The Cell Phone Thread - Problems, concerns, or show off


I wipe my ass with your feelings
Well, I have my cellphone..for awhile now. And well it's lonely, cause it doesn't have those super-dooper-uber ring tones. Actually, I'm just bored of the constant ring tone that goes beep beep beep. I'm one of those persons that just goes the full 9 yards on something.

So I was wondering if anyone could link me to some FREE Polyphonic Ringtone site thingy majig. It'd be very helpful.

Now there is indeed another problem. Would they be compatiable with my phoney? my phoney

Thanks in advance.

So to keep this from being trashed sooner or later, what kind of phone do you have? Cell wise that is

Killing two birds with one stone...or however it goes.

I have a cellular telephone that uses terestrial antennas, lasers, and the such. It also slides OPEN and then slides CLOSED. It was cool until I realized this sliding business also included it sliding out of my hand and onto the ever so soft concrete.

As for a ring tone, if you tend to go the full 9 yards, spend that 4 dollars and get a couple ring-tones. Just don't pick Big Pimpin' by Jay-Z or the Halloween Theme, a couple of times a day is enough.

If you still don't want to spend that big money, Google that son'a bitch.
New jumble is two words: balesdaewrd
Previous jumble goes to, Mrs. Darcy! (gdknmoifoaneevh - Kingdom of Heaven)
The individual words are jumbled then the spaces are removed. PM the answer to me. First one with the answer wins.

Put me in your pocket...
My biggest concern with cell phones are seeing people use them while they drive. I've seen quite a few near misses and careless acts while the driver(s) had the hand set to their ear. My husband does it as well as my best friend and it drives me takes your attention away from the road and makes them an accident waiting to happen.

ANIKO - I've come to the conclusion that it's older people who shouldn't drive and use cell phones. My friends and I can all use our phones without even looking at them. It's the old geezers or technicaly inept that need to focus all their attention on their phone. Maybe you don't even have to be old, just really bad with electronics. If you want to use a cell phone and drive at the same time, I think you should have to take another driving test and use your cell phone in front of the instructor while you're driving. Either way, I've seen plenty of horrible drivers without cell phones.

Put me in your pocket...
Originally Posted by PimpDaShizzle V2.0
ANIKO - I've come to the conclusion that it's older people who shouldn't drive and use cell phones.
Define what you mean by 'older people' and how you came up with that conclusion.

Originally Posted by PimpDaShizzle V2.0
My friends and I can all use our phones without even looking at them. It's the old geezers or technicaly inept that need to focus all their attention on their phone. Maybe you don't even have to be old, just really bad with electronics. If you want to use a cell phone and drive at the same time, I think you should have to take another driving test and use your cell phone in front of the instructor while you're driving. Either way, I've seen plenty of horrible drivers without cell phones.
This is the type of attitude that can make you feel like you are incapable of making a mistake. Just be careful.

As far as the age thing you bring up again...I've seen all ages doing foolish things while using their cell phone....from drifting in and out of lanes, to stopping in the middle of an exit.

Aniko - I used age because it's basically the common relationship between the people I see struggling to use their cell phones, e-mail, new parking meters, self check-out lines, etc. So, I guess by older I really mean electronicaly-challenged. I agree all ages make dumb mistakes. Young kids drive drunk while old people drive like they're drunk.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Originally Posted by Aniko
My biggest concern with cell phones are seeing people use them while they drive. I've seen quite a few near misses and careless acts while the driver(s) had the hand set to their ear. My husband does it as well as my best friend and it drives me takes your attention away from the road and makes them an accident waiting to happen.
You should get them earbuds.
It's illegal to drive and use a cell phone in California without one, and once I got one I was really glad to have it. Now the phone is no more distracting than talking to someone in the car.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

I have a personal bias against cell phones. They are evil. I think they should only be allowed to be used for emergencies. I hate seeing people walking and talking on the streets. I want to throw rocks at the person and tell them to shut up. When people use them in cars I hope that someone purposely crashes into them to teach them a lesson. I secretly hope that people with cell phones develop some health problem from the cell phone. Or better yet the cell phone develops a personality of its own and a voice box and talks back at them.

HellboyUnleashed's Avatar
May The Forks be With Us
I like the pictures that some stores are buying where under the canvas is a cell phone inhibitor, I love those things. I can't drive yet but I think if I do I'm going to get a speaker system where I can just press answer on the phone and not even have to worry about a headset, Those are cool but expensive.
"An Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"
-Ben Kingsley, GHANDI

"Snozberries taste like snozberries"

Originally Posted by gummo
I have a personal bias against cell phones. They are evil. I think they should only be allowed to be used for emergencies. I hate seeing people walking and talking on the streets. I want to throw rocks at the person and tell them to shut up. When people use them in cars I hope that someone purposely crashes into them to teach them a lesson. I secretly hope that people with cell phones develop some health problem from the cell phone. Or better yet the cell phone develops a personality of its own and a voice box and talks back at them.