Movies that are just over hyped.


Not an uncommon topic on here - you might be interested in this thread which is along similar lines.

Yeah there was another thread about the same topic.

But mentioning mine here again... Star Wars, Marvel/DC stuff etc etc.
My Favorite Films

Parasite is an excellent movie but it was clearly over hyped the proof is that the guy was famous among cinephile for almost 20 years and suddenly with one movie that is not necessarly is best is knnown by everyone. And not everyone has even seen the film

^^Yup. It hit the sweet spot!

I'll go with Citizen Kane. It generally seems to be near or at the top of lots of "greatest ever" movies, but, I have to admit that I thought it was "pretty good", no where near my greatest. Part of it was how I also thought that Orson Welles was an overblown Hodgepile more than a genius.

I am not saying that parasite is bad im only saying it's over HYPED not over RATED. The guy has made brilliant movies for 20 years without even being nominated in cannes. Then suddenly it's like people compensated the 20 years of sleeping on him with the hype of parasite.

The recent stand out to me was Joker. It was a good film, not a great film, with a great performance by Phoenix. But it was so over hyped, it would be almost impossible for the movie to be as towering as the hype.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood was also insanely hyped. I really liked the movie, but I had my suspicious doubts due to the over publicity.

I am not saying that parasite is bad im only saying it's over HYPED not over RATED. The guy has made brilliant movies for 20 years without even being nominated in cannes. Then suddenly it's like people compensated the 20 years of sleeping on him with the hype of parasite.

Welcome to showbiz! Every dog has its day. He has been a fine director over the years. Let him get hype he deserves whether it's via Parasite or some other means. Okja was in Cannes. Didn't win. Parasite did. And let's face it, Okja is just "very good". 20 years is little time in the movie industry. Many directors go through a lifetime without winning any. Scorsese got an award when all his hair was white. At least Ho got one before hehhad to dye his hair!

I'll go with Citizen Kane. It generally seems to be near or at the top of lots of "greatest ever" movies, but, I have to admit that I thought it was "pretty good", no where near my greatest. Part of it was how I also thought that Orson Welles was an overblown Hodgepile more than a genius.

I've never even seen Citizen Kane and never had any desire to.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I know Citizen, I was hoping you might not see this post, but it's true.
You really should check it out sometime, you watch a lot of movies so if you don't like it, it will be just another movie you didn't care for. You liked The Assassination of Jesse James, Parasite & Ad Astra... which are a western, a foreign and a sci fi (stuff you normally don't like) who know you might end up liking Citizen Kane

I've never even seen Citizen Kane and never had any desire to.
Definitely see Citizen Kane. It's such an icon that numerous Hollywood cinematic devices were copied from it. It's also one of those Film 101 movies that you missed if you didn't take a college film course. In my case, something similar was Birth of a Nation (the old one), a movie that one needs to see for the sake of cinematic literacy. The content is reprehensible, but much of what Griffith did nearly defined what we see as a movie today. Not seeing Citizen Kane is somewhat like being an English Lit major who didn't read any Shakespeare.