Lost and Found


chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
Originally Posted by Frank Castle
I recently lost my self. But now Im found what I was looking for. im back
so yeah! we had lost Frank Castle, and we've found Frank Castle anew!
we're happy, i guess!

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by chicagofrog
my bud the Disposible Assassin/Killer and me lost THIS some time ago:
That's the Irish comic book lass, right?

Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish.
Embrace the chaos and sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
Originally Posted by Anonymous Last
That's the Irish comic book lass, right?
yep. i want her in the next Xmen movie, played by Alicia Witt?

or look at:

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by chicagofrog
yep. i want her in the next Xmen movie, played by Alicia Witt?

or look at:
She was in the second [X2] movie...though she was a little kid screaming in her bed, nothing like the comic version.

Young actress= Shauna Kain.

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
i'd say - but again, it MAY just be the pic - Alicia is *slightly* more attractive than Shauna Kain... but hei! i was ugly as a child too, and look how handsome i've become!

The longest time was for a couple books I'd lent to a friend some years ago (six, to be exact) and forgot lending out. Couple weeks ago I was visiting him in N.Y. and he handed me a bag of books which I thought I had "misplaced." It's not like it was the first time I'd seen him in all that time either, I just never remembered to ask him about the books and he never said anything.

The most ridiculous incident was losing my coat at school a couple winters ago. It was really, really cold out, but somehow I completely failed to notice I wasn't wearing the coat. Two weeks later a professor of mine asked if i'd lost a coat and told me he'd found it after one of his classes. Totally at random.

I have a bad habit of emptying my pockets (of keys, loose change, wallet, papers etc.) whenever I enter a room, and somehow hiding them without even being aware of it. Usually there are only a set number of places that I unconsciously gravitate to (the top of the bookshelf, behind the books, in the flower pot etc) but I've also come up with some really stupifying and illogical hiding spots. I once hid my wallet in a stack of old newspapers and forgot about it. It kept me from going out with friends that night because I didn't want to drive anywhere without my license, and took all weekend for me to find it. Pretty retoidid of me.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Originally Posted by linespalsy
...I have a bad habit of emptying my pockets (of keys, loose change, wallet, papers etc.) whenever I enter a room, and somehow hiding them without even being aware of it. Usually there are only a set number of places that I unconsciously gravitate to (the top of the bookshelf, behind the books, in the flower pot etc) but I've also come up with some really stupifying and illogical hiding spots. I once hid my wallet in a stack of old newspapers and forgot about it. It kept me from going out with friends that night because I didn't want to drive anywhere without my license, and took all weekend for me to find it. Pretty retoidid of me.
What are you going to be like when you're senile?! I'd have a hard time with that, as I get pretty frustrated with myself when I misplace something. I don't do it often, but when I do, I am in big trouble with me.
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