Tragic endings or happy endings?


Perhaps the most fundamental question of movies.

What are your views on happy endings vs tragic endings ?

I personally am somewhat neutral on the topic, in fact I may even prefer tragic endings when they’re properly earned. The one exception is probably LGBT romance movies, I think tragic endings are too much of a trope of that genre.

So what do you prefer ? A happy ending or a tragedy ? Or does it depend ?
It depends. I am fine with either a happy or tragic ending, as long as it is well executed and feels genuine. If it doesn't make sense or feels that it was just forced on, then either a happy or tragic ending may not work for me. And I completely agree with you about LGBT romances. We need more happy LGBT romance films, less tragic ones.

I would put tragic endings slightly above the happy ending. Sometimes a bitter sweet ending is also welcome (a mixture of the two).

Also, people tend to remember tragic endings more than the happy endings.

I have to admit that a sad, tragic, or bittersweet ending sticks with me a lot longer than a happy ending. For example, the ending of The Purple Rose of Cairo literally DESTROYED me, partly because I didn't see it coming at all and partly because it seemed appropriate for the Cecelia character who had been living a dead end existence before meeting Tom Baxter and began living a life she could only dream about and then she meets Gil Shepherd, the actor who plays Tom, who uses Celia's fascination with Tom to save his career. We just know it can't end well. even though we really really want it to. Cecelia deserves a chance for a better life.

I don't really have a preference. It depends on the context and what's more appropriate for the story. Lazy tragic endings can bug me, but effective tragic endings can be just as powerful as effective happy endings. I've seen many great example of both.
Same here! It depends on the context, story, etc.

I prefer the ending of the film to be logical and natural to the film. And not so that if someone died, he was resurrected at the end of the film for "and they lived happily ever after."

doesn't matter as long as it fits the story