the nothing thread


Arresting your development
Originally Posted by gummo
my toilet tank cracked and was leaking and we couldn't flush our turds for a couple of days til my landlord fixed it but he fixed it today and now we can flush it.
You should have dropped your friends off, in someone else's pool.
Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish.
Embrace the chaos and sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.

It's a fairly common misconception that you can't make windows out of brick. Most people think that brick is too soggy. I assure you, it is a shoe. Scientists have discovered that nine out of ten shoes are numb. This brings up the disturbing question: Does coffee bleed? If in fact it does, then one must consider the possibility that all life is but a giant cake mold. But instead of delicious gooey cake batter, we are filled with raisins.
I'm not wearing any pants...

Basically, I don't believe in the elderly. I think it's a story made up to scare little children. Unless, of course, the elderly are robots... That's a different story. For instance, think of an elderly person as an egg. Now imagine that all of the gooey inside stuff are robot parts. Gears and microchips and things of that nature. As you crush the egg, remember, the egg is the elderly person and your hand is sweet, sweet justice. And now that you understand, you can save lives! I reccomend filling soccer balls with Napalm. Napalm is nature's toothpaste!

Originally Posted by Chef Brian
Basically, I don't believe in the elderly. I think it's a story made up to scare little children. Unless, of course, the elderly are robots... That's a different story. For instance, think of an elderly person as an egg. Now imagine that all of the gooey inside stuff are robot parts. Gears and microchips and things of that nature. As you crush the egg, remember, the egg is the elderly person and your hand is sweet, sweet justice. And now that you understand, you can save lives! I reccomend filling soccer balls with Napalm. Napalm is nature's toothpaste!
WTF? Are you on drugs? Some us can't understand, still...

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by Chef Brian
Basically, I don't believe in the elderly. I think it's a story made up to scare little children. Unless, of course, the elderly are robots... That's a different story. For instance, think of an elderly person as an egg. Now imagine that all of the gooey inside stuff are robot parts. Gears and microchips and things of that nature. As you crush the egg, remember, the egg is the elderly person and your hand is sweet, sweet justice. And now that you understand, you can save lives! I reccomend filling soccer balls with Napalm. Napalm is nature's toothpaste!

I think your heart is in the right spot...I can hear it.

lmao... My boyfriend was cooking and the fire alarm went off. You know what he used to stop the alarm? He used my bra and started hitting the alarm. lmao... it was the funniest thing.

Originally Posted by gummo
lmao... My boyfriend was cooking and the fire alarm went off. You know what he used to stop the alarm? He used my bra and started hitting the alarm. lmao... it was the funniest thing.
The real question is why was your bra off and the alarm went off, just what was cooking here?
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by 7thson
The real question is why was your bra off and the alarm went off, just what was cooking here?
I think gummo's boy toy took some of his work home for the weekend.
Just a thought.

hehehe you guys are funny. lol lmao

Just so you don't think I am a huge slut... It was the bra I was wearing yesterday. It was layin in the bedroom and the bedroom is right by where the alarm went off. Oh and he was cooking bacon. lol

Originally Posted by gummo
hehehe you guys are funny. lol lmao

Just so you don't think I am a huge slut... It was the bra I was wearing yesterday. It was layin in the bedroom and the bedroom is right by where the alarm went off. Oh and he was cooking bacon. lol
I'm suspicious...

MM fact #5: I wear an angel around my neck everyday

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
i'm now here............., who was cooking whom?
We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.

Cabbage Head's Avatar
Ex-Con. Ex-Cop. Explosive
Quick to the point to the point no FAKIN'
Cookin' emcee's like a pound of BACON!
Burnin' em if y'ain't quick and nimble
I go crazy when I hear a.....

starrdarcy Fact #3: I play Halo 2, HL2, Doom3, RCT3, SC4 in one day!

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
Originally Posted by starrdarcy
starrdarcy Fact #3: I play Halo 2, HL2, Doom3, RCT3, SC4 in one day!
oh man, i really feel old, i don't even understand the youngsters' language nowadays, they talk in numbers!