jiraffejustin's Top 50 Short Films of All-Time


Let the night air cool you off
50. The Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome

Kenneth Anger / 1954

Anger is a truly unique figure in the history of cinema. He quite possibly invented the music video, though no music video was ever quite as daring as his films. He created bizarre and intriguing imagery, he took risks with his films both artistic and literally as he may have been the first person to release a film with dudes doing gay sh*t in it.

49. Unofficial Reality

Vince Collins / 2005

I put two Vince Collins films on this list, but they couldn't have a bigger gap in art style difference. This one is one of Vince Collins' late career "f*ck around with some sh*tty computer animation" phase films, I guess early-late career phase as he is stilling doing this stupid stuff.

48. Red Hot Riding Hood

Tex Avery / 1943

This mf wolf finna get cancelled.

47. The Band Concert

Wilfred Jackson / 1935

I used to think Mickey Mouse sucked cause he was overexposed and got the crappy modernized treatments over and over again, but back in the day, Mickey was actually in good cartoons.

46. what's Opera, Doc?

Chuck Jones / 1957

I just really love golden age cartoons. So much creativity. There's a level of care and effort put into entertainment geared towards children that eroded as art died and algorithms took over.

Let the night air cool you off
45. Darkness, Light, Darkness

Jan Svankmajer / 1989

Svankmajer was a master and this was his tribute to the male body.

44. One Froggy Evening

Chuck Jones / 1955

Hello my baby hello my honey hello my ragtime gal

43. The Man Who Planted Trees

Frederic Back / 1987

Animation as serious art, gorgeous, emotional, and flowing like a river

42. Porky in Wackyland

Bob Clampett / 1938

Animation as absurdist art, goofy, silly, and as wacky as the title suggests

41. Window Water Baby Moving

Stan Brakhage / 1959

Brakhage was a master and this was his tribute to the female body.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
46. What's Opera, Doc?

Chuck Jones / 1957

I just really love golden age cartoons. So much creativity. There's a level of care and effort put into entertainment geared towards children that eroded as art died and algorithms took over.

I love What's Opera, Doc?. It's one of the best Looney Tunes cartoons ever made.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
44. One Froggy Evening

Chuck Jones / 1955

Hello my baby hello my honey hello my ragtime gal

42. Porky in Wackyland

Bob Clampett / 1938

Animation as absurdist art, goofy, silly, and as wacky as the title suggests

Porky in Wackyland is good, but One Froggy Evening is great. It's another top Looney Tunes cartoon.

Let the night air cool you off
40. The Immigrant

Charlie Chaplin / 1917

My favorite Chaplin short of the ones I've seen. Consider this representing Charlie Chaplin shorts in general.

39. Duck Dodgers in the 24½th Century

Chuck Jones / 1953

Some of my favorite Looney Tune gags mixed with some social commentary on the arms race.

38. Stigma

Lawrence Gordon Clark / 1977

I need to see more Lawrence Gordon Clark shorts. I've seen two (I think) and I think both are great, but Stigma stuck with me more as it was nastier than The Signalman. If I decide to do honorable mentions, I'll include The Signalman.

37. Asparagus

Suzan Pitt / 1979

Glorious animation. Something about female sexuality or something.

36. Duck Amuck

Chuck Jones / 1953

The high point of the Bugs vs. Daffy rivalry. An all-time classic.

Let the night air cool you off
35. Street of Crocodiles

Stephen and Timothy Quay / 1986

Creepy stop-motion spookies.

34. Scorpio Rising

Kenneth Anger / 1963

Anger chose great music

33. The Grandmother

David Lynch / 1970

The inspiration for the new Minecraft update where you can plant and grow grandmothers

32. It's Such a Beautiful Day

Don Hertzfeldt / 2011

Expect more Hertzfeldt. The Bill trilogy is one of my all-time favorite trilogies.

31. Swing You Sinners!

Dave Fleischer / 1930

spookier scarier skeletoner

Let the night air cool you off
30. The Terrys

Tim & Eric / 2011

F*ck you

29. Piper

Alan Barillaro / 2016

totes adorbs. The culmination of Pixar.

28. The Mad Doctor

David Hand / 1933

Disney getting terrifying.

27. The Hand

Jiri Trnka / 1965

A movie about how communist governments suck

26. The Wrong Trousers

Nick Park / 1993

representing the Wallace and Gromit series.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
39. Duck Dodgers in the 24½th Century

Chuck Jones / 1953

Some of my favorite Looney Tune gags mixed with some social commentary on the arms race.

36. Duck Amuck

Chuck Jones / 1953

The high point of the Bugs vs. Daffy rivalry. An all-time classic.

Duck Dodgers in the 24½th Century and Duck Amuck are my two favorite Looney Tunes cartoons. IMO, they should be much higher on the list.

Let the night air cool you off
25. Babes in the Woods

Burt Gillett / 1932

24. Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory

Louis Lumière / 1895

23. The Cat Concerto

Hanna-Barbera / 1947

22. World of Tomorrow Episode Three: The Absent Destinations of David Prime

Don Hertzfeldt / 2020

21. The Old Man and the Sea

Aleksandr Petrov / 1999

Here are my favorite short films:

9 Variations on a Dance Theme (1966)
Apaches (1977)
The House is Black (1963)
Land Without Bread (1933)
La Jetee (1962)
Lessons of Darkness (1992)
Meshes of the Afternoon (1943)
Night and Fog (1956)
The Red Balloon (1956)
Un Chien Andalou (1929)

Overall, great list so far!

Let the night air cool you off
20. Lucifer Rising

Kenneth Anger / 1972

19. The Dream of a Ridiculous Man

Aleksandr Petrov / 1992

18. The Big Shave

Martin Scorsese / 1967

17. Michael Jackson's Thriller

John Landis / 1983

16. OPAL

Jack Stauber / 2020

Let the night air cool you off
15. The Heart of the World

Guy Maddin / 2000

14. La Jetée

Chris Marker / 1962

13. The House Is Black

Forugh Farrokhzad / 1963

12. Un Chien Andalou

Luis Buñuel / 1929

11. Everything Will Be OK

Don Hertzfeldt / 2006

So this is what they call food porn.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Let the night air cool you off
10. World of Tomorrow

Don Hertzfeldt / 2015

9. Malice in Wonderland

Vince Collins / 1982

8. The Great Piggy Bank Robbery

Bob Clampett / 1946

7. Neighbors

Buster Keaton & Edward Cline / 1920

6. Tale of Tales

Yuri Norstein / 1979

Let the night air cool you off
5. I Am So Proud of You

Don Hertzfeldt / 2008

4. Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story

Todd Haynes / 1988

3. The Act of Seeing With One's Own Eyes

Stan Brakhage / 1972

not very many images from this film seem appropriate to post here

2. Sallie Gardner at a Gallop

Eadward Muybridge / 1878

1. Night and Fog

Alain Resnais / 1956