The MoFo Top 100 Foreign Language Film Countdown

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It did, but that was Allaby's choice there wasn't it? Or was it? I don't remember now.
I think so. I just meant that at least two of us saw it due to that thread (I think it was nominated for cricket, and I watched it after reading his review). Not taking away Allaby's credit but the 25th HoF

Battle Royale is a fun enough watch and rightly has a cult following but tbh it wouldn't have entered my mind for appearing in a Top 100 such as this. Delighted to see Sundays And Cybèle though, didn't vote for it myself but it fully deserves to be here imo.

Seen: 18/28 (Own: 12/28)

Faildictions ((バージョン 1.0):
72. Oasiseu [Oasis] (2002)
71. Napola - Elite für den Führer [Before The Fall] (2004)

Trouble with a capital "T"
I think so. I just meant that at least two of us saw it due to that thread (I think it was nominated for cricket, and I watched it after reading his review). Not taking away Allaby's credit but the 25th HoF
It's all good...Allaby is the man!

Being an English language film, it's quite safe to call it faildiction.
Not sure how that one got in the list, I'll have to take a look at the code sometime.

Not sure how that one got in the list, I'll have to take a look at the code sometime.
I tried picking that for someone in the foreign personal rec HoF. It might have been pahak that brought it to my intention. I said I'll pm the person who chose it lol.

I tried picking that for someone in the foreign personal rec HoF. It might have been pahak that brought it to my intention. I said I'll pm the person who chose it lol.
Is that a convoluted way of saying that I made you choose it via some weird telepathic superpower?

I tried picking that for someone in the foreign personal rec HoF. It might have been pahak that brought it to my intention. I said I'll pm the person who chose it lol.
It might be Björk's lovely Icelish accent that makes it seem foreign

A big CONGRATS to Allaby who nominated Sundays and Cybele and in doing so pretty much ensured it would make the countdown list as it was a popular film in the 25th HoF.

I've seen Battle Royale and I agree with this...

Battle Royale is a fun enough watch and rightly has a cult following but tbh it wouldn't have entered my mind for appearing in a Top 100 such as this.
So, chalk another one seen for me.

My Summary:

Seen: 6/28
My list: 1/25

My List  
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I love Sundays and Cybele. It was number 5 on my ballot and I consider it an essential masterpiece. My comments from when I initially saw it about 5 years ago:

"Sundays and Cybele is a masterpiece and one of the best films of all time. The screenplay is intelligently written, thought provoking and beautiful. The performances are exceptional. Krüger gives an amazing performance of a complex, compelling character who is deeply flawed but still sympathetic and believable. Gozzi is stunning and enchanting as the girl consumed by love and wise beyond her years. The film is wonderfully shot with a magnificent score. 10/10 and a must see."

Battle Royale was not on my ballot, but still a great film.

Is that a convoluted way of saying that I made you choose it via some weird telepathic superpower?
Oh no I meant you pointed it out that it wasn't foreign. At least I think it was you.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right

Rififi is a masterpiece of Heist Film, and a film I mentioned in my previous post. Not my favorite Dassin (that would be Night and the City), but one helluva great film anyway.

Chungking Express is such a fuzzy and dreamy look at lone souls getting together and then parting in Hongkong's neon lights, that I surely owe it a rewatch. I already loved it a lot the first time.

Battle Royale is an okayish film, and I really do not get the appeal of Takashi Miike who famously made 100 films and not one masterpiece. That being said, Battle Royale was one of the first Japanese films I've seen, so I could just as well give it a rewatch. I did watch some other Miike films, though, and I'm not a fan of his. EDIT: Just realized it was not directed by Miike. I'm embarrassed, but leaving it as proof geniuses make mistakes, too.

I haven't seen Sundays & Cybele. I do know the pedophilia jokes about it, though. Not really a high priority for me right now, but I will get to it at some point.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Battle Royale is good, if a little predictable, but with Beat Takeshi's presence threatening to go violent and the actual contestants going violent constantly, it keeps you guessing and watching.

Sundays and Cybèle has always been a film I wanted to like more than I do, and I'm trying to address that by watching it right now. Heretofore, I appreciated some of the more-stylized shots in the film and the honest expressions of love between the leads, but it seemed to go on far too long. We'll see.

0/28 from my list.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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Chungking Express is great, especially the first half of the film, but I did like Jinnistan and voted for 'the other one' by Wong Kar-wai.
Heh, yeah Kar-wai has several eligible candidates, but my "other one" would be that one that is most closely associated with Chungking.

Battle Royale is a lot of fun, but not really the kind of film I would put in contention here.

Haven't seen Sundays & Cybele so that gives me something to do.