Post a Random Fact About Yourself


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I eat one meal a day, usually around night time. I've turned into a night owl since retirement.

In my 30s, I went from being a night owl to an early bird.. I go to bed about 11pm and wake up at 7am (on a good day), but I eat from 8-bed and avoid knowing what time it is.

I also pee a lot, but I don't eat anything until about 7:30pm, but when I'm going to be in a car for an hour, I do eat something, and it helps.
I do not eat anything after 7 p.m. until breakfast at 8 a.m.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I once could pride myself on my patience and empathy to those around me. Now that that's shot, I'd be ok if an asteroid just knocked us out of orbit.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

I once could pride myself on my patience and empathy to those around me. Now that that's shot, I'd be ok if an asteroid just knocked us out of orbit.
My problem is there are so many weird, dispossessed, mentally ill, pugnacious, troublesome people around (male & female) that one’s “patience & empathy” is spread rather thin. I just can’t see giving money to people who use it either to snort whatever or put it in a vein.

I financially support 7 (might be 8) animal shelters/sanctuaries each month & I know my money makes a huge difference for those who care for animals in need.

Excuse the ramble/digression.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...I financially support 7 (might be 8) animal shelters/sanctuaries each month & I know my money makes a huge difference for those who care for animals in need...
A big thumbs up for that

My problem is there are so many weird, dispossessed, mentally ill, pugnacious, troublesome people around (male & female) that one’s “patience & empathy” is spread rather thin. I just can’t see giving money to people who use it either to snort whatever or put it in a vein.
I see it differently. My father once told me a story about a man in Espinho which he given money to. It might have been in the seventies, maybe eighties. The man asked him for money and he replied: It's for food? The man promptly said: Yes, yes. An hour later my father was walking near the beach and heard a man singing very loudly near the sea. He went to look closer and saw it was the man he had given money to buy food earlier. He had spent it on a bottle of wine. My father said to himself: I'll never give money to no one. My father felt cheated, but now, knowing my father a little better, I understand he was just jealous that man was having a good time without a care in the world because of the money he given him. If you go to a tavern in a small village there's always the town drunk, that doesn't work, and everyone gives a coin to get him drunk, that man is a reminder of someone's whose free at his own standards, that's why people give one coin to support a dream, I know you reading this will think this is just silly, specially if you're a woman, but it is what it is.

I've given money to people I knew were going to spent it on alcohol, even heroin in some cases. You might think I was supporting an addiction but I know, from personal experience I was just helping some old lady who would get a broken arm from a purse robbery, or a man waking up at night with someone in his kitchen trying to defend his possessions and get stabbed and bleeding to death. Criminality, world wide is created by inequality, this have been proven, it's not poverty, or misery, it's inequality in a community. If you don't give to people who don't have something to lose, they'll take it, and might even take what's more precious to you, that's nature. Throwing money to those individuals won't solve a thing, but future oriented, for a smart person, it's the thing to do.

In my case I'd give that man money for two bottles and not just one, since I don't have the guts to join him.

I eat one meal a day, usually around night time. I've turned into a night owl since retirement.
i never eat breakfast. i uselly eat night time aswell and lunch time thats all =/

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I see it differently. My father once told me a story about a man in Espinho which he given money to. It might have been in the seventies, maybe eighties. The man asked him for money and he replied: It's for food? The man promptly said: Yes, yes. An hour later my father was walking near the beach and heard a man singing very loudly near the sea. He went to look closer and saw it was the man he had given money to buy food earlier. He had spent it on a bottle of wine. My father said to himself: I'll never give money to no one. My father felt cheated, but now, knowing my father a little better, I understand he was just jealous that man was having a good time without a care in the world because of the money he given him. If you go to a tavern in a small village there's always the town drunk, that doesn't work, and everyone gives a coin to get him drunk, that man is a reminder of someone's whose free at his own standards, that's why people give one coin to support a dream, I know you reading this will think this is just silly, specially if you're a woman, but it is what it is.

I've given money to people I knew were going to spent it on alcohol, even heroin in some cases. You might think I was supporting an addiction but I know, from personal experience I was just helping some old lady who would get a broken arm from a purse robbery, or a man waking up at night with someone in his kitchen trying to defend his possessions and get stabbed and bleeding to death. Criminality, world wide is created by inequality, this have been proven, it's not poverty, or misery, it's inequality in a community. If you don't give to people who don't have something to lose, they'll take it, and might even take what's more precious to you, that's nature. Throwing money to those individuals won't solve a thing, but future oriented, for a smart person, it's the thing to do.

In my case I'd give that man money for two bottles and not just one, since I don't have the guts to join him.

I enjoyed reading your post very much.

When I help people, its direct - in real life, or even on the internet.

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I love cloudy days, and especially rain and thunderstorms (all happening right now) very early.. 2pm here. I love that it's so dark. It's so calming...The noise pollution (barking dogs and neighbors) goes away.. I had a trip on Friday, just sitting on my porch off and on til 7am (which is when I usually wake up if I sleep in). I can't stand sunshine..

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I'm not getting the vaccine. What happens when more and more side effects come about months from now? I have no one but myself who will take care of me, so I'm not changing a damn thing.

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I have never successfully repaired a zipper.

I don't think I have, either. It's too bad, because I like everything to have a zipper, so my important stuff doesn't fall out.