Movie You're Watching Tonight


Well, after you watch it you can report back as to whether or not it's worth knowing that it exists!
It’s very weird, and not in the Lynchian sense. The title card comes 22 minutes in, yes, I mean twenty two. As if, you know, you might forget what you’re watching. I’d always thought 127 Hours at 17 minutes in was as late as possible.

Some good elements from The Dead Don’t Die. Caleb Landry Jones as a film nerd. And all the lowe ratings on imdb. I guess a few people had their first Jarmusch experience.

I forgot the opening line.
Today is my Best Picture Oscar nominations for 2009 day. There's one I haven't seen before, which takes a slot for tonight :

Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

Some good elements from The Dead Don’t Die. Caleb Landry Jones as a film nerd. And all the lowe ratings on imdb. I guess a few people had their first Jarmusch experience.
I found it much less effective than the rest. Also if it really is someone’s first Jarmusch experience, I feel like it would be a shame. But that’s just my 2 cents.

Well, whatever.

Why on Earth wouldn’t you learn to speak proper French if you planned to study and live in Paris? Awful, awful accents. Yes, I’m an obnoxious non-compassionate human.
No one would compare this to Black Swan, I would hope, but to me the main problem is that this, like everything now, was turned into a teen film - which, in a way, is more realistic, because dancers vying for those types of contracts would indeed be around 18 years old. Yet there’s something about that which to me severely limits the stakes. You just don’t care about the teenage drama as much.
It could have been really good, but is emblematic of the awful shift seen all over the place: that towards “women supporting other women” and whatnot, which means no conflict, which means yawn. Even worse than I thought with that female friendship crap.

I found it much less effective than the rest. Also if it really is someone’s first Jarmusch experience, I feel like it would be a shame. But that’s just my 2 cents.
If you take the idealistic approach, of course for a person interested in seeing some of Jarmusch films, and deciding this will be his/her first film, it is a very untypical film from him. I agree they could have started elsewhere in his filmography.

My point was made out to those who went expecting to be entertained by a typical zombie flick, and then trashing the film for beeing boring. For those people i think this was their first Jarmusch film.

If you take the idealistic approach, of course for a person interested in seeing some of Jarmusch films, and deciding this will be his/her first film, it is a very untypical film from him. I agree they could have started elsewhere in his filmography.

My point was made out to those who went expecting to be entertained by a typical zombie flick, and then trashing the film for beeing boring. For those people i think this was their first Jarmusch film.
Oh, well, yes, I take most of that back, now that I’ve seen this. What a moron the author of that “review” there must be. Dear me. I don’t think the film gels together particularly well, but boring it is not.

wanabe movie critique
The Darkest Hour

I’m having the kind of day when one’s safest bet is to avoid moving from the sofa. Have slipped on the stairs of my own house while holding a laptop. Lucky not to be in hospital as I flew down the whole two flights of stairs.
Why are there so many new vampire films? How do they even get greenlit anymore?
This film is fantastic, though. So it’s allowed, I guess. But the question remains.

Oh, well, yes, I take most of that back, now that I’ve seen this. What a moron the author of that “review” there must be. Dear me. I don’t think the film gels together particularly well, but boring it is not.
But he did say he wanted to make a fun movie. When you think about Paterson e.g. Which he directed 3 years earlier, it is such a wonderful film. I think it is fair to assume he had different motivations for the films.
So think it is a movie that can’t be taken to seriously.
I have not seen all his films though, so i am no expert. Broken Flowers is one favorite. And i own Night on Earth. I really enjoy the atmosphere he has created in those five cars, and Winona Ryder as a taxi driver is very charming.

So i do agree on your point that it is not as effective as some of his other films. The Dead Don’t Die needs to be put into perspective, otherwise my comment on it can give an impression i did not intend.