The 2nd MoFo Hall of Infamy : Son of Infamy


I forgot the opening line.
Here's hoping ueno returns someday
I really hope so too. If there's anyone reading this who has contact with ueno outside of these forums, let her know she's missed and that we'd love for her to come back.

As to the winner about to be unveiled in 6 hours or so - it was one of two that dominated the voting, and got the win by the barest of margins.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

I forgot the opening line.
Okay! I don't know if anyone is here yet, or if this reveal time schedule is convenient for anyone but I'm watching Avengers : Endgame and really want to know what happens so I'll drop a reveal every 10-20min or so and see.

I'm pretty happy that we ended up with a strong consensus on two films, and a clear winner (even if it was by the smallest of margins) - it's a shame ueno and her two picks didn't get to the end, but I think the two films in question were going to be the two at the forefront either way. So, for the 2nd MoFo Hall of Infamy - here we go....



18 points (8th, 8th, 10th, 11th, 11th, 12th)

TheUsualSuspect : "Wes Craven, may he rest in peace, should be embarrassed that his name was attached to this."
Allaby : "I don't plan on ever watching this one again."
KeyserCorleone : "The movie can't get its hallucinations and surreal behavior straight.
Takoma11 : "Part of what stinks about this movie is that it steals the premise from the 60s film and reimagines it in just the dumbest way possible."


I forgot the opening line.
Although we all pretty much agreed on Carnival of Souls as being the best film amongst the nominations here, it's general awfulness goes to show just how dedicated everyone was in nominating the worst film they could possibly think of. Well done everyone.

I forgot the opening line.
Equal 10th

CANDY (1968)

31 points (2nd, 5th, 8th, 10th, 11th, 11th)

KeyserCorleone : "This is the single dumbest movie I've ever seen."
Takoma11 : "It's hard to rate a movie like this, where what works on purpose and what is just a fascinating trainwreck starts to blur together."
PHOENIX74 : "It's simply an amazing collection of talent behind and in front of the screen being directed by some jerk who goes on to let it all go to waste."
Siddon : "This...this was painful."

Equal 10th


31 points (6th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 9th, 10th)

PHOENIX74 : "I honestly don't know where to start with The Legend of the Titanic."
Siddon : "They made the sinking of the Titanic funny I can't hate on that."
TheUsualSuspect : "Even with the bogus ending, the film feels cold to the touch."
Allaby : "The plot of the movie is inherently offensive and problematic as it tries to rewrite history and put a happy ending on a tragedy."


I forgot the opening line.
I feel somewhat wiser for knowing that Candy and The Legend of the Titanic exist. Brando lamented the former as being the worst film he ever appeared in, and the latter is simply insanity in animation form.

I forgot the opening line.
Equal 8th


34 points (3rd, 4th, 5th, 9th, 11th, 12th)

PHOENIX74 : "Honestly, I felt a bit sorry for Schaub. He doesn't seem to really have it, and I wonder where this man is going to."
Siddon : "I wonder if Showtime was that desperate for content that they needed to release this but this was pre-COVID though you'll feel like you have a disease watching it."
TheUsualSuspect : "It's just unfunny. Bad delivery, bad set-ups, bad jokes...I mean...did no one tell him this wasn't funny?"
Allaby : "How did this guy get a comedy special?"

Equal 8th


34 points (5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 9th)

TheUsualSuspect : "Yes it is a boring laughless film that doesn't really live up to the title. I guess I expected more kinky sexcapades and was left with a chore of a watch."
Allaby : "I was hoping it would be fun and amusing, but it was not."
KeyserCorleone : "This is officially one of the worst sports movies I've ever seen."
Takoma11 : "I have nothing very nice to say about it."


I forgot the opening line.
I have a sneaking suspicion that Brendan Schaub is not going to make it as a comedian.

The Kinky Coaches and the Pom Pom Pussycats was like absolutely nothing expanded out into 90 minutes - I didn't even know that was possible.

I forgot the opening line.


37 points (2nd, 2nd, 4th, 10th, 11th, 12th)

KeyserCorleone : "Joke after sex joke after joke after sex joke, the majority of this movie is either unfunny or just gross."
Takoma11 : "Is this movie unbearable? Yes. Did I expect it to be unbearable? Also yes."
PHOENIX : "There didn't seem to have been enough oversight and thought put into Airplane Mode, and it plays about as well as you'd expect."
Siddon : "It's a cheap homage to better films that always takes shots at the lowest hanging fruit."


I forgot the opening line.
Airplane Mode feels like a whole new kind of bad movie made by people who have become famous doing stupid things on YouTube - and there were backers who lost big money on that.

I forgot the opening line.

A TALKING CAT!?! (2013)

38 points (3rd, 3rd, 3rd, 7th, 12th, 14th)

TheUsualSuspect : "Talk about a poorly produced crap fest."
Allaby : "The acting was pretty poor for the most part."
KeyserCorleone : "Probably worse than the new Marmaduke."
Takoma11 : "Very silly. This is a very silly film."


I forgot the opening line.


39 points (1st, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th)

PHOENIX74 : "A film that can't seriously be recommended to anyone other than the incurably curious."
Siddon : "The film is almost like a TV bottle episode where the whole film takes place in a single room redressed for each scene."
TheUsualSuspect : "Despite being a rather tediously boring movie, points for a shark vs octopus fight."
Allaby : "It's listed as action, adventure, and sci-fi on imdb, but isn't really much of any of them."


I forgot the opening line.
Equal 3rd


43 points (2nd, 4th, 6th, 5th, 7th, 10th)

KeyserCorleone : "The movie is so packed with horrific Disney-knockoff subplots that it's not even funny unless you riff it."
PHOENIX74 : "As a whole the project reeks of the most cynical kind of knock-off moviemaking."
Takoma11 : "This film veers into that can't-look-away trainwreck territory. I actually laughed out loud when the dog started rapping. It's bad, but kind of compellingly so. The overt plagiarism alone makes it kind of interesting viewing."
TheUsualSuspect : "The film is an insult to the senses and the memories of those who died that day."

Equal 3rd

BANE (2008)

43 points (3rd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 12th)

Takoma11 : "This is a film that raises some interesting questions, only for the answers to be either completely obvious and stupid or incredibly frustrating and nonsensical."
Siddon : "What sticks out most about this film is the pretentious film making. Dutch Angles, flashbacks, quick cuts, playing with light and shadows, and close-ups...good lord this film loves closeups."
TheUsualSuspect : "This is something that film students would try and throw together at the last second for a passing grade."
Allaby : "This is a poorly made horror film that doesn't work as a horror film or as a good movie."


I forgot the opening line.
At the heart of every really bad movie is a spirit of laziness, corruptness and contempt, and nothing better illustrates that as much as Titanic : The Legend Goes On... does.

Bane is really hard to describe - it can only be experienced.

I forgot the opening line.

WILD 90 (1968)

59 points (1st, 1st, 2nd, 4th, 4th, 7th)

Allaby : "Seriously, one of the most boring, dull, and uninteresting films I have ever seen."
KeyserCorleone : "This is one of the most boring things I've ever seen."
Takoma11 : "The nerve, the absolute nerve, that it takes to ramble through a mostly-unstructured improvisation is pretty staggering. And because it's so poorly executed, even the motivation stays obscured. Is this meant to be funny? Like, a parody of tough guys? Is this meant to be actually interesting and dramatic?"
TheUsualSuspect : "Well that felt self-indulgent."



60 points (1st, 1st, 1st, 2nd, 6th, 7th)

Allaby : "I suffered through Loqueesha. This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen."
Siddon : "2 agonizing hours."
KeyserCorleone : "I DID NOT LIKE THIS MOVIE."
PHOENIX74 : "It was a horror to watch - and surely one of the absolute worst movies ever made."
Takoma11 : "I think that this film deserves its infamy. It's a special kind of depressing."
TheUsualSuspect : "This film is so tone-deaf and unfunny that it hurts."



I forgot the opening line.
I think amongst all of us that looked at these films, Wild 90 and Loqueesha stood apart as being in a whole other category of unpleasant, awful, depressing, bad and downright horrifying. The worst of the worst - both of them. Loqueesha took the crown, and it was really deserved. @Citizen Rules - put that movie in the Hall of Infamy, where it belongs. I couldn't be happier that this horrible film is up there with Going Overboard.