Uncensored video of Will Smith and Chris Rock at the Oscars


"That cat just smacked the shit out of me."

Do you know why Will Smith smacked Chris with an open hand? Because paper always beats rock.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

I mean at this point who hasn't slapped Chris Rock

Que up the "I slapped Chris Rock before it was headline news" unseen footage video.

Saw this earlier. Not good but at least they had enough time beat the crap out of the guy before he was taken away. Looks like Chappelles guys managed to disarm the attacker before security arrived.

Saw this earlier. Not good but at least they had enough time beat the crap out of the guy before he was taken away. Looks like Chappelles guys managed to disarm the attacker before security arrived.

When you commit to the proposition that speech is violence, you predispose yourself toward actual violence as a justified response to speech. The "theory" of micro-aggressions (i.e., the theory that my right to swing my words ends where your feelings begin) has undone the "harm principle" which allowed us to get along for centuries (i.e., the prior theory that my right to swing my fist ends where your nose begins) in that harmony of discordant voices which is needed in government "of the people."

Jon Stewart recently commented in accepting his Mark Twain Prize for American Humor that comedians are our cultural canary in the coal mine. And then they came after the comedians, but I said nothing, because I forgot the punchline to the old authoritarian joke.

I am kinda worried for Dave now.

I ain't worried about Chappelle. He has FU money and can afford the security he needs. Last night is the last time that will happen to him. That's my guess anyway. The people who are gonna get ****ed are the up and comers at the local clubs. They're on the front lines and they may need to dial it back for their own safety. Outstanding. If something doesn't change it's all gonna become safe comedy from here on out, which is awesome. That beat down last night at Chappelle's was good but they should have beat him a little more. His left side was barely scuffed. Gotta tenderize both sides. Same way I feel when folks run onto the field of a sporting event. You beat em up a little, it'll happen less often. Why do you think casinos are run so smoothy? This room...no windows, eh?

I ain't worried about Chappelle. He has FU money and can afford the security he needs. Last night is the last time that will happen to him. That's my guess anyway. The people who are gonna get ****ed are the up and comers at the local clubs. They're on the front lines and they may need to dial it back for their own safety. Outstanding. If something doesn't change it's all gonna become safe comedy from here on out, which is awesome. That beat down last night at Chappelle's was good but they should have beat him a little more. His left side was barely scuffed. Gotta tenderize both sides. Same way I feel when folks run onto the field of a sporting event. You beat em up a little, it'll happen less often. Why do you think casinos are run so smoothy? This room...no windows, eh?
I feel this way about all violent criminals.
If there were more incidents of extreme self-defense, it would probably serve as a good deterrent.

This is the best quality video I've run across (except for that godawful TMZ watermark). There's two more video links after this where Dave goes backstage and then brings out Jamie Foxx and another where the guy is put into an ambulance. His arm looks like it's pointing in directions it's not supposed to. Too bad they couldn't do that to Will Smith.

I feel this way about all violent criminals.
If there were more incidents of extreme self-defense, it would probably serve as a good deterrent.

I have a sneaking suspicion this guy is going to wind up some sort of martyr for the cause and/or a civil suit. Some of the comments made after the beating have bad optics (e.g., like the cops boasting on the radio after the Rodney King beating).

I have a sneaking suspicion this guy is going to wind up some sort of martyr for the cause and/or a civil suit. Some of the comments made after the beating have bad optics (e.g., like the cops boasting on the radio after the Rodney King beating).
It's already been reported that (Soros backed) prosecutor Gascon will not be pressing felony charges even though the attacker was armed.

It's already been reported that (Soros backed) prosecutor Gascon will not be pressing felony charges even though the attacker was armed.

And that sends a message in itself, no?

And that sends a message in itself, no?
Of course - a very consistent message from George "blood on his hands" Gascon.

In California, they are currently petitioning to recall him due to his disastrous, yet intentional record of releasing so many repeat violent criminals who have committed violent crimes after going through Gascon's soft-on-crime prosecution system.

Of course - a very consistent message from George "blood on his hands" Gascon.

In California, they are currently petitioning to recall him due to his disastrous, yet intentional record of releasing so many repeat violent criminals who have committed violent crimes after going through Gascon's soft-on-crime prosecution system.

I don't mean to sound like a Cassandra, but we need to pay attention to this. If comedians are unable to tell their jokes, this is a sign that the cultural dialogue is tilting towards violence. If Chappelle can't joke about it, you can be damned sure that you can't discuss it, unless you are educating others into the orthodoxy.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I smell a civil lawsuit, if the attacker's lawyer can convince a judge that his client was not legally culpable for his actions due to physiological or physiologic reasons. Then the excessive use of force used on him which resulted in a broken hand (I believe?) might yield a win for him in civil court.

Movie Forums Extra
Do we think Will Smith can get his career back on track after this? Or do we think directors will avoid casting him due to backlash?

You ready? You look ready.

Bravo. Setting the bar for celebrity apologies with this one.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

I'm not watching that. I wish that guy would go away and stay away.