Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Manmarziyaan [Husband Material] (Anurag Kashyap, 2018}

More like Spinster Material for the most part imo

Manmarziyaan [Husband Material] (Anurag Kashyap, 2018}

More like Spinster Material for the most part imo
Where did you find this!
I found this about 6 months ago and it was rubbish.
My Favorite Films

Where did you find this!
I found this about 6 months ago and it was rubbish.
Was on Film4 some time back. I was quite mixed on it - didn't think the character arcs were very believable and the story was as predictable as stink but it remained watchable imo. It's probably a generous rating - I wavered between 5/10 and 6/10 for most of it and I tend to err on the side of generosity most of the time.

Was on Film4 some time back. I was quite mixed on it - didn't think the character arcs were very believable and the story was as predictable as stink but it remained watchable imo. It's probably a generous rating - I wavered between 5/10 and 6/10 for most of it and I tend to err on the side of generosity most of the time.

Film4... So you are from England I presume!

That is what I find quaint about Bollywood (the Hindi language industry), the movies are absolutely bonkers when it comes to the plot, but they remain enjoyable, even though you kinda wonder what the heck is going on. And occasionally they would drop some great films, like maybe one in every 5 years. The other regional languages produce faaar better products!

Film4... So you are from England I presume!
Close, the larger of the islands just to the West

That is what I find quaint about Bollywood (the Hindi language industry), the movies are absolutely bonkers when it comes to the plot, but they remain enjoyable, even though you kinda wonder what the heck is going on. And occasionally they would drop some great films, like maybe one in every 5 years. The other regional languages produce faaar better products!
Sadly I don't get to watch as much Bollywood as I used to but I usually tape them when I see them scheduled.

The Wailing (2016) - 7.5/10. A masterful creation. Easily the best in the horror category for me for the decade. Not sure if anything good will come out in 2020 to beat it. Tried to watch it at for two consecutive nights, but couldn't. Made it to 20 mins on Day 1 and around 35 on Day 2. So finished it in the afternoon. The spooky atmosphere, the cinematography, the grizzly killings, all were melded in a sweet bucket of ice cream. Leaves Hereditary faaaaar behind.
strange, I have tried to watch this movie twice but it wasn't doing anything for me, after reading this I am determined to give it one more try, would you say it takes a while to pick up?
Do you know what a roller pigeon is, Barney? They climb high and fast, then roll over and fall just as fast toward the earth. There are shallow rollers and deep rollers. You can’t breed two deep rollers, or their young will roll all the way down, hit, and die. Officer Starling is a deep roller, Barney. We should hope one of her parents was not.

Rahm (Ahmed Jamal, 2016)
Decent enough production that works well enough in an Islamic setting, unfortunately Shakespeare and myself often struggle to bond and sadly this was no exception

Raven73's Avatar
Boldly going.
The Force Awakens (3/10).

A film about the existential inevitability of war and conflict even while in the realm of the vast cosmos and time while juxtaposing the social structures of genre epic fantasy, pop culture and space operatic themes, yet it falls short of its intent due to the derivative nature of its characters, settings and archetypes resulting in an ironic shallowness and colourful yet inauthentic story arcs which subsequently distills the saga into the inevitable realm of reboot rather than sequel which is unfortunate given the predicable size of the audience, the wealth of the canon, and of course the proportion of the investments, in terms of both fan expectation and money which predictably has led to a veritable avalanche of (unsubstantiated, granted) accusations regarding the incorruptibility of the critic superstructure in the face of the overarching Disney media juggernaut and all that might imply, while even if this effect is subconscious - much can be said about the effect, particularly in particular reference to the film's ability to exploit firmly engraved nostalgic psychosomatic energy which is also maintained by sociological underpinnings inherent in the global pop culture phenomenon which is Star Wars.
Boldly going.

Trouble with a capital "T"
The Force Awakens (3/10).

A film about the existential inevitability of war and conflict even while in the realm of the vast cosmos and time while juxtaposing the social structures of genre epic fantasy, pop culture and space operatic themes, yet it falls short of its intent due to the derivative nature of its characters, settings and archetypes resulting in an ironic shallowness and colourful yet inauthentic story arcs which subsequently distills the saga into the inevitable realm of reboot rather than sequel which is unfortunate given the predicable size of the audience, the wealth of the canon, and of course the proportion of the investments, in terms of both fan expectation and money which predictably has led to a veritable avalanche of (unsubstantiated, granted) accusations regarding the incorruptibility of the critic superstructure in the face of the overarching Disney media juggernaut and all that might imply, while even if this effect is subconscious - much can be said about the effect, particularly in particular reference to the film's ability to exploit firmly engraved nostalgic psychosomatic energy which is also maintained by sociological underpinnings inherent in the global pop culture phenomenon which is Star Wars.
In other words you're saying it sucks

Kickboxer (1989)

I'm always mixing this with Bloodsport and half of the stuff I'm expecting is actually in the other one. I don't even know why I've watched 'em both multiple times because I don't particularly like either of them. This whole tournament/competition plot is about the worst martial arts film story there is and the fight choreography is quite weak too. At least the main villain is good and sort of intimidating.


Close, the larger of the islands just to the West

Johnny Evans or Robbie Keane?

Welcome to the human race...
The Thing -

had to move up the yearly viewing because of quarantine
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

strange, I have tried to watch this movie twice but it wasn't doing anything for me, after reading this I am determined to give it one more try, would you say it takes a while to pick up?

For a horror movie its quite a long grind. 156 odd minutes. I wouldn't say it picks up or goes down in any way. At most, the pace picks up by 10-15% in the last 40 mins. But as the movie goes on, the movie becomes even more visually stunning. More like a scotch than a tequila. The turmoil at the end is very very pleasing to see. Just stick with it, is all i can say, or maybe do it in two sittings.

The Tunnel (2011) - 5/10. An Aussie movie (Sydney). Trying to rip off REC in so many ways. But the movie is not bad. Decently acted. I am not sure how expensive Australian movies are in general, but these found footage movies are cheap to make and easy to produce. Just add another on top of the endless pile of found footage movies that were coming out in the past decade. Only complain, the movie doesn't conclude, so the wholesome experience is lost. Not sure that was a smart choice for a one off movie.

Registered User
The Avengers: Endgame - 1\10

The Virgin Spring

Only seen one other Bergman film, The Seventh Seal, which was a bit of a chore to get through. This one is not. Never thought I'd see an R and R flick this well done. Loved the story which has all kinds of little things to pick through and it looks amazing (no surprise there as Bergmans' Seventh Seal is one of the best looking pics ever). Max is one of those actors who gets lost in the greatest ever conversation and I wonder if it has to do with the fact that he wasn't afraid to do films such as Strange Brew and Flash Gordon which are classics in their own right.

strange, I have tried to watch this movie twice but it wasn't doing anything for me, after reading this I am determined to give it one more try, would you say it takes a while to pick up?
I wouldn't say it picks up but there are more horror-ish scenes as the movie progresses. The tone of the movie definitely shifts after about 45 minutes in when it becomes more supernatural horror/thriller and less quirky. I think it's fascinating movie that gets better every single time I see it, but it is one that either you going to love or hate.

strange, I have tried to watch this movie twice but it wasn't doing anything for me, after reading this I am determined to give it one more try, would you say it takes a while to pick up?
No, it's a crappy movie.