20th Hall of Fame


Me too, hopefully me hosting doesn’t scare people away like the Western
I like you as a host. Why? You're active and enthusiastic and you keep the HoF up to date. You didn't scare anyone away from the Western HoF The first one we did didn't have many members either. I gather not everyone loves westerns like I do!

BTW, I've noticed enthusiasm and conversation has been waning in the last year or so. It use to be that HoFs were much more dynamic and people actually talked to each other, but lately it seems we all just post our movie review and that's it. I find that boring. I though I could help with the 'movie of the week' idea and maybe I didn't try hard enough to make that work, so I gave up on trying which was probably a mistake.
Thanks, Citizen. I was kind of joking anyways, at least I’d hope I’m not the main reason!

I agree, I really love discussion. I thought our discussions of Squid and the Whale really worked out, but yeah, it kind of dropped after that. Maybe I’ll try it in 21st and see how it goes.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I agree, I really love discussion. I thought our discussions of Squid and the Whale really worked out, but yeah, it kind of dropped after that. Maybe I’ll try it in 21st and see how it goes.
It did and that was great, my mistake for not at least trying harder. I just wasn't sure if people were into it or not. It's hard for me (and maybe others) to commit on a movie you haven't seen or one that you watched and reviewed months ago. That's why I personally think 1 week per movie isn't needed. Most all of us finish well in advance and there's always going to be those who wait until the last couple weeks to start doing anything.

I made another mistake in this HoF I should have used Siddon's participation rule (or some form of it).
You must have 1 write-up done in the first 2 weeks
You must have 2 write-ups done in the first month
You must have 4 write-ups done in the first 6 weeks

I agree, I really love discussion. I thought our discussions of Squid and the Whale really worked out, but yeah, it kind of dropped after that. Maybe I’ll try it in 21st and see how it goes.
It did and that was great, my mistake for not at least trying harder. I just wasn't sure if people were into it or not. It's hard for me (and maybe others) to commit on a movie you haven't seen or one that you watched and reviewed months ago. That's why I personally think 1 week per movie isn't needed. Most all of us finish well in advance and there's always going to be those who wait until the last couple weeks to start doing anything.

I made another mistake in this HoF I should have used Siddon's participation rule (or some form of it).
You must have 1 write-up done in the first 2 weeks
You must have 2 write-ups done in the first month
You must have 4 write-ups done in the first 6 weeks
I really liked that rule and I also made the mistake of not using it in Pixar. I will probably do it for Westerns, though.
And no worries about Movie of the Week, I personally loved it, but I could see some people not being too into it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I really liked that rule and I also made the mistake of not using it in Pixar...
I think the minimum watching rule (MW rule) helps everyone.

I've been in a lot of HoFs and one thing that happens over and over is that people (especially new people) will procrastinate, thinking they have many months to watch the movies. Then as time runs out, they find they have too many movies to watch, or that school or job gets in the way at the last moment, so they drop out. Only they often don't tell the host they dropped out, leaving the host to stress over what to do about it...and causing other members to wonder if they should watch their movie or not. Then when people do drop out, they often don't join future HoFs, so we then lose potentially good HoF future members. And there's not many of us around, so we need everyone!

I think of the MW rule like a job deadline, it's motivation to get the job done and it helps those who stay in an HoF and helps those who would've dropped out too.

The trick is not minding
Me too, hopefully me hosting doesn’t scare people away like the Western
I like you as a host. Why? You're active and enthusiastic and you keep the HoF up to date. You didn't scare anyone away from the Western HoF The first one we did didn't have many members either. I gather not everyone loves westerns like I do!

BTW, I've noticed enthusiasm and conversation has been waning in the last year or so. It use to be that HoFs were much more dynamic and people actually talked to each other, but lately it seems we all just post our movie reviews and that's it. I miss the conversation of the good old days I though I could help with the 'movie of the week' idea and maybe I didn't try hard enough to make that work.
There were a few good conversations going on in the comedy HOF, but lately that’s died down some. I’d be a tad bit more active but I just had some wisdom teeth pulled and the meds make me kinda loopy.

Trouble with a capital "T"
There were a few good conversations going on in the comedy HOF, but lately that’s died down some. I’d be a tad bit more active but I just had some wisdom teeth pulled and the meds make me kinda loopy.
Oh gawd wisdom teeth pulled! Yikes! I hate that Hope you're doing better soon.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I do notice how we all join in at the beginning and then as time passes, we all seem to slow down on the conversations in the HoFs and then it builds back up in an amusing after party when the voting is revealed.
But yeah, the conversations have lessened noticeably. For myself, recent life has been rather occupying and I'm coming around the bend of it so I should be back to on a more conversing nature as previously.

On a separate note, I'm starting up Phantom Thread right now, I tried watching this the other night on streaming but the sound was a bit too low so I grabbed a copy from the library enroute to work and it's quiet enough presently to put it on.
Pretty excited to see a rewatch for this. Especially since I tried watching the first 10 minutes and had to stop due to the low volume and missing out on dialogue.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
...I'm starting up Phantom Thread right now...Pretty excited to see a rewatch for this. Especially since I tried watching the first 10 minutes and had to stop due to the low volume and missing out on dialogue.
Yeah crummy sound can ruin a good movie. Like I said earlier, people seem to like Phantom Thread even more on a rewatch. I know I did, which is kind of unusual for me.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

Phantom Thread

Reynolds Woodcock: The tea is going out. The interruption is staying right here with me.

To quickly answer CR's above post about enjoying this more a second time around: on my first watch I was enchanted - from afar as if gazing in through a window. This time, engulfed, immersed and adrift.

There is a terrifyingly delicate composition to this film. A fragility that, at any moment, this attention to minutia may fracture and fall away. The turbulence beneath bearing an equal sublime delicateness that is a mirror surface. Both delicate natures creating an unbreakable bedrock.
Such is the regimented, refined world of couturiers set in the 50's that Paul Anderson Thomas has brought forth with such diligence as one would in creating a masterful tapestry. Creating a Wonder that traverses both the beautiful and the darkness of creative exposition.

Before starting, Daniel Day-Lewis spent a year learning how to sew, his final work was to recreate a Balenciaga sheath dress so that he would be able to immerse himself into a Couturier's mindset. Creating this astounding character that is a brooding lake that, at times, will erupt upon itself and those nearby when it is disturbed.
This is enhanced and beautifully complimented with the formidable triangle of Reynolds' sister, Cyril, played with such a disciplined armor protecting the warmth beneath by Lesley Manville and his muse, Alma, a disturbance to the calm with measured determination by Vicky Krieps.

Their creations of life and characters seemed SO intensely real I firmly believed that they were based on specific people and not an interpretive conglomeration of people and their occupation. That kind of intricate creativity sends my mind reeling and I am intoxicated by it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Solid review Ed, sounds like you were duly impressed with Phantom Thread. Cool story about Daniel Day Lewis learning to sew and taking it so seriously. That's dedication!

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Solid review Ed, sounds like you were duly impressed with Phantom Thread. Cool story about Daniel Day Lewis learning to sew and taking it so seriously. That's dedication!
That's what I thought as well. SUCH dedication! It is no wonder that he creates such in-depth, multi-leveled characters that become nearly iconic.
Truly extraordinary.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Great review! Glad you enjoy it
Been wanting to have a rewatch of this and so happy to get to. In fact, before I return the movie to the library, we'll be doing another watch at the house.

Trouble with a capital "T"
When do we Suspect the unveil to be?
I'll do it on the 20th and I'll do the @mention thing before hand. It might be in the morning PST or in the evening, I don't know for sure when I'll have the time. Hopefully some people will be online, it's kinda boring doing the final reveal by yourself

When do we Suspect the unveil to be?
I'll do it on the 20th and I'll do the @mention thing before hand. It might be in the morning PST or in the evening, I don't know for sure when I'll have the time. Hopefully some people will be online, it's kinda boring doing the final reveal by yourself
Is everyone finished? Neiba and Frightened Inmate have a few left on the first post but I wasn’t sure if you just hadn’t updated it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Is everyone finished? Neiba and Frightened Inmate have a few left on the first post but I wasn’t sure if you just hadn’t updated it.
Take a guess to which it is...I usually update the review links at least once a day, often twice a day.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Cool Hand Luke (1967)

One of my favourite films of the 60s and, perhaps, Paul Newman's best film, and we're talking about the man who in the same decade gave us The Hustler and Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid.
It's beautfully written and I love how deeply internal is Luke's evolution as a character and how it affects all the prisioners.
The film starts lightly and then goes darker and darker, which kind of mirrors Luke's mood.
There are some amazing scenes, especially the obvious church scene, which is maddening!
I'm so glad I rewatched this, thanks for nominating this!


Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Cool Hand Luke (1967)

One of my favourite films of the 60s and, perhaps, Paul Newman's best film, and we're talking about the man who in the same decade gave us The Hustler and Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid.
It's beautfully written and I love how deeply internal is Luke's evolution as a character and how it affects all the prisioners.
The film starts lightly and then goes darker and darker, which kind of mirrors Luke's mood.
There are some amazing scenes, especially the obvious church scene, which is maddening!
I'm so glad I rewatched this, thanks for nominating this!

So happy to hear you enjoyed it. I feel exactly the same way about getting to have a rewatch for Phantom Thread -- thank YOU for nominating that one!

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Blood Simple (1984)

I was never really into the Coen Bros, and there's only a couple of films by them I truly enjoy (No Country for Old Men, and O Brother where art thou). This one, even if it's kind of different of their later work, is no exception. I can't really put my finger on why I didn't like it, cause there is really nothing wrong with it. The perfomances are decent, though nothing extraordinary, the story is mildly interesting so is the script, and the cinematography is not bad at all. However there's something about the whole atmosphere that didn't grab me so I this watch ended up being a bit monotonous. I guess all this ugliness is not really my thing. Sorry! :/
