Asif is shown meeting someone in what I'm assuming is Lahore, Pakistan and I was like, "Oh, come on!". I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Koba pops up next season complaining of a tummy ache. Maybe that's why during the final showdown between Elliot and Sean, Elliot is shown spraying bullets around and one of the rounds catches the presumptively dead Koba right in the brain pan. I guess that was the showrunners way of reassuring viewers, "Don't worry folks, he's really dead." I told myself that if Sean did to Luan what he did to Lale I'd quit watching. I was nervous as f*ck when Luan and Ed were at her burial site and Koba's men showed up. I'm not sure how I would have reacted if she'd have been dead when Luan finally dug her up. #Team Luan.

Went to watch this last night, only to find it's no longer on MAX...

Guess this is the world we live in, "Binge or Else!"

Decided to take a covid break and bang out the rest of s1.

WARNING: spoilers below
First off, we all knew Sean was gonna be d.e.d. Well, that and he wasn’t in the title cards for s2 😅

Got excited for Eliot’s heel turn, like that never happens…only to have him crusading by the end of s2e1.

Luan is so much stronger than his name implies.

The Alexander stuff was cheap, as was Marian’s(?) death. If you’re gonna have Alexander flake, don’t add the coke problem. Just seems out-of-left field. The smartest guy in the room would never even try it.

The rest is lost to me now, but s2e1 definitely suffers from the gargantuan expectations this show created.

Oh, yeah. The scene transitions got really bad for some reason. I can’t articulate the proper technique, but it all of a sudden became very jarring.

All right. I know this isn’t the place to say it, but


Yep. Just watched s2e2 and I can’t. It’s just too Crazytown. Obviously we will come back to it, but it’s kinda turning into nonsense.