
And then the rather surly Indian fellow who sold it to me would only give me two $50 bills. Which nobody will take around here (money laundering). So I had to go to the bank to get tens. But that’s ok.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

And then the rather surly Indian fellow who sold it to me would only give me two $50 bills. Which nobody will take around here (money laundering). So I had to go to the bank to get tens. But that’s ok.
Hi Stirch - your stories always remind me of other stories...

At a yard sale earlier this year, one of my first customers purchased an item for 50 cents and what did he want to pay with? A 50 dollar bill!!! (I just told him I didn't have enough change for a 50, so he was able to borrow a dollar from someone he was with and I gave him his 50 cents change!)

To that guy, I can only quote Joe Biden... "C'mon, MAN!!!"

Multiple vaccines getting close to completion! ...
Heh. Not for me. There needs to be much more testing in clinical trials before any of them are foisted onto the public.

There's a rush because whichever pharmaceutical company gets there first will be "winner take all" to the tune of many billions of dollars. And the companies have exacted from the government the protection of no liability for their product. What could go wrong?..

Heh. Not for me. There needs to be much more testing in clinical trials before any of them are foisted onto the public.

There's a rush because whichever pharmaceutical company gets there first will be "winner take all" to the tune of many billions of dollars. And the companies have exacted from the government the protection of no liability for their product. What could go wrong?..
Conversely, no pharma co. wants to be the first one with a vaccine that ends up killing people or having severe side-effects so as to be labelled a failure or a "cure worse than the problem" (which would likely doom the company).

This absolutely made my day yesterday. This wee owl was found inside the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree that had been brought down to the city from Oneonta, NY. That’s a journey of at least 155 miles that would have taken them at least 4 hours. Probably much longer with its load.

Can you believe how stinkin’ cute it is? It’s being checked now at a wildlife center.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
This absolutely made my day yesterday. This wee owl was found inside the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree that had been brought down to the city from Oneonta, NY. That’s a journey of at least 155 miles that would have taken them at least 4 hours. Probably much longer with its load.

Can you believe how stinkin’ cute it is? It’s being checked now at a wildlife center.

I read about that yesterday, and it reminded me of a similar story from last year. A family in Atlanta found a live owl in their Christmas tree. The funny part was that the family collected ornaments of owls, and the daughter didn't like the new ornament because it scared her. Then it turned it's head.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I read about that yesterday, and it reminded me of a similar story from last year. A family in Atlanta found a live owl in their Christmas tree. The funny part was that the family collected ornaments of owls, and the daughter didn't like the new ornament because it scared her. Then it turned it's head.
Oh, my, what a story.

They’re now saying that since the tree was tightly wrapped for its journey, the wee owl probably flew into the tree in Manhattan. Whatever. It’s a good story anyway.

It’s funny how New Yorkers go bat**** for a wild creature. Last year it was the Mandarin duck in Central Park. Now a barred owl in the park is all the rage.

FINALLY received our federal income tax refund. Husband mailed ours in July 15, but I was worried as he didn’t send them certified mail, which I would have done.

Anyway, we got the state refund at the beginning of October & the fed tax refund at the beginning of this month. Quite a lot of money involved so glad to cross this off my stress list.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Oh, my, what a story.

They’re now saying that since the tree was tightly wrapped for its journey, the wee owl probably flew into the tree in Manhattan. Whatever. It’s a good story anyway.

It’s funny how New Yorkers go bat**** for a wild creature. Last year it was the Mandarin duck in Central Park. Now a barred owl in the park is all the rage.
What, no pigeons there?

What, no pigeons there?
There’s loads of pigeons.

I think what intrigues New Yorkers (as I have known them) is that a rare creature coming to visit makes them feel special. Some years ago there was “Pale Male”, a falcon who mated & he & his missus had their nest on top of a fancy co-op building. Won’t bore you with the details, but the entire city went bat**** for this falcon. People literally spent hours with binoculars looking at him.

You cannot even imagine what a star the Mandarin duck was. He went to New Jersey one weekend & people were bereft. He did return though.

Trouble with a capital "T"
There’s loads of pigeons.

I think what intrigues New Yorkers (as I have known them) is that a rare creature coming to visit makes them feel special. Some years ago there was “Pale Male”, a falcon who mated & he & his missus had their nest on top of a fancy co-op building. Won’t bore you with the details, but the entire city went bat**** for this falcon. People literally spent hours with binoculars looking at him.

You cannot even imagine what a star the Mandarin duck was. He went to New Jersey one weekend & people were bereft. He did return though.
I could see why that would be. You know just this morning I was having breakfast and seen two deers in the front yard...I didn't even bother to get up and look at them. Which tells you something about where I live

I could see why that would be. You know just this morning I was having breakfast and seen two deers in the front yard...I didn't even bother to get up and look at them. Which tells you something about where I live
Cricket, I think it was, has deer in his garden.

I would be amazed if I saw a deer. But not in my ‘hood. I would be terrified for its safety.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Cricket, I think it was, has deer in his garden.

I would be amazed if I saw a deer. But not in my ‘hood. I would be terrified for its safety.
Deer are cute, but deer in the garden are bad!

Leaving Rosary Prayer this morning at 7 a.m., one of the other congregants presented me with a $15 Dunkin Donuts gift card. I have no idea why he did this, but it really made my day. (The rest of my day went downhill. Fast.)

Now a barred owl in the park is all the rage.
This is the barred owl in Central Park that New Yorkers are going bat**** for.

UConn Health is weird. Once a year I faithfully have a dermatology checkup. (Terrified of skin cancer.) Every year I pay $45 when I leave & every year I receive a check from them as a refund of the $45 I just paid. Go figure.

Just checked my MasterCard statement. This year instead of a check they have refunded my credit card the sum of $45. Twice. Though I had one appointment only.

And, no, I am not getting on the phone with them to check this. So bizarre.