Movies to watch in your lifetime


Avatar - It has a nice dreamlike quality

Would surely watch these movies at the best time.

Oh boy. I'm old, so bear with me. Let's see...

1977 - Sorcerer
1978 - Watership Down
1979 - Nosferatu: The Vampyre
1980 - The Fog
1981 - Mad Max 2
1982 - King of Comedy
1983 - L'Argent
1984 - Dune
1985 - Brazil
1986 - She's Gotta Have It
1987 - The Last Emperor
1988 - They Live
1989 - Santa Sangre
1990 - Darkman
1991 - Raise the Red Lantern
1992 - A League of Their Own
1993 - Cronos
1994 - Ed Wood
1995 - Strange Days
1996 - Pusher
1997 - Lost Highway
1998 - He Got Game
1999 - Bringing Out the Dead
2000 - Dancer in the Dark
2001 - Ichi the Killer
2002 - Punch-Drunk Love
2003 - Monster
2004 - The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
2005 - Kingdom of Heaven
2006 - The Fountain
2007 - Death Proof
2008 - Pineapple Express
2009 - The Secret in Their Eyes
2010 - I Saw the Devil
2011 - Bridesmaids
2012 - Wreck-It Ralph
2013 - Her
2014 - Whiplash
2015 - Mad Max: Fury Road
2016 - Hacksaw Ridge
2017 - Dunkirk
2018 - Ready Player One
2019 - 1917
2020 - The Invisible Man
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Oh boy. I'm old, so bear with me. Let's see...
You don't look that old That's a good list you got there, oh and Welcome to MoFo

The ones I've seen and consider to be a 'must watch', I've bolded.
1977 - Sorcerer
1978 - Watership Down
1979 - Nosferatu: The Vampyre
1980 - The Fog
1981 - Mad Max 2
1982 - King of Comedy
1983 - L'Argent
1984 - Dune
1985 - Brazil

1986 - She's Gotta Have It
1987 - The Last Emperor
1988 - They Live
1989 - Santa Sangre
1990 - Darkman
1991 - Raise the Red Lantern
1992 - A League of Their Own

1993 - Cronos
1994 - Ed Wood
1995 - Strange Days

1996 - Pusher
1997 - Lost Highway
1998 - He Got Game
1999 - Bringing Out the Dead
2000 - Dancer in the Dark
2001 - Ichi the Killer
2002 - Punch-Drunk Love
2003 - Monster
2004 - The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
2005 - Kingdom of Heaven
2006 - The Fountain
2007 - Death Proof
2008 - Pineapple Express
2009 - The Secret in Their Eyes
2010 - I Saw the Devil
2011 - Bridesmaids
2012 - Wreck-It Ralph
2013 - Her
2014 - Whiplash
2015 - Mad Max: Fury Road
2016 - Hacksaw Ridge
2017 - Dunkirk
2018 - Ready Player One
2019 - 1917
2020 - The Invisible Man

You don't look that old That's a good list you got there, oh and Welcome to MoFo

The ones I've seen and consider to be a 'must watch', I've bolded.
Thanks. Hey, we're all MoFo's now, right?

And also thanks for the "highlighting" on the list. I'd like to see all of them, hence their being in the list, but I'll try to prioritize those. There are a couple I've been meaning to watch for a long, long time. Just haven't gotten around.

I'm really young, as you can see

1999: Magnolia
2000: Memento
2001; Mulholland Drive
2002: Russian Ark
2003: Touching the Void
2004; Shaun of the Dead
2005: The Death of Mr. Lazarescu
2006: Children of Men
2007: No Country for Old Men
2008: Hunger
2009: A Serious Man
2010: Exit Through the Gift Shop
2011: The Tree of Life
2012: Holy Motors
2013: Inside Llewyn Davis
2014: Whiplash
2015: The Lobster
2016: Moonlight
2017: The Florida Project
2018: Burning
2019: Parasite
2020: I'm Thinking of Ending Things

I'm really young, as you can see

1999: Magnolia
2000: Memento
2001; Mulholland Drive
2002: Russian Ark
2003: Touching the Void
2004; Shaun of the Dead
2005: The Death of Mr. Lazarescu
2006: Children of Men
2007: No Country for Old Men
2008: Hunger
2009: A Serious Man
2010: Exit Through the Gift Shop
2011: The Tree of Life
2012: Holy Motors
2013: Inside Llewyn Davis
2014: Whiplash
2015: The Lobster
2016: Moonlight
2017: The Florida Project
2018: Burning
2019: Parasite
2020: I'm Thinking of Ending Things
Holy ****, Pop. Are you sure those are ones you haven't seen?

Holy ****, Pop. Are you sure those are ones you haven't seen?
Oh, whoops. I completely misinterpreted this topic. I skimmed over it and thought it meant "Favorite movies per year you've been alive". I'll post a revised list later, perhaps.

You all saw nothing

1999: Eyes Wide Shut
2000: Battle Royale
2001: The Piano Teacher
2002: Gangs of New York
2003: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter...and Spring
2004: Before Sunset
2005: Brokeback Mountain
2006: Colossal Youth
2007: 4 Months, 3 Weeks, and 3 Days
2008: Gomorrah
2009: Dogtooth
2010: The Social Network
2011: Once Upon a Time in Anatolia
2012: Lincoln
2013: The Great Beauty
2014: Leviathan
2015: Anomalisa
2016: The Handmaiden
2017: Call Me By Your Name
2018: Leave No Trace
2019: Portrait of a Lady on Fire
2020: The Invisible Man

You all saw nothing

1999: Eyes Wide Shut
2000: Battle Royale
2001: The Piano Teacher
2002: Gangs of New York
2003: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter...and Spring
2004: Before Sunset
2005: Brokeback Mountain
2006: Colossal Youth
2007: 4 Months, 3 Weeks, and 3 Days
2008: Gomorrah
2009: Dogtooth
2010: The Social Network
2011: Once Upon a Time in Anatolia
2012: Lincoln
2013: The Great Beauty
2014: Leviathan
2015: Anomalisa
2016: The Handmaiden
2017: Call Me By Your Name
2018: Leave No Trace
2019: Portrait of a Lady on Fire
2020: The Invisible Man
Holy ****, Pop. Are you sure those are ones you haven't seen?

Now that that's settled can we talk about why Thief hasn't seen Road Warrior or Fury Road?
I'm on it. I saw Mad Max for the first time a couple of years ago, and my AR, completist self wouldn't let me watch Fury Road until I watch the other two. Thing is that I raraely see Road Warrior available streaming. I should just shell out the cash for the rental and get it over with.

Now that that's settled, can we talk about your plans for your horror quiz?

This time, I am sure. Among these films, which ones do you like the most?
I'm just yanking your chain. But anyway, out of those, I've seen the following and would recommend the bolded ones...

Originally Posted by SpelingError
1999: Eyes Wide Shut
2000: Battle Royale
2002: Gangs of New York
2003: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter...and Spring
2004: Before Sunset
2005: Brokeback Mountain
2007: 4 Months, 3 Weeks, and 3 Days
2010: The Social Network
2012: Lincoln
2019: Portrait of a Lady on Fire
I'm not as big as most people on The Social Network, but it's a pretty good film anyway.

I should probably rewatch 4 M, 3 W, and 3 D before vouching (or not) for it. I saw it years ago, and felt a bit underwhelmed by it, but I think it was more a case of "expectations against reality" than about the quality of the film per se.

I'm just yanking your chain. But anyway, out of those, I've seen the following and would recommend the bolded ones...

I'm not as big as most people on The Social Network, but it's a pretty good film anyway.

I should probably rewatch 4 M, 3 W, and 3 D before vouching (or not) for it. I saw it years ago, and felt a bit underwhelmed by it, but I think it was more a case of "expectations against reality" than about the quality of the film per se.

Thanks for your recs. I'll keep an eye out for them for sure.

Now that that's settled, can we talk about your plans for your horror quiz?

Let's just say that I won it by default as I claim all the points earned by those who haven't arrived here yet.

Let's just say that I won it by default as I claim all the points earned by those who haven't arrived here yet.

Let's just say that I won it by default as I claim all the points earned by those who haven't arrived here yet.
You're just lucky it all ended before you had a chance to cheat off of Crumbs' answers. I had my eye on you, bucko!

Some thoughts:
-Apex Predator, who was in 10th place with 5 points, actually PMd 20 correct guesses yesterday, which brought him to 8th place. Now THAT'S dedication! A round of applause for AP, please.

-it ended with Tak & Crumb tied at 80 points, BUT-- since Crumb was the only one to guess #64 he technically qualified for a bonus point which would make him the winner. So if I wanted to torment Takoma for the rest of her days I would point that out. But she's a nice lady so I'll just keep that to myself.

Figured I'd listen to Flickchart:

1983-The Right Stuff
1984-Stop Making Sense
1985-Better Off Dead...
1986-Down by Law
1987-Withnail & I
1988-The Thin Blue Line
1989-The Killer
1990-Twin Peaks
1991-Raise the Red Lantern
1994-Hoop Dreams
1995-The City of Lost Children
1996-Waiting for Guffman
1997-Perfect Blue
1998-Run Lola Run
1999-All About My Mother
2000-High Fidelity
2001-The Devil's Backbone
2002-Infernal Affairs
2003-The Station Agent
2005-Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
2006-The Lives of Others
2007-The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
2008-Let The Right One In
2009-A Prophet
2010-13 Assassins
2011-A Separation
2012-The Hunt
2013-Short Term 12
2014-What We Do in the Shadows
2016-Your Name.
2017-Lady Bird
2018-The Favourite
2019-Jojo Rabbit
2020-Palm Springs