The MoFo Westerns List

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Also eligible, Lenny Bruce's stage routine rendered as a cartoon.

Thank You, Mask Man (1971, John Magnuson)

*NSFW, either
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Let the night air cool you off
I'm not going to get into justifying the movies I've seen nor my rating system. I came here in good faith wondering if I should opt out of it or not based upon the rules system.
I'm not familiar with you as a poster. I wanted to know some examples of the films you have seen and didn't love. You brought them up. I was curious. I don't know who has seen more westerns out of the two of us, but if I could try to point you in the directions of some westerns you'd might like, I would have done that. All I know is you like the GBU, which might mean you'd like other Spaghetti's, but Leone is different enough where that might not be the case. I don't know if you've seen the heavy hitters like The Searchers or Stagecoach, perhaps you'd like the revisionist stuff. I was trying to be helpful, but here I am justifying my post in a public forum where the whole point is to post and then have people respond to it.

Made this mistake last year with the Horror list Bro. You have to PM your list to the host Holden Pike, and keep it secret until the reveal of the list in May..

Well i sent a list but also changed it some.

Account terminated on request
I was trying to be helpful, but here I am justifying my post in a public forum where the whole point is to post and then have people respond to it.
Mea culpa.

Sorry man, I shot from the hip and mistook your post as a challenge similar to "How could you vote 6 for all of those" (etc.).

My apologies.
When women have a poet, they want a cowboy.
When they have a cowboy, they want a poet.
They'll say "I don't care if he's a poet or cowboy, so long as he's a nice guy. But oh, I'm so attracted to that bad guy over there."
Understand this last part, and you'll get them all.

Let the night air cool you off
Mea culpa.

Sorry man, I shot from the hip and mistook your post as a challenge similar to "How could you vote 6 for all of those" (etc.).

My apologies.
It's all good, man.

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
Sorry man, I shot from the hip and mistook your post as a challenge similar to "How could you vote 6 for all of those" (etc.).
How appropriate on a Western thread.

Account terminated on request
How appropriate on a Western thread.
LOL. I didn't even make that connection. Too funny.

Probably something subconscious.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...Keep watching Westerns, y'all!
I am! With 85 days/12 weeks left...I'm shooting for another 50 westerns under my belt before we hit the end of the trail. Anyone care to join me in that?

Not sure if it will make my list (it's currently in competition for the lower ranks) but I'd like to have a ruling on whether or not Let the Corpses Tan is eligible. IMDb lists it only as a thriller, wiki calls it a western and letterboxd has both (and more) tags.

In my opinion, it's pretty much the only modern-day film I personally consider a western. It has the spaghetti style visuals (exaggerated even) and both the story and action follow the western tropes.

What about Toy Story? Woody wore a cowboy hat...

Not sure if it will make my list (it's currently in competition for the lower ranks) but I'd like to have a ruling on whether or not Let the Corpses Tan is eligible. IMDb lists it only as a thriller, wiki calls it a western and letterboxd has both (and more) tags.

In my opinion, it's pretty much the only modern-day film I personally consider a western. It has the spaghetti style visuals (exaggerated even) and both the story and action follow the western tropes.
I haven't seen it but between your description, a handful of online reviews I just looked at, and the trailer I don't see why you shouldn't call it a Western if you wish. Looks to definitely take the tropes and style of Spaghetti Westerns and neo-Spaghetti Westerns like Sukiyaki Western Django, The Good, the Bad, the Weird, and even Desperado.

Anybody have an argument for disallowing it?

Trouble with a capital "T"
...Anybody have an argument for disallowing it?
It's your call of course. But I don't see a movie set in the current day and in the Mediterranean being a western. Though I haven't seen it.

Account terminated on request
It's your call of course. But I don't see a movie set in the current day and in the Mediterranean being a western. Though I haven't seen it.
I'm still holding out for Woody.

Back to brass tacks: If you don't insist on rigid criteria for what is or isn't a western, doesn't everything eventually devolve into an argument for the similarity between all movies and westerns?

I think that's the slippery slope of not making it confined to "gunslinging from the old American west."

It's your call of course. But I don't see a movie set in the current day and in the Mediterranean being a western. Though I haven't seen it.
Date and geography are not the overriding ingredients of this genre. Dozens of other modern day and/or non-U.S. plains set movies are labeled as Westerns. The only question is whether to include this one with those.

As I have said before, what your personal definition and criteria for a Western are, as in which ones you consider for your own ballot, and what you can recognize as being of the genre even if it is not your taste are different. If you don't want to include titles like Treasure of the Sierra Madre, Desperado, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Blazing Saddles, Rango, or Back to the Future Part III on your ballot that is absolutely your call. But they are eligible and they are Westerns. Some people may not count Westerns made after a certain date or any other personal bias/preference they have. But you can't force that on everyone else.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Date and geography are not the overriding ingredients of this genre. Dozens of other modern day and/or non-U.S. plains set movies are labeled as Westerns..
Well, I disagree that the date & geography that the film takes place in, isn't integral to labeling a movie as a western genre. By my standards they're very important. But you're the head honcho and what you decide is fine, I'm not trying to change your mind.

Well, I disagree that the date & geography that the film takes place in, isn't integral to labeling a movie as a western genre. By my standards they're very important. But you're the head honcho and what you decide is fine, I'm not trying to change your mind.
Give Let the Corpses Tan a watch. So far it's the only film that takes place in modern-day that I'm personally considering a western. In a way, its date is only a surface and despite cars and motorcycles and SMGs all the sets, all the action and even the characters are straight from that old, western age.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Give Let the Corpses Tan a watch. So far it's the only film that takes place in modern-day that I'm personally considering a western. In a way, its date is only a surface and despite cars and motorcycles and SMGs all the sets, all the action and even the characters are straight from that old, western age.
I have no problem if it's included and I'm sure it's probably a good movie. Holden Pike asked for opinions about including the movie and so I gave mine based on my own views. If it is included that's fine by me, nothing more, nothing less.