Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame VI


Trouble with a capital "T"
When I first saw the title T-Men I thought it was on the westerns list. I know I've seen it but I can't remember it.
You must mean the western The Tall T with Randolph Scott, I think that's who's in it, I just typed that from memory.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Now movies from the comic list would be a tough sell for me. Though there's a few that I've seen and thought well of.
You have some good ones not crossed off on there IMO. Who knows what you'd think.

Trouble with a capital "T"
You have some good ones not crossed off on there IMO. Who knows what you'd think.
Yeah I'm no opposed to any of them, bring them on Porco Rosso looks kind of fun. I think Ed had that one chose for him, or he chose it for someone else.

Yeah I'm no opposed to any of them, bring them on Porco Rosso looks kind of fun. I think Ed had that one chose for him, or he chose it for someone else.
I think Iron Man is a lot of fun

Robert Downey Jr & Gwyneth Paltrow...hell yeah that could work...I like both actors especially Gwyneth Paltrow
I didn't really care for her until Iron Man, she makes an awesome Pepper Potts.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I didn't really care for her until Iron Man, she makes an awesome Pepper Potts.
Gideon doesn't like her either I wonder what it is about her, but I think she's pretty cute and usually good in her roles too. I liked her in Shallow Hal and Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Oh and I see she's in Contagion and someone recommended that to I'll be watching that one real soon.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Usually those how we do it type noirs are fine, one of my favorites investigative/procedural noirs is The Naked City (1948) which isn't even on the BFI Noir list
There's a WHOLE LOT not on the BFI List lol
and Naked City is an example of when it truly works and it does.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Yeah I'm no opposed to any of them, bring them on Porco Rosso looks kind of fun. I think Ed had that one chose for him, or he chose it for someone else.
Can't recall. I may of nominated it for someone. I do know I've started it on my own and was unable to finish it for whatever reason and never remedied it.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Comic List
Nothing jumps out at me as being horrible, just that it's not my type of movies.
That's what I thought, so to hear you enjoy a few, I was curious since they're very much my type of movies.

T-Men (Anthony Mann 1947)

If I was a betting man I'd wager that this classic noir directed by one of the great mid-century directors would hit pay dirt. It was a good call to chose this for me. I mean just take a gander at my Top 10 profile and you'll see it's dominated by film noir. Somebody made a wise choice with choosing this...and so I'm sorry to say it didn't work for me. In a nut shell I found the movie dull. There was no character development, no cool noir lingo, no interesting plot twist, zip. I'll give it points for being a very early police procedural noir. Well in this case it's the Treasury Department doing the procedural work. 'Police/detective' procedural noirs were popular in the mid and late 1950s so T-Men is an early example of a noir that follows the procedure of the Treasury men as they go after a counterfeiting ring.

The problem is, besides being dull, is that the film is over bearing in it's narration during the first half of the film. I'm not talking inner monologue narration, I'm talking about some guy explaining everything we're seeing on the screen like we don't understand the basic elements of undercover work.

T-Men just proves what I already thought and that is the BFI doesn't know squat about noir. We so need a real noir list on MoFo.

*Still I'm glad to have watched this as I've wondered about it for years.

That was from me! I need to quit picking movies that are in other peoples wheelhouses. With the exception of the biggies of the genre I'm not much of a noir fan. I find them kind of dull but T-Men flew by for me. Not saying it's great but it's more entertaining than many of the "greats", in my opinion. I liked the kind of documentary aspect to the beginning of the film and it did a couple things I wasn't expecting. Ya win some, ya lose some.

Trouble with a capital "T"
That was from me! I need to quit picking movies that are in other peoples wheelhouses. With the exception of the biggies of the genre I'm not much of a noir fan. I find them kind of dull but T-Men flew by for me. Not saying it's great but it's more entertaining than many of the "greats", in my opinion. I liked the kind of documentary aspect to the beginning of the film and it did a couple things I wasn't expecting. Ya win some, ya lose some.
I do appreciate anyone who takes the time to join a PR and try to pick something I'd like and I'm glad I watched it as I would've watched it anyway at some point. It was a good guess, just didn't hit pay dirt this time around

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
It's SHOWTIME, folks!

All That Jazz (1979)

In 2001, All That Jazz was deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant" by the United States Library of Congress and selected for preservation in the National Film Registry. This is rare for a musical; this honor is usually bestowed to documentaries or straight dramas.

Bob Fosse's Ode to Dying has been on my watchlist for quite some time with a curiosity that began when it first came out. That curiosity grew all that much stronger while watching Fosse/Verdon (2019) short series and Cabaret (1972), so I was pretty enthused when I saw that someone nominated this for me.
Fosse has not only a creative eye, along with his creative muse, ex-wife Verdon, for setting the stage for dancing but a cinematic approach as well. Countless scenes speak volumes with just a shot rather than words or music. And those dance scenes when Fosse lets loose his sexual energy have a life all their own. But then, it IS Fosse fer f@ck sake; how could it be otherwise?
And with Roy Scheider, Fosse finds an ideal counter ego to express and define all that had wished to convey beyond the dance, behind show business, into the more personal, more intimate sides while still retaining The Show for all its glamour, frustration, addiction, and heartbreak.

A truly solid Must See! film that I am delighted to have finally seen.