365 Dni (Days)


Wow, long review from whoever this was. To say this movie will “damage impressionable youth for years” is ludicrous. Does this person realize how much online porn is available even to middle schoolers? This is something the reviewer should be worried about.

..... you missed the point. but ok
Lists and Projects

So it's just that women writers perhaps like the abusive bad boy then?
Leave out the adjective “abusive” & I wouldn’t disagree that some (many?) women like bad boys. This is a movie forum so I’m thinking of Paul Newman in Hud, Mickey Rourke in Diner, Jack Nicholson in 5 Easy Pieces, et al.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

So 365 Days is about rape fantasy? Is that it?
Well, my problem with it as a story was that there is no rape or rape fantasy either. It’s as if someone wanted to think of a rape fantasy where the ‘victim’ actually comes to anticipate the rape before it takes place. It all ends up being consensual, which is the least believable thing of it all!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Well, my problem with it as a story was that there is no rape or rape fantasy either. It’s as if someone wanted to think of a rape fantasy where the ‘victim’ actually comes to anticipate the rape before it takes place. It all ends up being consensual, which is the least believable thing of it all!
That's what a rape fantasy often is about, and I'm not talking about male rape fantasies, I'm talking about women's rape fantasies, which is a thing.

It all ends up being consensual, which is the least believable thing of it all!
Once they both stood stark naked - separately - in the walk-in shower, I figured sex would soon follow. Since she didn’t seem to think anything odd about a total stranger inhabiting her shower space.

That's what a rape fantasy often is about, and I'm not talking about male rape fantasies, I'm talking about women's rape fantasies, which is a thing.
Yes, I’m well aware. I just used to think it must involve at least some element of genuine resistance.

Once they both stood stark naked - separately - in the walk-in shower, I figured sex would soon follow. Since she didn’t seem to think anything odd about a total stranger inhabiting her shower space.
I found that so ludicrous I can’t even comment. The entire idea that he is taunting her with his body which she surely must find irresistible... ah well.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Well, my problem with it as a story was that there is no rape or rape fantasy either. It’s as if someone wanted to think of a rape fantasy where the ‘victim’ actually comes to anticipate the rape before it takes place. It all ends up being consensual, which is the least believable thing of it all!
But maybe this is a good thing in a way, because then a lot of viewers wouldn't think of it as a rape fantasy exploitation? Unless believably is more important?

I found that so ludicrous I can’t even comment. The entire idea that he is taunting her with his body which she surely must find irresistible... ah well.
Almost as nutty as his blow job on the plane with the flight attendant.

But maybe this is a good thing in a way, because then a lot of viewers wouldn't think of it as a rape fantasy exploitation? Unless believably is more important?
I don’t approve of judging anything about a film except the quality of the finished product. It’s just not a good film, which is why this is such a hot topic. With other controversial films like The Last Tango in Paris, the consensus is that the end result excuses some questionable attitudes. But that’s only possible if something good actually comes out of it.

⬆️ I have to leave, but I’m enjoying this thread. Over the weekend I kept thinking “Am I the only person who’s seen this or at least would like to discuss it?”

⬆️ I have to leave, but I’m enjoying this thread. Over the weekend I kept thinking “Am I the only person who’s seen this or at least would like to discuss it?”
See you soon. And you’re never alone around here!

I felt sorry for myself for having watched it.

You know what's weird is that this movie as well as Fifty Shades of Grey, are both directed by female directors, and they are both based off novels, written by female authors. Comparisons were made to Twilight, also a book series by a female author.
You might appreciate (or not! who knows!) this video essay about 50 Shades, and specifically some of the ways that the director made alterations to make the story less of a problem (ie make the main character less stupid and make the power imbalance less creepy). It's also interesting that she got a TON of pushback on making certain changes from the book's author. Significantly, the two sequels were both directed by men. (NOTE: The video essay includes some clips from the film that might be a bit spicy!)

It's also important to know that 50 Shades and Twilight are intertwined, because 50 Shades was literally Twilight fanfiction.

According to The New York Times this movie is a “viral sensation around the world”.

So here we are on a movie forum & nobody but me has seen it?

Did you sit through the whole thing?

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper

You might appreciate (or not! who knows!) this video essay about 50 Shades, and specifically some of the ways that the director made alterations to make the story less of a problem (ie make the main character less stupid and make the power imbalance less creepy). It's also interesting that she got a TON of pushback on making certain changes from the book's author. Significantly, the two sequels were both directed by men. (NOTE: The video essay includes some clips from the film that might be a bit spicy!)

It's also important to know that 50 Shades and Twilight are intertwined, because 50 Shades was literally Twilight fanfiction.

Oh okay thanks, I am checking out the video now. Thanks.

Another thing is, it seems that my women friends are into this and they were into 50 Shades as well, but say the books were better than the movies.

Now why is it there is not as big of a male audience for this movie? Since I don't have Netflix, and since it was posted on here before, that the sex scenes were uploaded to pornhub, I decided to check it out.

It's really not rape porn so much, unless the more rape-ish scenes, were not put in the clip show. However, why aren't men into this as much as women, if that's true? Don't men like porn too?

Oh okay thanks, I am checking out the video now. Thanks.
I think that he does a very good job of explaining the dynamics of the books and the process of adapting it for film. He has follow-up videos talking about some of the differences in the sequels where the directors were male.

Another thing is, it seems that my women friends are into this and they were into 50 Shades as well, but say the books were better than the movies.
However, why aren't men into this as much as women, if that's true? Don't men like porn too?
Well, it may be that more women are talking about the film. But if you look at the IMDb, it's been rated by 8,500 men and about 7,000 women. The average male rating is a 3.0 and the average female rating is a 3.9.

But generally speaking, it sounds like the film hits more "female fantasy" notes than "male fantasy" notes: ie a woman who is so irresistible that a man just has to have her, he wants her to fall in love with him and for them to be married and together, etc. Also, it's the rare case of the actor and actress being the same age (she's 28, he's 29). My guess is plenty of dudes are fast-forwarding to the sexy bits (or, as you note, just watching them separately on adult websites), they just aren't talking about it.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Yeah that's true, my women friends are probably willing to watch a whole movie of erotica I guess. Judging by the sex scenes alone, they seem like a bit of a weird hode podge. Some of the camera shots and sexual acting is really good, where as other shots are oddly sloppy and not so much. Perhaps the directors had a clash of styles maybe?

Also the camera does seem to be on the maybe about 60-70% more of the time, so maybe it was geared towards more women in that regard?