Movies that Give You Weird Dreams?


So after I watch some type of movie, I could get a cool or strange dream out of it. This happened after I saw Hateful Eight two years ago. I did not remember it, but I remember having a crazy dream of it afterwards where I was watching some type of musical and Roger Daltrey was in it. I think I also had one after I saw Duelle last week where I was intrigued with the two goddesses from the movie.

I am also sure tv shows I watched in the background have fueled my dreams as well, and also certain songs as well(possibly why Roger Daltrey appeared in my Hateful Eight dream).

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I watch so many movies when I'm awake, they never want to invade me in my dreams.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

The doors of wisdom are never shut. - 'Socrates'
Dick Tracy always gave me weird dreams.
Did you know that in the 1980s movie PREDATOR the titular character was not originally portrayed by Kevin Peter Hall. It was in fact Jean-Claude Van Damme donning a much more insect inspired full body suit before he left the production which then led to the recasting and redesigning of the famous hunter.

When I was a kid, the flying monkeys in The Wizard of Oz gave me nightmares. So did the Hitchcock movie The Birds.
When I was a younger at six years old, I used to have insomnia over how Muppets used to look like before they were famous. Especially Oscar the Grouch in the first season of Sesame Street where he was orange and not green.

Other ones in and outside Muppets included green Grover, dark purple Barney from 1988, green Cookie Monster(ha ha ha), and lets not forget yellow-eyed Snuffleupagus from 1971. I overcame my fear now, but that would mess with my dreams.

I just watched this last night and it gave me some disturbing dreams of being chased by powerful foes.

So I guess Citizen Four does not rule, but Citizen Kane does rule for you at least. How about Citizen X or Law Abiding Citizen?

Trouble with a capital "T"
So I guess Citizen Four does not rule, but Citizen Kane does rule for you at least. How about Citizen X or Law Abiding Citizen?
Ha, actually none of the above My user name is a reference to my old screen name 'rules' so when I signed up on MoFo I made it Citizen Rules. If my old screen name had been Jake I would have been Citizen Jake.

I cannot think of any film that has given me strange dreams and I have seen some pretty sick and weird films.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I cannot think of any film that has given me strange dreams and I have seen some pretty sick and weird films.
A Doris Day film once gave me a nightmare, not kidding.

I'm lucky in that my dreams are so random that I don't usually have nightmares from movies, but they may incorporate aspects of movies or TV shows I've watched (but even then, my subconscious has decades of data to choose from, so it may not be anything recent).

Films that kept me awake on the other hand... (made me too scared to go to bed or go to sleep). Jaws was one when I was 10 years old!

John Malkovich's phone conversations with Clint Eastwood in In the Line of Fire affected me so much that I dreamt Malkovich called me. I was a teenager at the time, so the conversations were about characters in Super Nintendo games.

Trouble with a capital "T"
It was Love Me or Leave Me That might sound like a romance movie but it was:
A fictionalized account of the career of jazz singer Ruth Etting (Doris Day) and her tempestuous marriage to gangster Marty Snyder (James Cagney), who helped propel her to stardom.
And her husband was violent and controlling and a gangster too, with emotional abuse and physical threats he held her a prisoner in her own marriage.

It was Love Me or Leave Me That might sound like a romance movie but it was: And her husband was violent and controlling and a gangster too, with emotional abuse and physical threats he held her a prisoner in her own marriage.
The dog comment was a joke. Lol you know what film I'm referring to.

Trouble with a capital "T"
The dog comment was a joke. Lol you know what film I'm referring to.

I knew you were joking, but I don't remember which movie the dog was from. Was it With Six You Get Eggroll?

I knew you were joking, but I don't remember which movie the dog was from. Was it With Six You Get Eggroll?
Lol no a David Nivens and Doris Day.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I found Midnight Lace disturbing as a kid.
So did Doris. From IMDB:
In her autobiography, Doris Day wrote that to prepare herself for one of the terror scenes, she recalled a time when her first husband, trombonist Al Jorden, dragged her out of bed when she was ill and pregnant and hurled her against a wall. Day related that in the scene she wasn't acting hysterical, she was hysterical, and at the end of the take, she collapsed in a real faint. She was carried to her dressing room, and Producer Ross Hunter shut down production for a few days while she recovered.

Doris Day vowed to never make another thriller after this movie, claiming it emotionally drained her. She stayed true to her word. Until her retirement eight years later, the only movies she made were comedies.