Movies that would be messed up if the gender rolls were in reverse 😄


There is a absolutely terrible movie I saw recently called .. The wrong missy starring David Spade on Netflix. This woman becomes overly attached to him where as he's not that interested. There is also a scene where he is having a sex dream nightmare of her riding him only to wake up with her actually doing it to him. The worst part is the movie tries to make the scene funny and cute 😐

Gender rolls are always best when they are fresh out of the oven.

I have no idea what they taste like when they are reversed though.

As long as they are still warm, and preferably buttered, I imagine they are always at least passable.

Titanic. Let Rose slide into the North Atlantic so Jack can live his best life.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Movies that would be messed up if the gender rolls were in reverse

I'm generally not a fan of switching gender roles in movies just to sell tickets & make a buck. But on the flip side a movie that swaps gender roles does have the ability to examine all sorts of human behavior, both current and past. I can't really think of any movie or story that couldn't have the traditional male female roles switched around as long as it's done intelligently and not just done as a gimmick.

Trouble with a capital "T"
A film like Junior could be made with gender rolls reversed...Something like this: The film takes place in some kind of an alternative universe where men get pregnant and have the babies. Women are sexually carefree...they can go around banging guys and never have to worry about getting pregnant so they have a callous attitude about sex and responsibility, believing that preventing unplanned pregnancies is all up to the man. So in this gender flipped movie a 'casanova playgirl' miraculously gets pregnant and comedy with social commentary ensues.

A whole lot of our past and present attitudes about such things could be explored in such a movie. I should've been a producer, but I wound up here

I was gonna say something like Monster but there was a movie with the role basically reversed called Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. And yeah, that was one messed up movie.

Gender rolls are always best when they are fresh out of the oven.

I have no idea what they taste like when they are reversed though.

As long as they are still warm, and preferably buttered, I imagine they are always at least passable.
Pillsbury makes a nice transitional roll that starts out as a biscuit, but ends up as a croissant!

Welcome to the human race...
A film like Junior could be made with gender rolls reversed...Something like this: The film takes place in some kind of an alternative universe where men get pregnant and have the babies. Women are sexually carefree...they can go around banging guys and never have to worry about getting pregnant so they have a callous attitude about sex and responsibility, believing that preventing unplanned pregnancies is all up to the man. So in this gender flipped movie a 'casanova playgirl' miraculously gets pregnant and comedy with social commentary ensues.

A whole lot of our past and present attitudes about such things could be explored in such a movie. I should've been a producer, but I wound up here
what if the world was made of pudding

Reverse the rolls in Passengers and the backlash goes away.

Reverse the rolls in Die Hard and John is still a jerk for taking the kids and leaving Holly in New York when she didn't agree to give up her career when he got a promotion.

I'm having a hard time thinking of a movie that would not be messed up by a gender reversal. So much of movie writing is about instantly recognizable roles and stereotypes that it would be really hard.

I'm thinking about a hardened, dirty, dusty female cowgirl walking into a saloon, getting a glass of rye and getting in a brawl or a bored teen boy from Kansas, befriending a talking chesty female scarecrow and then challenging an evil warlock. Even in recent movies, compared to Barbie, Ken is not much of a character

You need a different story to make all of this work because gender roles are so completely baked into our movie literature.

There's one bit of trivia I just found out last week and I haven't been able to get out of my head. In David Fincher's The Game, Jodie Foster was originally slated to play Michael Douglas' sister. However, Foster apparently insisted in changing the character to Van Orton's daughter, which both Fincher and Douglas disagreed with, and led to her leaving the production. Now, I think Sean Penn is excellent in the role, but I just can't stop thinking how that "alternate version" would've ended up.
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Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Fight Club remake. They could cast Gina Carano as the Tyler Durden character and Emily Blunt as the Narrator.