the nothing thread


Arresting your development
Anonymous Last- Fact #3

I first said the F word at the age of two. It was when I was at the doctor's office getting an immunization shot. One look at the needle and I told my mom, "F_ck That!"
My mother claims that she was very embarrassed.
Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish.
Embrace the chaos and sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.

MM fact #2 i have a watch that can control tv's

No way?!?!!?! Sonbitch!
"No what happens is, Papa Smurf films the gang bang, and then beats off to the tape later!"

I just know they're coming to kill me.
MM5087 Fact #1 : My real name is Seth Andrew Kopchu. But you can call me Seth if you like.
Everything I do, I do to make my second stepdad proud.

Cabbage Head's Avatar
Ex-Con. Ex-Cop. Explosive
Country and western stars that wear cowboy hats all the time are balding. That's why.
Am I eating chicken stew today or is it eating me???

Originally Posted by Cabbage Head
Country and western stars that wear cowboy hats all the time are balding. That's why.
Am I eating chicken stew today or is it eating me???
Cabbage Head, you are one crazy MoFo.

yeah, he is one crazy F***

MM Fact #3 i plan on dying a virgin, not by choice, just, the same as if you heard that a suicidal cult got hold of nukes, u'd plan on the world ending

SD Fact #2:

I plan to become a sikh

Arresting your development
Can I have a turban when you become part of the crew?

MM Fact #4 I'm writing a book

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
Froggy fact 23635: i'm planning NOT to become a sikh, nor a sick, nor a book-writer...
We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.

Cabbage Head's Avatar
Ex-Con. Ex-Cop. Explosive
Don't wanna be an artist, cause everyone comes to look
Don't wanna be anything where my life's an open book.

A dream it's true
But I'd see it through

If I could be
wasting my time
with you

Originally Posted by Anonymous Last
Can I have a turban when you become part of the crew?
What color?

Arresting your development
A bean color.

Suppose you buy 100 pounds of potatoes that are 99% water. After leaving them outside for a day, they are now 98% water.

What is the weight of these slightly dehydrated potatoes?

Most people assume the potatoes now weigh about 98 pounds. But the potatoes now weigh just 50 pounds! If you are wondering why, here is one way to look at it: Since 99% of the original 100 pounds of potatoes is water, the remaining 1% (ie. 1 pound) of the original potatoes is actual potato "stuff". Since the potato stuff doesn't evaporate, it remains one pound. Now, after dehydration the potatoes are 98% water (which implies 2% of potato stuff). Since we know 2% of the potatoes (ie. the potato stuff) weigh one pound, 100% of the potatoes must weigh 50 times the weight of the potato stuff, which gives us 50 pounds.

It is amazing things like this that make me want to go back to school. not.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Originally Posted by 7thson
It is amazing things like this that make me want to go back to school. not.
It's things like that that make me afraid to leave my apartment.
How many other things am I that wrong about?
(I wasn't asking you, Yoda.)
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

good facts, why don't we start a thread called the "facts" thread. We could add in all the facts and tidbits we know.

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by starrdarcy
good facts, why don't we start a thread called the "facts" thread. We could add in all the facts and tidbits we know.
I think this thread holds these kind of posts. Lick here...I mean click!