Movies you PRAY they never remake


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Hey this could be a game! One person post movies they pray are never remade...and the next gives their opinion on the viability of such endeavors.
My list of films I pray they never remake!


As for Titanic, I think it would be incredibly hard to improve upon it. This is one where if a remake were done, if it were an improvement, I'd be ok with it, but it would be astoundingly unlikely IMO.

This is to contrast with other movies where even if it were redone to be 1000x "better", I would be pissed that someone dare defile them.

Another movie for me:

Forest Gump:
When women have a poet, they want a cowboy.
When they have a cowboy, they want a poet.
They'll say "I don't care if he's a poet or cowboy, so long as he's a nice guy. But oh, I'm so attracted to that bad guy over there."
Understand this last part, and you'll get them all.

Robocop... aw wait, they did... in all fairness, the remake was not as bad as I thought it was going to be and could have been, but still not a patch on the original.

The Godfather's an obvious pic, but to keep up originality I'd say Aliens, unless they reboot the whole series as a TV show.

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The Godfather's an obvious pic, [...]
LOL. Someone elsewhere in the forum pointed out "All roads lead to The Godfather".

Around here, that's true, and fine by me.

The Exorcist

The Good the Bad and the Ugly
Fight Club

Bullitt - please, keep your mitts off this movie.

Reservoir Dogs - ditto.

GWTW - ditto.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

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Anything by Pixar probably ought to be left alone; they more or less invented a genre.

The Great Escape (1963)

Dr. Strangelove

6th Sense

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I had a dream last night, that I watched a remake of The Third Man and it was reset in the modern Middle East. Would that be bad if they remade that?

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I had a dream last night, that I watched a remake of The Third Man and it was reset in the modern Middle East. Would that be bad if they remade that?
I am soooooo tempted to bring in yet another Godfather reference to the forum....

Shawshank Redemption. It just perfect as is, no need to ever remake it.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
As far as remakes go does anyone think that some remakes are actually done very well, and possibly better than the original such as King Kong, The Fly, and The Last House on the Left?

That would be a money maker if they remake it and they probably will.

Horror movie+name recognition=profits.
No it wouldn't. Anybody worth their salt as a horror fan knows there's no way they can remake that today with the same edge the original has. The remake would be some dumb PG-13 nonsense with James Wan's name attached to it. It's not mainstream appropriate for this day and age. These studios today don't have the balls to even consider remaking that, let alone the capability.

It will never be touched.

Trouble with a capital "T"
No it wouldn't. Anybody worth their salt as a horror fan knows there's no way they can remake that today with the same edge the original has. The remake would be some dumb PG-13 nonsense with James Wan's name attached to it. It's not mainstream appropriate for this day and age. These studios today don't have the balls to even consider remaking that, let alone the capability.

It will never be touched.
I totally agree it wouldn't be as good, but that's never stopped movie studios before.

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It's not mainstream appropriate for this day and age. These studios today don't have the balls to even consider remaking that, let alone the capability.

It will never be touched.
It's certainly appropriate for an R rated movie. Today's R rated movies are impossibly edgy, graphic, gross, etc., etc.

Are you referring to something else?

Today's R rated movies are impossibly edgy, graphic, gross, etc., etc.
Example? (Studio and movie) that got a wide theater release, and was a remake...

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Example? (Studio and movie) that got a wide theater release, and was a remake...
You were making a statement not confined to just remakes. I was responding to you saying this:

Gorescout: "It's not mainstream appropriate for this day and age. These studios today don't have the balls to even consider remaking that, let alone the capability."

What in The Exorcist applies to this:
1. Not mainstream appropriate for today
2. Studios today not having the balls
3. Studios today not having the capability

None of those make sense to me. If studios can produce super graphic movies, then why not a remake of The Exorcist?

Do you mean that the Exorcist was too tame, or the reverse? Or not PC enough?