"TOP 3 quote" game


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I hate to be a stickler about this but " Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" isn't the final line from Gone With The Wind. It's actually "After all, tomorrow is another day."
Frankly my dear...oh forget it. Too easy.

My bad. Surprised Mark didn't call me out already.

But Not Slight of Mind or Tongue...
Lines heard on a TV set in a movie

1. "It has been established that persons who have recently died have been returning to life and committing acts of murder." - Night of the Living Dead (1968)

2. "In other news, officials at the Pacific Nuclear research facility have denied the rumor that a case of missing plutonium was, in fact, stolen from their vault two weeks ago. A Libyan terrorist group had claimed responsibility for the alleged theft. However, officials now attribute the discrepancy to a simple clerical error. The FBI, which is investigating the matter, had no comment. Twelve wooden crates filled with cocaine washed ashore near Boca Raton, Florida, yesterday." - Back to the Future

But Not Slight of Mind or Tongue...
Lines heard on a TV set in a movie

1. "It has been established that persons who have recently died have been returning to life and committing acts of murder." - Night of the Living Dead (1968)

2. "In other news, officials at the Pacific Nuclear research facility have denied the rumor that a case of missing plutonium was, in fact, stolen from their vault two weeks ago. A Libyan terrorist group had claimed responsibility for the alleged theft. However, officials now attribute the discrepancy to a simple clerical error. The FBI, which is investigating the matter, had no comment. Twelve wooden crates filled with cocaine washed ashore near Boca Raton, Florida, yesterday." - Back to the Future

3. "When you’re dead, there’s no time. The world is..." - Synecdoche, New York

Lines from a song, nursery rhyme, or poem recited by a character in a movie

Lines heard on a TV set in a movie
Lines from a song, nursery rhyme, or poem recited by a character in a movie
"I'm a little teapot, short and stout
here is my handle, here is my spout
when I get all steamed up, hear me shout
Just tip me over and pour me out!""

But Not Slight of Mind or Tongue...
Lines from a song, nursery rhyme, or poem recited by a character in a movie

1. "I'm a little teapot, short and stout
here is my handle, here is my spout
when I get all steamed up, hear me shout
Just tip me over and pour me out!"" - Storm of the Century

2."Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message 'He is Dead'.
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood;
For nothing now can ever come to any good."

(Funeral Blues by W.H. Auden) - Four Weddings and a Funeral

Lines from a song, nursery rhyme, or poem recited by a character in a movie
Ever since I met you, I wanted to be your guy...
But as you probably noticed, I'm pathologically shy,
And standing on this stage right now I think I'd rather die,
So I'm just going to start by saying "... hi..."

- Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel

Lines about God

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Lines about God

1. Fenderbaum: We've got a secret weapon. God is our co-pilot!
The Greek: You'll need him!
Jamie Blake: *God* is our copilot?
Fenderbaum: Uh huh...
Jamie Blake: Remember our car?
Fenderbaum: Uh huh...
Jamie Blake: Two seats?
Fenderbaum: Two seats...
Jamie Blake: Where's he gonna sit?
Jamie Blake: Where's he gonna sit?

The Cannonball Run (1981)

But Not Slight of Mind or Tongue...
Lines about God

1. Fenderbaum: We've got a secret weapon. God is our co-pilot!
The Greek: You'll need him!
Jamie Blake: *God* is our copilot?
Fenderbaum: Uh huh...
Jamie Blake: Remember our car?
Fenderbaum: Uh huh...
Jamie Blake: Two seats?
Fenderbaum: Two seats...
Jamie Blake: Where's he gonna sit?
Jamie Blake: Where's he gonna sit?
[smack] - The Cannonball Run (1981)

2. " What does God need with a starship?" - Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

Lines about God

1. Fenderbaum: We've got a secret weapon. God is our co-pilot!
The Greek: You'll need him!
Jamie Blake: *God* is our copilot?
Fenderbaum: Uh huh...
Jamie Blake: Remember our car?
Fenderbaum: Uh huh...
Jamie Blake: Two seats?
Fenderbaum: Two seats...
Jamie Blake: Where's he gonna sit?
Jamie Blake: Where's he gonna sit?
[smack] - The Cannonball Run (1981)

2. " What does God need with a starship?" - Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

3. "Sometimes I wonder which side God is on" - The Longest Day

Lines about existence/meaning of life

But Not Slight of Mind or Tongue...
Lines about existence/meaning of life

1. "The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything is...42." - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Lines about existence/meaning of life

1. "The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything is...42." - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
George 'Noodles' Stone:
You know it's like, I dunno you... you float out... float out at sea then one day you find a port, say, 'I'm gonna stay here a few days'. A few days becomes a few years. Then you forgot where you were going in the first place. Then you realize you don't really give a **** about where you was going, cause you like where you at.
- A Star is Born

Here’s looking at you, kid.
Lines about existence/meaning of life

1. "The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything is...42." - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
2. George 'Noodles' Stone:
“You know it's like, I dunno you... you float out... float out at sea then one day you find a port, say, 'I'm gonna stay here a few days'. A few days becomes a few years. Then you forgot where you were going in the first place. Then you realize you don't really give a **** about where you was going, cause you like where you at.”
- A Star is Born

3. “Dear Nobody, dying is not the worst thing that can happen to a man. Look at me... I've been dead for three days now, and have finally found my peace. You used to say that my life was hanging by a thread. Maybe so, but I'm afraid it's your life that's hanging by a thread now. And there's quite a few people who'd like to cut that thread. Yeah, I guess it's your way of feeling alive. See, there's a whole difference between you and me: I always try to steer away from trouble, while you seem to be looking for it all the time. But I must admit, you've been able to solve your share, even if you like others to take the credit. This way, you can remain a "nobody." You got it all nicely figured out. But you gambled too big this time, and there's too many people who know you're "somebody" after all. And you won't have much time left for playing your funny games. They'll make life harder and harder for you, until you too will meet somebody who wants to put you down in history. And so you'll find out that the only way to become a nobody again is to die. Anyhow, from now on, you'll be walking in my boots, and maybe you won't be laughing so loud anymore. But you can still do one thing: you can preserve a little of that illusion that made my generation tick. Maybe you'll do it in your own funny way, but you'll be grateful just the same. I guess looking back, it seems we were all a bunch of romantic fools. We still believed that a good pistol and a quick showdown could solve everything. But then, the West used to be wide-open spaces with lots of elbow room, and you never ran into the same person twice. By the time you came along, it was changed. It got smaller and crowded, and I kept bumping into the same people all the time. But if you're able to run around in the West peacefully catching flies, it's only 'cause fellows like me were there first. Yeah, the same fellow you want to see written up in history books, 'cause people need something to believe in, like you say. But you won't be able to have it your own way much longer, 'cause the country ain't the same anymore, and I'm already feeling a stranger myself. But, what's worse, violence has changed, too. It's grown, and got organized, and a good pistol don't mean a damn thing anymore. But I guess you must know all this, 'cause it's... your kind of time, not mine. And I also figured out the moral to your grandpa's story, the one about the cow that covered the little bird in cowpie to keep it warm, and then the coyote hauled it out and ate it. It's the moral of these new times of yours: Folks that throw dirt on you aren't always trying to hurt you, and folks who pull you out of a jam aren't always trying to help you. But the main point is, when you're up to your nose in ****, keep your mouth shut. This is why people like me gotta' go, and this is why you faked that gunfight to get me out of the West clean. Anyhow, I was getting to be one more old-timer, and the years don't make wisdom, they just make old age. One can be young in years and old in hours, like you. I guess I'm talking like a damn preacher, but it's your fault; what can you expect of a national monument? Well, keep your mind and your heart open, and if you ever meet one of those men you almost never meet, you can keep each other company, and it won't be so lonely for you. They say distance makes friendship grow stronger. Maybe so, 'cause after three days without you dogging my tracks, I kinda' miss you. I really gotta' sign off now, so even if you've been a stinkin' nosy troublemaker all the time, thanks for everything just the same. P.S.: Just one more piece of advice from an old-timer: When you're getting a shave and a cut, be sure the right man's wearing a jacket!“
~My Name is Nobody

3. “Dear Nobody, dying is not the worst thing that can happen to a man. Look at me... I've been dead for three days now, and have finally found my peace. You used to say that my life was hanging by a thread. Maybe so, but I'm afraid it's your life that's hanging by a thread now. And there's quite a few people who'd like to cut that thread. Yeah, I guess it's your way of feeling alive. See, there's a whole difference between you and me: I always try to steer away from trouble, while you seem to be looking for it all the time. But I must admit, you've been able to solve your share, even if you like others to take the credit. This way, you can remain a "nobody." You got it all nicely figured out. But you gambled too big this time, and there's too many people who know you're "somebody" after all. And you won't have much time left for playing your funny games. They'll make life harder and harder for you, until you too will meet somebody who wants to put you down in history. And so you'll find out that the only way to become a nobody again is to die. Anyhow, from now on, you'll be walking in my boots, and maybe you won't be laughing so loud anymore. But you can still do one thing: you can preserve a little of that illusion that made my generation tick. Maybe you'll do it in your own funny way, but you'll be grateful just the same. I guess looking back, it seems we were all a bunch of romantic fools. We still believed that a good pistol and a quick showdown could solve everything. But then, the West used to be wide-open spaces with lots of elbow room, and you never ran into the same person twice. By the time you came along, it was changed. It got smaller and crowded, and I kept bumping into the same people all the time. But if you're able to run around in the West peacefully catching flies, it's only 'cause fellows like me were there first. Yeah, the same fellow you want to see written up in history books, 'cause people need something to believe in, like you say. But you won't be able to have it your own way much longer, 'cause the country ain't the same anymore, and I'm already feeling a stranger myself. But, what's worse, violence has changed, too. It's grown, and got organized, and a good pistol don't mean a damn thing anymore. But I guess you must know all this, 'cause it's... your kind of time, not mine. And I also figured out the moral to your grandpa's story, the one about the cow that covered the little bird in cowpie to keep it warm, and then the coyote hauled it out and ate it. It's the moral of these new times of yours: Folks that throw dirt on you aren't always trying to hurt you, and folks who pull you out of a jam aren't always trying to help you. But the main point is, when you're up to your nose in ****, keep your mouth shut. This is why people like me gotta' go, and this is why you faked that gunfight to get me out of the West clean. Anyhow, I was getting to be one more old-timer, and the years don't make wisdom, they just make old age. One can be young in years and old in hours, like you. I guess I'm talking like a damn preacher, but it's your fault; what can you expect of a national monument? Well, keep your mind and your heart open, and if you ever meet one of those men you almost never meet, you can keep each other company, and it won't be so lonely for you. They say distance makes friendship grow stronger. Maybe so, 'cause after three days without you dogging my tracks, I kinda' miss you. I really gotta' sign off now, so even if you've been a stinkin' nosy troublemaker all the time, thanks for everything just the same. P.S.: Just one more piece of advice from an old-timer: When you're getting a shave and a cut, be sure the right man's wearing a jacket!“
~My Name is Nobody
Hey BooBooKittyFock, you were 3rd, so you can declare new topic