Things that annoy you...


I can definitely see some people being pissed off at that cover if it's usually aimed at a younger audience. But being pissed off or offended is OK. It's not a crime... Just yet.

I know nothing about any of this stuff, so is this a relaunch at a new audience? Or a completely new thing with a similar/same title?
I really don't know, honeykid. I only know that any DC comics that had "The Animated Series" under the title copied the simpler art style of the TV cartoons (whether it was Batman or Superman - the ones I remember were followed by "The Animated Series") and were always intended for younger readers: both content & art-wise.

That's the only reason I find this "annoying." There are plenty of comic lines geared for adults where I wouldn't have a problem with the depiction of the apparent change of sexual orientation for characters. (Why it's so important to suddenly make established characters gay... and show them acting out the behavior in kiddie books is beyond me.)

This all just seems like a forcing of alternate lifestyles and sex on children, rather than just telling fun, age-appropriate comic stories.

I really don't know, honeykid. I only know that any DC comics that had "The Animated Series" under the title copied the simpler art style of the TV cartoons (whether it was Batman or Superman - the ones I remember were followed by "The Animated Series") and were always intended for younger readers: both content & art-wise.

That's the only reason I find this "annoying." There are plenty of comic lines geared for adults where I wouldn't have a problem with the depiction of the apparent change of sexual orientation for characters. (Why it's so important to suddenly make established characters gay... and show them acting out the behavior in kiddie books is beyond me.)

This all just seems like a forcing of alternate lifestyles and sex on children, rather than just telling fun, age-appropriate comic stories.
You're absolutely right, CS. We've been witnessing modern American decay for several decades, which seems to be accelerating: a race to the bottom. Gomorrah is looking tame by comparison.

Tax refunds still not received though husband mailed our returns May 14. They’re about $1,800 each so I would like to receive these funds.

Neither the state nor federal websites have any info on our returns or even knowledge that they have them. Was on an answering machine with the state which looped round & round & round & ended with if you need more info dial … … …. which was the telephone number I was already on.

Husband has agreed to let me send them certified mail return receipt requested next year. Which is what I’ve been asking him to do for years.

Only recourse now is for him to physically go downtown to both the federal & state tax offices. Unless we receive the refunds soon.

CT tax refund posted 9/01 to my account (received today). Hooray. Four months later!

No sign of federal check, as yet, but we’re getting there.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

"How tall is King Kong ?"
There are plenty of comic lines geared for adults where I wouldn't have a problem with the depiction of the apparent change of sexual orientation for characters. (Why it's so important to suddenly make established characters gay... and show them acting out the behavior in kiddie books is beyond me.) This all just seems like a forcing of alternate lifestyles and sex on children, rather than just telling fun, age-appropriate comic stories.
You're absolutely right, CS. We've been witnessing modern American decay for several decades, which seems to be accelerating: a race to the bottom. Gomorrah is looking tame by comparison.
Yes, I think it's super important that children learn that homosexuals exists and are people after the puberty, and after having strongly internalized a clear cut traditionalist "manly is manly, girly is girly" conception. That will help everyone and prevent the total chaos that would ensue otherwise. If not, what next ? Black people in children books ? Women drivers ? Spare the children, blow their minds later.

Also okay, it's that kind of forum. Got it.
Get working on your custom lists, people !

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Yes, I think it's super important that children learn that homosexuals exists and are people after the puberty, and after having strongly internalized a clear cut traditionalist "manly is manly, girly is girly" conception. That will help everyone and prevent the total chaos that would ensue otherwise. If not, what next ? Black people in children books ? Women drivers ? Spare the children, blow their minds later.

Also okay, it's that kind of forum. Got it.

DISCLAIMER ALERT: I am not talking down to anyone, and i have serious issues and am crazy too. I'm just trying to work all this **** out.

the "social decay" delusion is held very widely across the board. Even my mom believes it, and she's a very stable person without much in the way of conservative ideas in her. I have been listening to how much she hates donald trump over the past 4+ years now, and it quite frankly makes me unhappy when she gets upset about donald trump and the semi-ficitious hoards of "evil" white supremacists and nutjobs.

It really doesn't surprise me that there are conservative ideas on here, the social decay delusion is something held across the board. I've been on a lot of radical nutcase sites...and the depths of the human! I guess as far as the thing that Captain Steel said goes...basically everything is an imposition. Children don't know enough to be able to undo the programming they received in the school system, and yeah there are a few parents out there who do impose sets of more seemingly progressive values on their children in an abusive manner. I've seen parents make videos about it. Gay comic book characters are not the problem, it's that.

The thing that annoys me the most is my physical state prevents me from running everyday, this has been driving me crazy over the past few days. How wonderful it would be if i were still a teenager or in my 20's to be able to that.


Here is something that is actually decaying: people don't talk to each other in person as much as they used to. They also don't engage in physical activity, and this just adds to the accross-the-board oppression that people face, and its fu*king terrible.

i know what grinds my gears! Some WOKE ASS COLLEGE STUDENT like CringeFest telling me that i'm delusional!

Okay, lets get the eggs out now! Do you see why i reflecively don't want to engage in these kinds threads?? I always hear the hateful finger pointing on the horizon! That is NOT the brand of cringing that describes my intentions during the day! I am NOT A TWITTER CRINGE, AND I AM SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIOR WHO'S TRYING TO TAKE BACK THE RIGHTEOUS CRINGE!

I'm not sure everyone appreciates the distinction between "I don't want kids taught X" and "I don't want kids taught anything in this category since it's the kind of stuff they should learn from me."

Regardless, please reign in the "social decay" stuff. And, frankly, if you see something like that, please drop me a line since I won't necessarily see every example of this. This is obviously too far into political territory.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again

Yeah, I was talking to the guy the other day too and he was all mumbling n stuff. I couldn't understand him either.

What did eshay?

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I'm not sure everyone appreciates the distinction between "I don't want kids taught X" and "I don't want kids taught anything in this category since it's the kind of stuff they should learn from me."

Regardless, please reign in the "social decay" stuff. And, frankly, if you see something like that, please drop me a line since I won't necessarily see every example of this. This is obviously too far into political territory.

i do, yet, there has to be some way of letting kids find out things on their own.

As far as moderation practices, i'm going continue to let you do that, because nothing on here is really that big of a deal. You clearly have experience in honing in discussions and keeping the "you are ______" moments from happening, which never makes a website worth maintaining.

As far as moderation practices, i'm going continue to let you do that, because nothing on here is really that big of a deal.
Oh, to be clear, I'm happy to, and it's nobody's job but mine. I just mean that it's not always feasible for me to read every post, and long-running threads like this (which are usually pretty innocuous) are the ones I'm most likely to miss things in, so it's helpful if people give me some kind of ping if things get heated or political anywhere. Sometimes I take a look and just go "not too bad" but I'd rather people err on the side of overreporting.

Nobody's obligated to, it's just a request. Literally anybody is welcome to do it; it helps make a large moderation job more manageable.

Removed a post. I was trying to be subtle before, but I guess people don't respond to that, so: no more of the social decay argument, as it's obviously just a vague version of standard culture war stuff that never ends or goes anywhere, and is already repeating itself even in this short exchange. Thanks.

Removed a post. I was trying to be subtle before, but I guess people don't respond to that, so: no more of the social decay argument, as it's obviously just a vague version of standard culture war stuff that never ends or goes anywhere, and is already repeating itself even in this short exchange. Thanks.
That's annoying.

Yeah, I was talking to the guy the other day too and he was all mumbling n stuff. I couldn't understand him either.

What did eshay?
eshay is a lad, they are like young wannabe gangsters here in australia

Trouble with a capital "T"
if you were able to delete Yoda's comments, would that fix it?? Just curious because your all about justice...
Ah, he was just joking around, you know word play, as in a play on words.

Anyway....let's change the tell me CringeFest what else annoys you: sesame seeds stuck in your teeth? geez I hate that one myself especially when I'm out of dental floss and have to use #8lb test fishing line to get that pesky seed out!

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Ah, he was just joking around, you know word play, as in a play on words.

Anyway....let's change the tell me CringeFest what else annoys you: sesame seeds stuck in your teeth? geez I hate that one myself especially when I'm out of dental floss and have to use #8lb test fishing line to get that pesky seed out!

Popcorn kernels have most consistently done that